Creating a garden collection on your site is not just a hobby. This is a meditative practice, and the knowledge of the basics of landscape design, as well as a fascinating search for interesting plants that can decorate the garden. Passionate gardeners should consider acquiring such a shrub as Wangutta spiraea, because with this plant the garden will sparkle with new colors.

Description of species and varieties

To begin acquaintance with this ornamental shrub is a description of Wangutta's spirea. It was bred by breeders back in the middle of the 19th century and over time has firmly gained popularity among gardeners. This was facilitated by the appearance of the plant, created by crossing three-lobed and Cantonese spirea.

The two-meter giant, reaching the same size in diameter during flowering, is covered by a cascade of inflorescence brushes flowing from the top, emitting a wonderful aroma. Rarely can anyone remain indifferent to such beauty!

The following varieties are derived from Wangutta spirea:

  1. Golden Fountain, or Gold Fontaine. An unusual creamy shade of flowers gives the garden a pastel shade.
  2. Renaissance. American gardeners have developed a disease-resistant variety.
  3. White Spirea Wangutta or Snow White. This variety is distinguished by splendor and a giant diameter of inflorescences (up to 60 cm).
  4. Pink Ice, or Pink Ice. As the inflorescences bloom, their color changes from cream to lush pink.

Advice! If you plant several varieties of Wangutta spirea, then the garden will play with unusual colors.

Homeland of the plant

The initial habitat of the shrub is a forest-steppe, forests and semi-deserts.Mostly in the wild, it is found in the Himalayas and in North America. And since spirea is initially frost-resistant and undemanding to living conditions, it is quite easy to tame and settle it in your own garden.

Planting Wangutta Spirea in the open ground

Despite the unpretentiousness of the plant, it is still better to initially prepare good conditions for it so that the shrub has strong immunity.

Landing site lighting

First you need to choose the right place where the bush will grow.

You must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Spirea does not like direct sunlight.
  2. Strong shading can adversely affect flowering.
  3. It is advisable not to plant a bush in places where there are strong wind currents.

Therefore, light penumbra is best suited, and it can only appear in some part of the daylight hours. Such places usually arise near the facades of a house or a barn, while a spirea perfectly decorates all the flaws of construction.

Soil requirement

The following primers are best suited for spirea:

  • sandy;
  • sandy loam.

But at the same time, it will grow on depleted soils, and even on limestone. But the bush will gratefully respond to the soil rich in organic matter. Therefore, before planting, it is best to fertilize the soil with rotted cow manure.

Advice! The acidity of the soil should vary in the region of 6 - 7 ph. With other indicators, flowering will not be so plentiful.

How to plant spirea in the garden

In order for the bush to take root well, the following rules should be followed when planting.

  1. The seedling root must be treated with biofungicides, and then with a growth stimulator.
  2. The soil mixture for planting is done according to the following recipe: 1 part of garden soil, 1 part of turf land, 1 part of compost, 1 part of peat, ½ part of fine-grained sand, ½ ASG, one liter can of ash, perlite.
  3. A good drainage layer must be laid at the bottom of the landing pit.
  4. The seedling is best fixed with cuttings at the planting site.
  5. The soil after planting spirea must necessarily be densely mulched.
  6. After all the procedures, it is also necessary to water the bush abundantly.

Spirea Wangutta: Outdoor Care

Proper planting and care of the plant in the future gives the guarantee that the shrub will grow with good immunity and will please you with long and abundant flowering.

Watering, fertilizing and fertilizing

Although the spirea calmly tolerates drought, it is worthwhile to arrange water procedures for it if possible.

  1. Watering. It is best to water the plant with settled and, preferably, slightly warm water. Watering is done in the evening hours. Spirea responds well if you add granules of vegetable sugar to the water.
  2. Irrigation. If the weather is dry and hot, it will be useful once a week in the evening at sunset to douse the bush from a hose. Especially if it grows near a dusty road.

In the spring, before flowering begins, by watering you need to apply organic fertilizer, and then mulch the trunk circle with rotted manure. Such dressing will provide the plant with a good supply of nutrients. The second time organics are introduced after flowering, and the third time - in the fall, several weeks before the onset of dormancy.

Minerals and superphosphates are best applied in the fall, a week before the frost.

Plant pruning

Every year, the spirea must be sanitized, completely removing dried and damaged shoots. But it is important to remember that the inflorescences are located along the entire length of the branches of the spirea, so you need to trim the plant very carefully. If strong pruning is required on a recently planted shrub, then leave at least 8 to 10 strong shoots.

Advice! A spirea bush can bloom safely for about 18 to 20 years, if you properly care for it and carry out annual pruning.

Care after flowering

After Vangutta spirea has finished flowering, it is necessary to correctly process it:

  1. Remove weeds on the trunk circle.
  2. Add organic fertilizer.
  3. Trim branches to strong buds.
  4. Spill the plant with biofungicides.
  5. For prevention, spraying with biofungicides should also be carried out, and after a week, repeat the procedure, but already with anti-pest drugs.
  6. Select branches for subsequent cuttings.
  7. Replace the mulch layer with a new one, but before this procedure, the trunk circle must be left open for several days to ventilate the soil. First, the soil must be well loosened.

Properly processed spirea after a flowering period over the summer will gain even more strength in order to become even more beautiful next year.

Plant propagation

Spirea propagates in two ways:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

Both methods give good results, but when grafted, the shrub develops faster.

  1. In order to get good cuttings, they need to be cut a couple of weeks after the flowering of the bush ends. You need to choose strong shoots.
  2. Cuttings need to be rooted in the planting container in a mixture of sand and peat, taken in a ratio of 1: 1.
  3. It is best to completely shoot the shoots before planting in a solution of biofungicides, and then lower them into a growth stimulator.
  4. The part on which root shoots should develop is sprinkled with crushed activated carbon.
  5. After planting the cuttings in a planting container, it is transferred to a greenhouse, where high humidity is maintained.

It is important to note that it is best to move the cuttings for a period of rest to a cool and dark place, and then plant them in open ground in spring. Stalks can be stored in the underground with bulbs.

Pest and Disease Control

The main enemies of spirea:

  • Snails and slugs. A thick layer of mulch around the trunk will protect against them.
  • Aphid. This pest can be controlled with the help of Fitoverm.
  • Sawfly. It is removed by treatment with biofungicides.
  • Rot and scab can be removed using a Bordeaux mixture.

With a little effort, a gardener can create interesting compositions in his garden by planting a beautiful spirea.