Excessive CRP in the blood, what is it and what does it indicate? C - reactive protein (CRP) is an enzyme that produces the liver during severe inflammation or the appearance of a tumor. This is such a protective mechanism on the part of the immune system that starts when there is a serious danger. Excessive CRP in the blood indicates obvious or hidden problems in the body.
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Causes of Increased C-Reactive Protein
More recently, laboratory studies could not give an accurate numerical indicator of CRP in the blood. It was only possible to determine a “negative” result or “positive” - from 1 to 4 pluses. But modern reagents and advanced research methods can produce more accurate results. The norm is considered indicators from 0 to 0.3-0.5 mg / l.
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However, the norm of CRP in the blood of women may in some cases differ from the norm, but not at all indicate problems. So, for example, during gestation or the use of certain contraceptives, the hormonal balance changes, and, as a result, there is an increase in the level of CRP. This is a temporary phenomenon, which you need to inform your doctor in advance before taking the test. CRP increases significantly, during gestation, for example, up to 3.0 mg / L. And at the age of 50, the fair sex of CRP should always be normal.
What diseases cause an increase in CRP?
If the test showed an overestimated concentration of CRP, then this situation directly indicates the presence of some pathologies. Among them:
- atherosclerosis;
- joint inflammation;
- bone pathology;
- consequences of surgery;
- the presence of infections;
- heart attack;
- cardiovascular pathology;
- post-traumatic condition for burns, internal and external injuries;
- collagenosis;
- diabetes;
- protein imbalance;
- a consequence of biochemistry;
- atherogenic dyslipidemia;
- pathology of the stomach, intestines;
- hormonal obesity;
- infection.
That is, the assessment of the level of CRP itself does not indicate a specific disease, but indicates a problem. So, there is a need for other tests to establish a more accurate diagnosis. Re-analysis of CRP is done when monitoring of the course of treatment is required. With adequate treatment, C-reactive protein will decrease.
Physiological conditions affecting C-reactive protein
Analysis of CRP allows you to get a result within minutes, to determine the presence of inflammation, its severity. And take action in a timely manner. And also prescribe appropriate treatment with antibiotics. The duration of treatment will depend on the degree of excess of CRP.
Physiological conditions such as:
- infectious diseases;
- rheumatic pathologies;
- cardiovascular problems;
- fungal diseases;
- lung diseases.
In addition, an excess of CRP may indicate the presence of cancer processes that are asymptomatic. As well as the appearance of tumor metastases.
C-protein and pregnancy
During gestation, it is very important that everything is in order in the body. And CRP analysis is one of the most important for the early diagnosis of inflammatory processes. It is considered normal during pregnancy to increase CRP to 3.0 mg / L.
But if the indicator is higher, then there are problems:
- excess to 10 mg / l may indicate the presence of atherosclerosis;
- an excess of 10 to 30 mg / l is a sign of viral infections, rheumatic diseases;
- an excess of 40 to 200 mg / l is a more serious problem.
To accurately determine the concentration of CRP, a biochemical blood test is performed.
How to get tested
Analysis for CRP is obtained as a result of blood sampling from a vein in the morning on an empty stomach. So you can get a more accurate estimate. The direction is issued by the attending physician. The results of the laboratory study are ready in 9-12 hours. In emergency cases, the analysis is done in 2-3 hours.
Analysis preparation
In order for the CRP indicator to be the most accurate, the following rules for preparing for analysis should be observed:
- Do not eat 12 hours before the procedure;
- the day before the procedure, you need to use only water, refuse coffee and tea, from fatty and fried foods, alcohol;
- 2-3 hours before the test do not smoke;
- at least a day before the procedure, do not be nervous, cancel strong physical exertion.
The most accurate results are obtained with morning blood sampling for analysis. If a person takes some medications that increase the level of protein, it is worth warning the laboratory assistant and the doctor about this.
Explanation of Values
The level of CRP indicates the presence of certain pathologies. Depending on the indicators of CRP in the blood, the doctor may establish a diagnosis. So, for example:
- Viral infections, tumor metastases, chronic inflammation cause an increase in CRP concentration to 10-30 mg / L.
- If we are talking about a bacterial infection, tissue damage, acute myocardial infarction, exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis and a number of other chronic diseases, then the CRP index will be exceeded to 40-100 mg / l, and sometimes up to 200 mg / l.
- With sepsis, burns, tuberculosis, meningitis and other severe generalized infections, the excess of CRP will reach 300-1000 mg / l.
The reference values may vary in different laboratories, therefore, the analysis of the analysis should be carried out by specialists of the medical institution where the analysis was carried out.
Non pathological excess
In some cases, C-reactive protein may also be abnormal, but this does not apply to the disease. For instance:
- toxicosis during pregnancy;
- drinking alcohol before taking the test;
- the use of hormonal drugs;
- the use of combined contraceptives;
- surgical interventions;
- the presence of implants.
In the presence of such a situation, the patient should warn the doctor about this before the analysis. Since the estimate of the concentration of CRP in the blood can be overstated or underestimated.
In some cases, the doctor may temporarily discontinue the use of hormonal drugs to take a CRP test. Or postpone the analysis until the person is completely treated. It is also important to know that with early toxicosis in expectant mothers, C-reactive protein is always elevated.
CRP positive or negative - value in women
Unlike many other analyzes, the norm of C-reactive protein is the same for the strong and weak sex, and age does not matter either. With the advent of high-tech medicine and hypersensitive reagents, it has become easy to determine the level of CRP. The norm is considered to be 5 ml / l. A basic value of CRP is considered an indicator of less than 1 ml / l. CRP-negative means that the person has no inflammation. But sometimes, even when a person feels completely normal, the result of the analysis suggests the opposite. And this is not a mistake at all.
CRP-positive without any signs of the disease occurs in women in the following cases:
- gynecological problems (endometriosis, endometritis, cervical erosion, etc.);
- oncological diseases (breast cancer, cervical cancer, occurring without obvious signs);
- protracted chronic infections, which until a certain time do not bother.
Often, a sexually transmitted infection, cystitis, pyelonephritis, and urethritis are a clear factor in overstated C-reactive protein. No less common are diseases such as pancreatitis, chronic cholecystitis, dysbiosis, etc.
CRP-negative happens in women over 50. If suddenly the indicator is positive, then there is a high probability of some kind of inflammation.
Is CRP analysis always prescribed?
Analysis of C-reactive protein is not included in the diagnostic standard.
It is prescribed in certain situations:
- doubts about autoimmune reactions;
- difficulty in establishing a diagnosis;
- liver damage
- progressive atherosclerosis;
- pathological changes in diabetes;
- risks of strokes and heart attacks;
- monitoring the condition of the body after organ transplantation;
- monitoring drug treatment;
- postoperative complications.
It is important to remember that an indicator of an abnormal level of C-reactive protein is just a symptom. And the doctor establishes the diagnosis on the basis of other studies. It is important to follow all the doctor's recommendations in order to restore health.