Stefanotis, home care, which requires some effort and attention from the grower due to the capricious nature of the plant, is an evergreen liana that got into city apartments from Madagascar. During flowering, the culture exudes a wonderful aroma. For this feature, the flower is unofficially called "Madagascar Jasmine."

Stefanotis: types

In addition to Madagascar, under the natural conditions of growth, a culture represented by 16 species can be found in Japan, China and Malaysia. Despite the many varieties, only one is grown as a pot culture - the stefanotis floribunda flower (it is also abundantly blooming). The species is a lianoid plant with shoots reaching 5 meters in length, which are covered by oppositely arranged leaves of a dark green color. During flowering, white flowers bloom, collected 8-10 pieces in corymbose inflorescences, which are a source of delicate aroma.

Stefanotis: features of cultivation

Before you get an exotic flower, it is worth considering some of its features:

  • The considerable size that the plant reaches makes it difficult to cultivate it in small-sized apartments.
  • The tropical nature of the flower, which plays a key role in organizing watering and providing moisture.
  • Photophilous plant.
  • The duration of the flowering period.
  • Aroma.

Home Care

Stefanotis, the beauty and aroma of which captivated the hearts of many gardeners, is considered a rather capricious flower. Therefore, to obtain abundant and prolonged flowering, some efforts should be made.

Location and Lighting

The flower needs a lot of soft light. Therefore, when choosing a place to place the pot, it is worth giving preference to the north-western windows through which direct rays of the scorching sun can not get. After the onset of a period of short daylight, an additional artificial lighting is organized using phytolamps with a power of 30 watts, which are located 25 cm from the plant.

Important! In the budding phase, the location of the flower should not change.

Ground and pot requirements

The plant feels good in a rather close pot with a good drainage layer filled with heavy soil with a hydrogen index of 5.5-6.5. The substrate can be prepared independently from peat, humus, sand, clay and soddy earth in equal parts.


The optimum temperature regime for stefanotis for the summer period is 20-25 ° C. In winter, the temperature must not be allowed to drop below 14 ° C. Due to the negative attitude of the culture to sharp temperature changes and drafts in the summer, it is not recommended to place the flower on a balcony or street.

Watering a flower and humidity

During the period of active development, the plant requires abundant moisturizing with standing water without lime content, in the intervals between which the earthen lump should dry. With the advent of winter, the volume of water for irrigation is reduced, and its excess is removed from the pan. The representative of the tropics is a hygrophilous plant and needs a high level of humidity, which can be achieved by systematic spraying. The plant is sprayed with warm, standing water.

Attention! During flowering and at low temperatures, spraying is not carried out.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Particularly acute stefanotis needs top dressing when a transplant has not been carried out for a long time and the soil is depleted. With the advent of spring and until mid-summer, the substrate is enriched three times a month with mineral fertilizers with a significant proportion of phosphorus, which favorably affects the formation of buds (superphosphate, ammophos and others).

Caution! Do not get carried away with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, which contribute to the rapid growth of green mass to the detriment of flowering.

Stefanotis transplant

In order to admire the abundantly blossoming liana every year, a transplant should be carried out regularly: young specimens are transplanted annually, adults - once every 2-3 years.

Transplanting crops in March, florist:

  1. Prepares a new pot, the diameter of which should be 2 cm larger than the previous one.
  2. A drainage layer is placed in the container, after which the flower is transferred from the old dishes.
  3. The voids are filled with a nutrient substrate for the vine.
  4. A support is installed for the vine, which, with proper care, grows rapidly.

Read also:home care for Maranta

Secrets of flowering

To achieve abundant and prolonged flowering, for which culture is so valued, it is necessary:

  1. Refuse spraying during the budding and flowering phases.
  2. Do not move the flower.
  3. Avoid extremes and high temperatures, drafts.

Trimming and shaping a bush

Since the buds are formed only on new shoots, the plant is trimmed when transplanted. With the advent of summer, a pinch of shoots is carried out, which allows for continuous flowering.

Winter care

From the month of October until the end of January, the plant is at rest, in which:

  • watering is reduced;
  • the plant moves to a cool, bright place.

Pests, diseases and methods of dealing with them

Damage caused by aphids, mealybugs and spider mites, which must be controlled with insecticides, can be noted on the vine.With strong occupation, it is recommended to carry out two-time processing with an interval of 10-14 days. Also, an exotic plant is affected by powdery mildew. To cope with a fungal disease, fungicide spraying is organized.

Breeding stefanotis

It is possible to propagate the vine by two methods - vegetative and generative. The latter method, due to its low efficiency and laboriousness at home, is rarely used.

To propagate stefanotis using a vegetative technique:

  1. Cuttings with several internodes are cut from apical shoots.
  2. Slicing sites are treated with a growth stimulator, after which the cuttings are immersed in a substrate of peat and sand.
  3. Landings are covered with a film and placed in heat, where they are systematically ventilated and moistened.
  4. After 1.5-2 months, when root formation occurs, cuttings of several pieces are planted in pots with nutritious loose soil mixture.
  5. After the shoots reach a half-meter height, they are cut off by ⅓ to stimulate branching.

The main problems when growing

Among the difficulties encountered by flower growers in the cultivation of tropical vines, the following stand out:

  • The discharge of buds, the causes of which are scarce watering or drafts.
  • The lack of colors associated with an excess of nitrogen in the substrate, temperature differences or a lack of light.
  • Yellowing of the foliage due to insufficient lighting or the presence of lime in water for watering and spraying.

Thus, despite the tropical origin, with proper care, the plant adapts perfectly at home, delighting owners with abundant flowering and expressive aroma.