Get a beautiful figure, become physically active - who does not dream about it? However, it is not always possible to get closer to your ideal, since visiting the gym and exercising can be very difficult. Therefore, you need to adopt another effective way - sports nutrition for weight loss for women. It will help to obtain much more significant results, accelerate the process of losing weight and consolidate the achieved indicators.
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Basic principles of sports nutrition
Excess weight is not only the consequences of malnutrition, but also a violation of the metabolic process in the body. The body of a person trying to lose weight, and even more so, visiting the gym, needs an additional influx of vitamins and minerals, including proteins and amino acids.
Often it is the lack of certain substances in the body that causes excessive appetite and, as a result, an increase in body weight.
Therefore, the term "sports nutrition" is applicable to various kinds of biologically active additives, which are an additional aid to the body during the diet and active physical activity.
Types of sports nutrition drugs are different - it can be capsules or tablets, powders or cocktails:
- Amino acids and protein supplements are most often produced in the form of cocktails. They are an additional source of protein for the growth and strengthening of muscle mass.
- Weight gainers are a complex of nutrients that combines proteins with carbohydrates in strict proportion.Such a drink allows not only maintaining muscles in order, but also restoring the forces expended on active physical activity.
- Complex dietary supplements contain vitamins and minerals.
- Fat burners break down fat cells or act on the body so that it begins to do this on its own.
- Energy helps boost stamina.
Synthetic drugs and hormonal anabolics are not sports nutrition. It is illegal in sports doping, which can harm health.
It is only necessary to use products created from natural raw materials and safe for the body. It is important to choose the right sports nutrition system, depending on the individual characteristics of the body and physical activity. But how to choose sports nutrition for women? The gym coach will help you best. If it’s not possible to attend a sports club, then at home you should adhere to the “do no harm” strategy. Then it will be possible to achieve the necessary indicators both quickly and painlessly.
Slimming Pharmacy Fat Burners
Pharmacy chains usually use dietary supplements as slimming products. They are not pharmaceuticals, do not contain medicinal components. Most often they are made from plant and other natural raw materials, which are saturated with useful substances.
Supplements in general improve health, have a cleansing effect on various systems of the body and contribute to weight loss in various ways. Including, reduce appetite.
At the same time, there is no depletion of the body, since these non-drug preparations include trace elements and vitamins. On the contrary, when applied, the hair, nails and skin are healed.
Among the dietary supplements offered in pharmacies and intended for weight loss, there are fat burners that have a lipolytic effect. This is the name of the ability of certain substances to break down fats intensely, moreover, both those entering the body during food intake, and already accumulated. However, such drugs have contraindications and side effects. Therefore, it is better to take them with medical supervision.
All dietary supplements that promote weight loss can be divided into the following groups:
- Diuretic. They contribute to the elimination of fat cells with excess fluid, so they are diuretics. They are used only in conjunction with other types of drugs that break down fats.
- Blocking. These active additives help ensure that carbohydrates and proteins bind or block fats entering the body and protect them from digestion. Thus, the "excess" fats coming from food pass through the gastrointestinal tract unchanged and are completely eliminated from the body.
- Anorexing. Such drugs reduce appetite. They can not be taken constantly and lose weight only on a similar group of dietary supplements. It is permissible to use them only in combination with other drugs, including vitamin and mineral supplements. In no case should you abuse such funds, as this will cause irreparable harm to health.
- Thermogenerating. They increase metabolism by increasing body temperature. Such a process intensely breaks down fat cells, while the muscle tissue remains intact. Take such drugs only in certain cycles, with interruptions. Care should be taken with the accompanying instructions and monitor your condition. After all, with excessive enthusiasm for fat burners, you can harm both your health and beauty.
Weight Loss Drinks
There are different protein shakes in composition.
They are divided into the following groups:
- dairy or casein;
- soya;
- serum;
- Egg
- complex.
The drink can be diluted with milk, juice or water.
Protein shake is one of the main sports nutrition products used for weight loss.
The fact is that with active weight loss, along with fat cells, the body can lose muscle mass, if not supported by protein supplementation. Only in the presence of a large amount of protein is the process of muscle building going. The body does not accumulate these substances in reserve, forming fats, but consumes them.
Protein drinks increase metabolism, reduce appetite, and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Protein shakes contain L carnitine, which contributes to the rapid burning of fats. Therefore, the muscles do not lose tone, the skin remains smooth and even.
But it should be understood that protein drinks alone do not give the desired result. They are effective only in combination with exercise and proper nutrition.
Metabolic Fat Burning Products
Fat burners in sports nutrition help to actively break down fat cells by increasing body temperature. In combination with physical activity, they give the greatest result for weight loss.
The composition of such drugs must necessarily include at least one of the special substances that accelerate the metabolism:
- caffeine;
- synephrine;
- chromium picolinate;
- L carnitine;
- linoleic acid;
- ephedrine.
It is necessary to buy fat burners only from those companies that have already proven themselves well, experimenting in this matter is not worth it. Cheap products of dubious origin can be harmful.
Typically, fat burners are used in combination with vitamin and mineral supplements, which helps support the body during rapid weight loss. Indeed, active weight loss is stress, which may be accompanied by not quite pleasant symptoms and health consequences. Useful vitamins and minerals completely eliminate this problem.
There are many sports nutrition products that contain perfectly balanced complexes of both fat burners and vitamins - these are Hydroxycut Advanced, CLA, Lipo-6, Super Fat Burner and others.
How and when to take supplements
A positive effect with weight loss can be achieved only if you follow the sports nutrition regime. It is necessary to take drinks and drugs on time, strictly following the instructions. Moreover, the result depends on what the goal is being pursued - someone is gaining muscle mass, someone is “drying up”, someone wants to just lose weight by dropping fat ballast ... Therefore, there are no “recipes for everyone”, in this matter you need an individual an approach. Nevertheless, some general tips will help you orient yourself.
- Immediately after waking up, a protein isolate is taken. It can be both soy and whey protein. These same drinks and drugs are recommended to be drunk, half an hour after a workout - so they act much more effectively.
- Complex protein shakes, which are more designed for weight loss, and not for strengthening muscles, should be drunk at night. It is known that during sleep, the body continues to actively break down fats and spend the released energy on the restoration of various systems. Therefore, additional help to your body is simply necessary. In addition, these drugs can “stop” excessive evening and night appetite.
Despite taking protein preparations, the body still needs additional amino acids, including essential amino acids. Therefore, protein foods — fish, nuts, eggs, milk, etc., cannot be excluded from your diet at this time. They contain vitamins, microelements, and other “building materials” necessary for the body to renew cells and improve health.
Physical activity in sports nutrition
During active physical exertion, the body experiences severe discomfort. Sports nutrition is able to support the body, replenishing it with additional necessary substances.It also helps to release more energy by increasing metabolism. However, the daily menu should remain the main source of nutrients.
You can not limit yourself to eating too strictly. Nutrition for weight loss should be balanced.
In the daily diet must be present:
- meat and fish;
- fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits;
- low-fat dairy products;
- carbohydrates (including potatoes, durum wheat pasta, wholemeal confectionery, such as oatmeal cookies)
- dried fruits, nuts, seeds.
It is necessary to adhere to a clear schedule of training, eating and sports nutrition drugs. You need to eat fractionally, in small portions up to five times a day. And to train - regularly so that the body works smoothly.
Be sure to drink more water and especially during training. Take the main portion of food before physical activity, for three hours. Carbohydrates are best consumed after exercise, as are protein-carbohydrate sports nutrition shakes. And from the food that can cause discomfort and malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to refuse altogether. These are foods high in fiber, fats, sugars, fried foods. It is better not to eat legumes (beans and peas, cabbage).
The intake of food and sports nutrition preparations should go strictly according to the schedule, combined with training. After seven o’clock in the evening, dinner is prohibited. You can only drink a glass of kefir or eat one apple.
Side effects and contraindications
Particular attention should be paid to the adverse effects that the use of sports nutrition drugs and fat burners can have on health.
Almost all protein products are safe. With few exceptions, almost everyone who wants to lose weight can take it. The exception is allergy sufferers who cannot tolerate a certain type of protein, for example, dairy. But they can replace them with soy.
The risk group includes people with liver and kidney diseases, since it is a large number of proteins that can exacerbate the chronic sluggish process.
However, there are other sports nutrition products that have more serious contraindications. Basically, they contain specific substances - taurine, creatine, glutamine, etc.
- Allergy sufferers need to strictly monitor the contents of the drugs, be careful about their intake, so as not to provoke an unpleasant reaction. It is better to start with small doses to check how the body responds to a particular dietary supplement. And in no case should you buy drugs of dubious origin.
- People with cardiovascular diseases should not use fat burners, as they can provoke a heart rhythm failure and other problems. Moreover, if the reception of such funds will be uncontrolled by the attending physician.
- Weight gainers are strictly contraindicated for diabetics and people with metabolic and endocrine disruption in the body.
- Amino acids should not be taken by those who suffer from serious disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
As for the side effects, in case of violation of the regimen of drugs for weight loss, if they are improperly selected or abused, the following undesirable consequences may occur:
- allergic reactions;
- diarrhea;
- flatulence;
- nausea;
- heartburn.
These phenomena are coming, therefore, correcting mistakes in sports nutrition or choosing other drugs, you can easily get rid of them.