Dreaming of lush and long eyelashes? We hasten to please you - to achieve this is quite real! And on their own, at home. There are pharmacy products for eyelash growth, as well as cosmetic products, and alternative methods. You can learn more about all the methods in this article.
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Cosmetics for eyelash growth at home
Often, to find the right tool, you have to try many drugs. We suggest you familiarize yourself with a selection of the best products.
Eyelash serum
Serum is a fortified innovative product, which includes the following substances:
- plant extracts;
- chemical compounds from laboratory research;
- vitamins and minerals.
The tool favorably affects the eyelashes, providing a number of actions:
- Restores the structure of hairs after a negative chemical effect. For example, after building.
- Thickens the structure and gives the eyelashes a natural bend.
- Helps restore bulbs, the development of which has slowed due to a disease.
- Provides proper eyelash care.
- Fills hairs with vitamins.
- Actively affects sleeping hair follicles, which helps to accelerate the growth of eyelashes.
- Protects from the negative effects of external factors.
Thanks to the effects of such a preparation, cilia strengthen, nourish and grow.
Cilia also need vitamins, like the whole body. Cosmetic preparations nourish them, saturating with necessary microelements.
Popular serums include:
- Eyelash Booster;
- Eveline, Feg;
- and Almea xlash.
They also praise the products of Aleran. She has a convenient form of release, in the form of mascara, and a stunning effect.
According to the reviews of the girls, all of the above funds give an excellent result. Each only needs to individually choose “their” product.
Preparations based on bimatoprost and its analogues
Bimatoprost-based products were previously intended only for the treatment of eye pressure. They were prescribed for glaucoma. After a while, it was noticed that such drugs have a beneficial effect on the condition of eyelashes. Namely, they increase in volume and contribute to their growth.
Bimatoprost is a synthetic substance that contains marine coral extract. It actively affects the development of hair follicles - the component enhances blood flow, causing all sleeping bulbs to wake up. Thus, the hairs begin to grow faster. To apply such funds is very simple. It is necessary to close your eyes, and distribute the drug at the roots of the eyelashes with a brush.
Means based on bimatoprost and its analogues are many. They are presented in different forms of release and price categories.
The most popular products include the following:
- Latisse
- Maxlash
- Dreamlash
- Kareprost.
Despite the fact that the above drugs are considered safe, their use can cause side effects.
Gels for growth
Gel products for eyelashes belong to the category of decorative cosmetics. Accordingly, in stores with the presented line of this type of goods, gels can also be found.
Such gels are no longer intended for growth, but for strengthening eyelashes. Moreover, the stronger the hairs, the longer and bulkier they are.
The product is in the form of mascara, which makes its use very convenient.
Among the beautiful customers, it is in great demand and there are a number of reasons for this:
- You can not use mascara, as the gel thickens the cilia, makes them brighter and gives them a beautiful shape.
- It does not cause side effects.
- Compact and comfortable.
- A gel-like texture creates a protective film. Mascara, any other cosmetics, bad weather conditions, etc. cannot damage the hair structure.
- Cilia nourish and strengthen.
Apply the gel before makeup.
Gel products:
- Oh M’Eye Lash;
- Double Lash
- Revita Lash Advanced.
Reviews of the above drugs are mostly good, so it’s among them that you may be able to choose the best tool for eyelash growth. Some gels can be used as mascara fixers.
When caring for eyelashes externally, do not forget about internal treatment. Proper nutrition and obtaining the necessary substances and vitamins are the key to beautiful skin, nails and hair, including eyelashes.
Vitamin complexes are purchased in pharmacies.
The following groups are necessary for the growth and beauty of eyelashes:
- B - contributes to the active work of the bulbs.
- A - gives hair elasticity.
- E - enriches with oxygen, enhances blood circulation.
In addition to pharmacy complexes, it is advisable to pay attention to food products enriched with vitamins.
The most suitable components for eyelash growth are presented in the following products:
- "Selmevit";
- "Aevit";
- Complivit;
- LadyS Formula.
You can purchase vitamins of individual groups in capsules. It will be convenient to use them not only inside, but also externally. For example, in home masks.
Folk remedies for eyelash growth and their strengthening
For supporters of traditional medicine, the most effective methods have been selected here that contribute to the growth and strengthening of eyelashes.
Castor oil
A unique oil with a number of positive properties. Such a bottle should be in every girl who loves herself, because this tool was created to care for the whole body.
Acids, which are part of the castor extraction, enhance blood circulation, which contributes to the active work of the follicles - and this is growth and strengthening.
To apply means is very simple.Take a brush from the old mascara, dip it into the composition and gently apply on the cilia, as if painting them. Leave the oil for half an hour, then rinse it off with a cotton pad.
The course of castor therapy is 1 month. Doing the procedure will be enough 3 times a week. At the same time, daily use of eyelashes does not harm.
It is proven that if you often sleep on your stomach, you can damage the eyelashes. Try to change postures for sleeping.
Calendula mask
In order to prepare a calendula eyelash mask, the following ingredients will be required:
water - 100 ml;
- castor oil - 1 tsp;
- calendula flowers - 1 tbsp. l
- A decoction is made. The flowers are filled with water, brought to a boil and boiled for 5 minutes.
- The broth is filtered and cooled.
- Oil is added. The components are mixed and applied to the eyelashes.
- The composition is aged 15 minutes, then washed off.
Such a mask should not be used often. Enough 1-2 times a week.
To avoid eye inflammation, change mascara every 3-4 months.
Burr oil
Burdock oil accelerates hair and eyelash growth. It can be applied both in pure form and in masks.
A mask of burdock and castor oils has a good effect. The components are taken in equal amounts, 1 teaspoon each. The ingredients are mixed and applied to the eyelashes with a clean brush from the old mascara. After 15 minutes, the composition is washed off.
Mask with aloe juice
Aloe is a unique plant with a number of useful properties. The mask with its juice not only promotes the growth and strengthening of eyelashes, but also produces an antibacterial effect. Great for the prevention of various diseases. For example, barley.
- castor oil - 1 tsp;
- scarlet juice - 1 tsp.
The components are mixed together and applied to the eyelashes. You can wash off the mask after 15 minutes.
To preserve the beauty of eyelashes, do not forget to wash off your makeup daily before going to bed.
Wheat germ oil and Shostakovsky balm
Components such as wheat germ oil and Shostakovsky balsam have a strong effect on eyelash growth. Therefore, their combination produces a visible effect.
To make a super-effective mask, you need to mix these ingredients and add a little Vaseline to them. One teaspoon will be enough oil, the same quantity of Vaseline. But the balm should be taken in half.
The mixture is completely harmless and does not irritate the mucous membrane. You can apply it twice a day daily.
Do not apply oil at night.
You run the risk of waking up with red eyes and "bags" under them. The fact is that the product drains under the eyelid, irritating the mucous membrane.
Can massage accelerate growth?
Massage is the most affordable way to accelerate eyelash growth. It contributes not only to the active work of the hair follicles, but also has a beneficial effect on the structure and condition of the eyelashes in general.
Massage recommendations:
- It is better to massage with the application of oils or special preparations.
- It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the evening, after removing makeup.
- It is necessary to observe regularity. Massage is done daily, with a minimum course of 1 month.
- Remember, the skin of the eyelids is very delicate. Therefore massage it carefully.
The technique is to massage the skin of the eyelids (lower and upper). The movements are soft and light, carried out by the fingertips. First, pats are made, then pressure from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. The procedure ends with a light pat on the skin of the lower eyelids and a quick blink.
Now you have learned the best and most affordable ways to beauty cilia. The natural well-groomed look can not be compared with any salon procedure for building and similar methods. Eyelashes need nutrition and proper care, which only you can give them. Therefore, choose the appropriate method for yourself and start the course of growth and strengthening today.