The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the options for a healthy wholesome diet. This system is typical for the Mediterranean, but recently (when seafood, vegetables, greens became available to customers at any time of the year) has gained popularity in Russia. It simultaneously improves the condition of a person and simultaneously launches several mechanisms of weight loss.

Features of the diet in Russia

In Russia, it is not easy to follow the diet in question, especially in the winter. That's because her diet should include a large amount of fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, seafood on a daily basis.

But, since it is not forbidden to eat frozen foods, you can prepare for the diet in advance. For example, stock up on homemade tomatoes, sweet peppers, herbs, broccoli, green beans. After freezing, it is allowed to stew, cook, bake.

Seafood can be purchased frozen. It is better to choose a sea cocktail, boil it or grill it.

For many residents of Russia, it turns out to be especially difficult to refuse to use potatoes. In some families, it is a staple food. You will have to replace the usual potatoes with cabbage, eggplant, tomatoes, olives and olives. Instead of a side dish, you will need to supplement the fish or meat with vegetable salads.

The principles of the Mediterranean diet

The main principle of the Mediterranean diet is the daily consumption of large quantities of fresh / heat-treated vegetables.

They will become the basis of the diet. It is advisable to use farm vegetables or fruits from your own garden.

The remaining principles of such a power system:

  1. Eating will be required in small portions. It is advisable to have a snack every 2-3 hours.
  2. Protein and fiber should predominate in the diet. Such a rule will help to quickly put your figure in order.
  3. Cooking meals should not contain sugar and various harmful additives (especially - flavor enhancers and flavorings).
  4. It is imperative to develop an adequate water regime for yourself. It is worth drinking pure unsweetened water without gases.
  5. Dishes are not fried, but boiled, baked, steamed.
  6. Diet should be supplemented by physical activity. You can choose for yourself any moderate exercise - from the simplest morning exercises to daily swimming or boxing training with a personal trainer. The discussed power system will withstand sports loads of different levels. Https: // V = Gu8shjqoMCY

Recommended and Prohibited Products

As described above, the basis of the diet are vegetables. You can eat any daily except potatoes.

There are special diet rules for other foods:

  1. The only valid dressing / sauce for any meal is quality olive oil. This rule helps to reduce cholesterol, which is found in large quantities, for example, in mayonnaise.
  2. The amount of meat on the menu should be minimal. Instead, it is worth eating seafood and fish. When choosing the latter, you should pay attention to low-fat varieties.
  3. You can pamper yourself with various cheeses daily. The main thing is that the product should not be greasy.
  4. Any sweets and pastries are strictly prohibited. For tea, you can serve natural honey and fruit treats.
  5. Bananas are not prohibited, but it is worth limiting their number due to the high calorie content. All other fruits, berries are allowed.
  6. Soda, cottage cheese, chocolate, alcohol are strictly prohibited. Of the latter, it is allowed to drink only dry red / white wine - no more than 2 glasses a week.
  7. Daily to consume in portions of any dairy product. Natural yogurt or kefir is perfect for this. Compliance with the rule will positively affect the work of the entire digestive tract and metabolism.
  8. The use of carbohydrates on such a diet is mandatory. But they are allowed to be taken exclusively at breakfast. It can be pasta, porridge, bread.

Sample menu for the week

Every person can make a hearty and tasty menu for a week for himself.

The main thing is to comply with the basic rules of the discussed power system.

If you can’t do this on your own, you should use the universal option already drawn up by the nutritionist:

1 day

  • Fruit platter and granola with yogurt for breakfast.
  • Assorted vegetables with a handful of shrimps, grilled for lunch.
  • Hake baked with cabbage for dinner.
  • Snacks - banana and yogurt, vegetable / fruit salad with juice of any citrus.

2 day

  • Sandwich made of bread with low-fat cheese and tomatoes (you can use sun-dried tomatoes).
  • Baked lamb meat with vegetables.
  • Serving mix of white / brown rice with grapefruit.
  • Vegetable salad with unsweetened yogurt, avocado sandwiches.

3 day

  • A mixture of pieces of papaya, orange and apple, poured with yogurt with honey.
  • Vegetable stew with fish.
  • Any light salad and a serving of chicken.
  • Crispbread with ham and cheese, fresh fruit.

4 day

  • Bread with butter, boiled beef, a serving of berries.
  • Pasta with turkey and herbs.
  • Sea fish with grilled vegetable platter.
  • Mozzarella with bread, bananas, kefir.

5 day

  • Boiled eggs, bread with shrimp and herbs.
  • Braised chicken, pasta, tomato juice.
  • Grilled vegetables with squid.
  • Homemade yogurt with berries, bread with arugula.

6 day

  • Muesli with any dairy product, peach.
  • Chicken with broccoli.
  • Pasta with sea cocktail.
  • Sandwiches with chicken ham and herbs, grapes.

7 day

  • Porridge with dried fruits, unsweetened yogurt.
  • Rice with mixed vegetables, a serving of veal in soy sauce.
  • Fish in foil stuffed with vegetable filling.
  • Grapefruits, fruit and berry salad.

Mediterranean Diet Recipes

There are many successful recipes for dishes of the Mediterranean diet. The simplest and most delicious are collected below.

Green Pea Pasta


  • any paste - 200 - 230 g;
  • green peas (ice cream) - ½ tbsp .;
  • low-fat crushed cheese - 1 full glass;
  • olive oil - 1 dessert spoon;
  • lime juice - a couple of drops;
  • greens (dry, fresh), salt.


  1. Cook the paste according to the instructions on the product box.
  2. Pour peas with water. After boiling, cook it for 4 to 6 minutes.
  3. Mix ready-made foods.
  4. In a separate bowl, combine lime juice, oil, selected herbs, salt, cheese.
  5. Pour the paste with the resulting mixture into peas.

Mix everything well. Serve hot treats for breakfast.

Gazpacho soup


  • ripe tomatoes - a pound;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • lettuce colored pepper - 1 pod;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3-5 cloves;
  • olive oil - 2 dessert spoons;
  • wine vinegar (dark) - 1 small. a spoon;
  • salt.


  1. All vegetables declared in the recipe must be cleaned. To easily do this with tomatoes, they must first be doused with boiling water, then with ice water. After this procedure, the whole dense skin is easily removed from vegetables.
  2. From the peppers, carefully select the seeds. If desired, the middle with the seeds can be cut from fresh cucumbers. A dense skin is also cut off from the latter.
  3. Cut all prepared vegetables (including peeled onions) into cubes. Send them to the blender bowl. Pour small pieces of peeled garlic there.
  4. To beat the products in the kitchen assistant to the state of a thick and maximally uniform mashed potatoes.
  5. Add salt and wine vinegar to the resulting mass. Mix well.

Such refreshments can be tasted chilled or slightly warmed up. It is great for lunch or dinner on the diet in question.

Rice salad


  • sun-dried tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • basmati (rice) - 1 full glass;
  • Feta cheese - 70 - 80 g;
  • peeled raw peanuts - 2 dessert spoons;
  • fresh mint - a couple of leaves;
  • olive oil - 2 dessert spoons;
  • salt and spices.


  1. Cook the cereals until cooked according to the instructions.
  2. Pre-steamed tomatoes cut into small pieces.
  3. Mix cooled rice with tomatoes.
  4. Slightly fry the peeled nuts in a dry skillet. Coarse chop with a sharp knife.
  5. Cheese cut into squares.
  6. Add nuts and feta to the base of the salad.
  7. Salt everything, season with spices, pour oil.

Supplement the finished treat with fresh mint.

Fruit dessert


  • banana - 1 ripe;
  • fresh berries (any) - 1 handful;
  • fresh orange - 1 full glass;
  • peach - 1 pc.


  1. Peel all fruits, cut into large pieces. Send into the blender bowl.
  2. Pour the same berries there.
  3. Pour all fresh.
  4. At high speeds, kill the ingredients together.

Serve the treat very cold in tall glasses.

How to get out of a diet

Despite the fact that such a diet cannot be called strict, the transition back to the usual food system must be properly organized. It is not recommended to immediately return to your diet fatty meat in large quantities, sugar, alcohol and potatoes. Otherwise, all the work will be useless.

Gradually, for breakfast, you can introduce butter into porridge and start cooking it in milk / cream, increase the amount of meat dishes used, as well as the fat content of dairy products. Full completion of the diet will last about a month. During this time, the body will gradually reorganize back to the previous regime. It is useful to carry out fasting days during the transition. It will be enough 2-3 per month.

If you start to eat fatty foods in large quantities in the early days, then you can not avoid heartburn or indigestion. It is useful to carry out fasting days during the transition. It will be enough 2-3 per month. It is not necessary to starve at this time. It is enough to eat stewed vegetables, drink kefir, freshly squeezed carrot juice.

What results can be achieved

The Mediterranean diet for weight loss per week allows you to get rid of just 2-3 extra kilos. This food system is more suitable for daily compliance. If a person makes it permanent, he will not only achieve an ideal figure without fasting and special efforts, but also generally improve his health.

The main mistakes of losing weight people

The main mistakes of people who decided to adhere to such a diet are a misunderstanding of which products can be used. For example, bread is allowed in the diet in question. But you need to remember that the inhabitants of the Mediterranean rarely eat pastries of their white flour. Therefore, bread is worth buying rye. Pasta is allowed to choose exclusively from durum wheat.

The Mediterranean diet also includes olive oil almost daily. It falls into the list of allowed products, but you need to limit the portions of vegetable fat. So, for filling a serving of salad, 1 small spoonful of oil will be enough. If you begin to abuse the permitted product, the calories in its composition will make all the work in vain.