Bed and furniture bed bugs are not uncommon guests, even in modern, comfortable, clean apartments. These parasites can cause serious inconvenience to all residents of the house. To cope with dangerous insects, it is enough to purchase the most effective remedy for bedbugs.

Types of parasite control agents

Most often, the owners use modern chemicals to control bed bugs in the apartment, which can easily be found in hardware stores. Work with such substances with extreme caution. If basic protection measures are not followed, treatment with pesticides against parasites can adversely affect the health of all inhabitants of the house.

Today, the chemical industry offers customers several types of remedies for combating bedbugs:

  1. Insecticides in powder. These substances help to destroy bugs, and cockroaches, and many other insects. They are highly efficient and easy to use. Such agents have a lasting effect on parasites. Among them stand out "Karbofos", "Pyrethrum", "Dust Clean House".
  2. Microencapsulated products. The poisonous substance from their composition remains valid for up to six months. Moreover, such drugs are completely safe for people, animals and birds. They are odorless. The list of such funds includes Ksulat S 25, Get and Minap 22.
  3. Aerosols. Each of them contains immediately 2-3 active toxic components. As a result, the agent acts instantly, paralyzing the nervous system of the insect. The most popular aerosols against bedbugs are Raid, Raptor, and Kombat.
  4. Liquid products with a high concentration of active substance. "Tetrix", "Executioner" and other such means are used in the form of an aqueous solution of the necessary concentration. Their main advantage is profitability. Small bottles will handle large-scale area.

Top 10 most effective remedies for bedbugs

How to get rid of bugs quickly and simply, it will be useful to know for every modern owner. First of all, it is worth exploring the "top ten" of the most effective and effective chemicals against the parasites in question. It includes drugs of various types.


The main active ingredient of the “Executioner” was fenthion. A bottle of the drug is dissolved in half a liter of ordinary tap water, after which the mixture is poured into a spray bottle. The resulting tool processes all surfaces of problem areas.

During spraying in the room should not be people and animals. The windows are wiped. After processing, the house should stand closed for a couple of days, after which it is thoroughly ventilated, and all textile accessories are washed.


This product is available as a suspension in capsules. One part is diluted with 15 parts of water, after which the liquid is poured into the spray. The tool processes walls, floors. Particular attention should be paid to joints, skirting boards, window sills.

The drug instantly destroys parasites. Since its action is very long, one treatment is enough even to destroy the next generation of insects that were in the eggs.


Active substances "Raptor" act on the nervous system of parasites, quickly paralyzing it. Available in the form of a convenient aerosol for use. As a result, it is convenient for them to handle even inaccessible places.

To consolidate the result, re-processing by the Raptor is required.


"Raid" has similar properties. This aerosol poisonous substance acts on insects according to the Raptor principle. It is also very convenient to use in the processing of the premises. The product is immediately ready for use.

After processing the premises with “Raid”, thorough ventilation will suffice. Leaving the apartment empty for several days is not required.


In order to permanently get rid of bugs with the help of "Fufanon", the processing of the room will need to be repeated several times. The product consists of phosphorous compounds, which makes it safe enough for the body of humans and animals.

The drug is produced in the form of ampoules, the contents of which are diluted in water. 5 liters of pure liquid are spent on 1 ampoule. After processing the premises, it must be left for 3-4 hours. Only after this time airing is allowed.

It is interesting:how to get rid of bed bugs in an apartment folk remedies

Delta zone

This is a universal insect repellent that quickly copes, including with bugs. Its main active ingredient is pyrethroid. The drug is produced in the form of a suspension. It is relatively harmless to humans and is economically consumed.

To process the room, a solution is prepared from 10 ml of a suspension and 1 liter of pure water. Then it is sprayed using a conventional spray gun on problem areas.


This anti-bug spray has its pros and cons. Its main advantage is high efficiency and ease of use. You do not need to prepare any solutions, just spray the store tool.

Among the disadvantages of the drug, it should be noted its high consumption. One cylinder is enough for an average of 5 square meters. m. premises.


This drug has two main active ingredients at once - Metaphos and Citrometrin. Together, they paralyze parasites and lead to their rapid death. The tool continues to act on insects for 20 days. It is resistant even to high temperatures.

Due to Metaphos in the composition of such a drug is recommended for use by professionals.If you use it yourself, you need to take care of highly effective protective equipment.


The tool is a golden liquid based on permethrin. In general, the drug is safe for human health, but if used improperly, it can cause an allergic reaction.

If we talk about the effectiveness of the drug, then it is average. To destroy the bug, direct contact of the agent with it is necessary. In addition, Forsyth has an unpleasant odor.


This remedy is the only one to which the parasites do not develop immunity over time. Processing with such a preparation is carried out in exactly the same way as the “Executioner”, but the owner of the house must take care of closed clothing, tight gloves and a respirator.

How to get rid of bedbugs using folk remedies?

To combat bloodsuckers, folk remedies are also actively used. The composition of such recipes always includes sharply smelling plants, which repel insects with their bright aroma. They are used both in dry and in fresh form. The list of folk remedies for bedbugs also includes a mixture of essential oils, kerosene, turpentine, naphthalene, vinegar and other similar components.

When the discussed problem appears in the apartment, the first thing worth trying is to spread fresh or dry wormwood in the corners and in places where parasites accumulate. You can also wipe the surface with essential oils with coniferous aroma.

To treat the places through which insects enter the house, a remedy is prepared from vinegar and a strong decoction of wormwood (in the proportions of 1 to 3). If the owners managed to find the "nest" of parasites, it must be filled with a mixture of alcohol (90%), vinegar and naphthalene. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions.

A mixture of 100 ml of cresol, 10 g of naphthalene and a full glass of kerosene becomes very effective. She processes the places of accumulation of insects with a silicone brush. They really dislike bugs and the smell of turpentine. 18 g of carbolic acid and 3 g of salicylic acid are dissolved in 40 ml of this product. Processing is also done with a brush in the habitat of parasites.

The Most Powerful Pest Control Tool

Bed bugs deprive all inhabitants of the apartment of sleep. They are activated at night and painfully bite the delicate areas of the skin. Therefore, such a problem should be eliminated as soon as possible.

The fight against bed bugs should begin with the processing of mattresses, all furniture (especially the internal parts), the joints of wallpaper, baseboards, the inside of carpets. Non-toxic agents are used for this. The most powerful and effective among them is Mikrofos. The basis of this drug is chlorpyrifos. This active ingredient is characterized by low toxicity and a complete lack of smell.

The poison continues to operate for six months. Therefore, reprocessing is not required. After it, the room is well ventilated for 2-3 hours. A thorough wet cleaning is also carried out.