The Staffordshire Terrier is a strong, hardy and energetic dog with pronounced protective instincts, which was bred for hard folk fun - dog fights. Contrary to popular belief, amstaff is not just a fighter, he is a loyal companion, able to remain faithful to his “human pack”.

Description and characteristics of the breed

Amstaff, as it is called in abbreviation, is a muscular representative of the service breed. A dog with an athletic physique perfectly copes with the tasks of protecting territories and people. However, the Staffordshire Terrier can not be called docile, so it is not recommended to start it for inexperienced dog breeders. His stubbornness and self-will require a long training and Spartan discipline. Otherwise, fearlessness, bordering on aggression without proper upbringing, can cause great misfortune.

Amstaff feels great in private homes with adjoining territory where he can run freely. In a city apartment, a pet with an athletic physique can also be kept without difficulty, but subject to long walks, during which the staff must be on a leash. The guard dog’s instincts are very aggravated by the fighting dog, because of which it can attack a potential threat, protecting its owner.

With children, if the terrier is well brought up, he has a warm relationship. But pets are not recommended. An exception may be only those pets with whom amstaff grew up side by side.

Origin history

The origin of the breed originates in England, where an English bulldog with excellent fighting qualities was crossed with a game terrier to obtain a dexterous, agile, fearless and stubborn dog to participate in dog fights. The result of breeding work was the emergence of pit bull terriers living in the families of wealthy citizens after the prohibition of fighting as guards and companions. In those days, the presence of a representative of the fighting breed significantly increased the prestige of the house.

In America, they were not going to refuse folk fun using dogs. Moreover, the functions of fearless pets also extended to the protection of territories, grazing and protection from coyotes. Breeders were tasked with breeding a more resilient, large and intellectually developed dog, which became the Staffordshire Terrier in 1936. The official name of the breed with the addition of "American" was established by the IFF in 1972 by amending the breed standards.

Staffordshire Terrier breed standard

The American Staffordshire Terrier must comply with the exterior parameters approved by the ICF Commission:

  • The head is of medium size with a pronounced transition from the muzzle to the forehead.
  • The nose is black.
  • The jaws are very strong.
  • Eyes - set wide apart with deep landing.
  • Ears - erect, set high, can be stopped at will.
  • Build - stocky, strong with a strongly developed chest.
  • Extremities - widely spaced, which gives the dog stability.
  • Tail - set low, rather short with a narrower end.
  • The coat is short.
  • Color - not regulated.
  • Height - 44-48 cm.
  • Weight - not limited, but should be proportional to physique.

Puppy selection criteria

The purchase of a fighting dog should be carried out only in specialized nurseries or from trusted breedersguided by the following rules:

  1. Staffordshire Terrier puppies should be playful and energetic.
  2. In order for a well-educated dog to grow from a baby, he must undergo socialization from the first days by communicating with parents, brothers and directly with the breeders.
  3. The pedigree puppy must be accompanied by a metric and a veterinary passport, indicating the presence of vaccinations by age.
  4. The breeder must tell in detail about the feeding regimen and diet.

The purpose and nature of the dog

The nature of amstaff is related to its origin. Initially, it was an exclusively fighting dog, which can be characterized by three nouns - strength, speed, and grip. But the Staffordshire Terrier should not be afraid. The right upbringing and training is made of a bold animal, ready for any sacrifice for the sake of his family, a wonderful friend and a loyal defender, who also does an excellent job with official work.

Representatives of the breed are not prone to a passive lifestyle. They love the movement and will keep the owner company during jogging, heats and active games. If the future owner is ready to make efforts to raise an amstaff, then dogs of other breeds will cease to interest him at all.

The thoroughbred and well-mannered staff terrier is balanced and devoid of unmotivated attacks of aggression, which can be observed in dogs purchased from unscrupulous breeders that cross amstaffs with other breeds. For a purebred pet with a good pedigree, who is brought up in the strictest discipline, the word of the owner is an unshakable law.

Maintenance, care and feeding

In order for the amstaff dog to feel comfortable and enjoy good health, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for keeping:

  • Place - Amstaff needs a quiet corner where a warm litter will lie. In the enclosure in the courtyard of the dog can only be kept in the summer with warm nights.
  • Walking - the dog needs a long stay on the street, where he will actively train, run, swim or play various games.

Hair and Skin Care

Amstaff has a very short coat. To keep it clean, it is enough to comb out the dog weekly with a special brush with a hard pile. To give the hair a gloss, you can resort to the use of car suede.

Terrier bathes as necessary. Before starting water procedures, the skin of the pet must be inspected for scratches or abrasions. Detected damage must be treated with an antiseptic.

Eye and ear care

Staff's eyes are subject to daily inspection and cleaning of secretions with cotton pads. Auricles are cleaned every week with a damp cotton wool sponge.

Claw care

An active dog, spending a lot of time on the street, shortens its claws in a natural way, grinding them on the road surface. If the horn formations began to knock on the laminate, you should cut them with special scissors. With constant walks on soft ground, it is recommended to carry out the procedure monthly.


Staffordshire Terrier spends a lot of effort and needs a balanced diet. It can be fed with dry deluxe foods or soft food prepared on its own. When composing the menu, you should know that the diet of amstaff should include 70% of raw lean meat and 30% of other products (boiled offal, yolks, fresh sour-milk products, vegetables).

How to train and educate amstaff

Thanks to the work of the media, showing news feeds about incidents of staff attacks on people, many believe this is a potentially dangerous breed. In reality, only the owners who simply did not raise a dog with the expressed instinct of a guard are guilty of such cases.

In order for a dog to grow up brought up and disciplined, it is necessary:

  • early socialization of puppies from two or three months of age;
  • establishment of the “master-pet” vertical, without which the owner will not receive respect and obedience;
  • refusal of games alone with children under 12 years of age, which unknowingly can provoke a violent reaction of the amstaff and themselves get a strong fright.

The main teams that amstaff remembers with ease should be worked out by the owner and dog daily. But on the issues of special skills training, you should turn to professional dog handlers.

Pros and cons of the breed

Before buying a puppy of the American Staffordshire Terrier, you should several times weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the breed, which it has on an equal basis with others.

Among the indisputable advantages stand out:

  • courage;
  • mental stability;
  • the ability to perform various tasks - security, hunting, sports and more;
  • excellent learning ability and developed intelligence;
  • good health.

Despite the fact that there are few shortcomings in the breed, their underestimation may cost the future owner and others too expensive.

The main disadvantages:

  • the need for training and serious education;
  • the need for constant strength training.

How much is the staffordshire terrier dog

Amstaff price directly depends on the place of purchase and compliance with the breed standards of the exterior:

  1. If the future owner is ready to take risks and acquire a puppy in the bird market without documents, he can invest in 5 thousand rubles. However, you should be aware that dogs with poor genetics manifest all its negative qualities. Such a pet in a year may begin to pose a danger not only to others, but also to the owner himself.
  2. Staffs of a pet class with a pedigree will cost 8 thousand rubles and more.
  3. If the dog breeder plans to acquire an exhibition dog, then it is worth preparing for a price of 25 thousand rubles.

So, the muscular and strong American Staffordshire Terrier is a wonderful friend, security guard, bodyguard. But without proper upbringing and a strong hand, he can become a threat to others.