Spathiphyllum is a houseplant that is known for its beauty and unpretentiousness. Many gardeners believe that he has strong magical properties. About the signs and superstitions associated with spathiphyllum we will discuss in this article.
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Can spathiphyllum be kept at home
Before considering all the existing signs associated with a houseplant, you need to decide whether it is possible to keep a spathiphyllum at home. Unlike Benjamin's ficus, which has poisonous juice, spathiphyllum is an absolutely harmless and safe plant. However, it must be in a house with good energy. From a hostile atmosphere, which is weighed down by quarrels and scandals, the flower expects an immediate death. If you have doubts whether it is worth bringing spathiphyllum to your home, then think twice. There is a sign that along with the wilting of the flower, family well-being will also go away.
Signs and superstitions associated with the flower
Legend has it that the goddess of love Astarta on her wedding day, a piece of happiness was placed in the spathiphyllum. Now it is believed that the plant brings happiness and love to the beautiful half of humanity, if you believe it.
To protect the couple from possible betrayal and jealousy, normalize sex life and rekindle passion, you need to put the flower closer to bed. If there are several plants in the apartment, they will bring happiness and luck to all households. However, it is not worth it to easily give young shoots into the wrong hands so that happiness visits their home.A married woman should give spathiphyllum to her single sister or close friend.
The flower of spathiphyllum resembles a pregnant woman’s tummy. There is a sign that the plant contributes to the favorable conception of the child, the bearing of the fetus and childbirth.
Spathiphyllum is not without reason called "female happiness." If you put a pot with this plant in the bedroom of a girl who still has not met her soulmate, then soon the girl will find love. She will become more feminine and attractive to men. Another superstition is known, according to which the spathiphyllum is called the flower "husbandine". Allegedly, he will be ill and fade if the wrong man is not standing next to the woman.
Among the wide variety of indoor plants, there is an analogue of the female flower of spathiphyllum - anthurium, which is considered "male happiness." The appearance of both plants has slight differences. The “female happiness” has large white flowers, and the male happiness has flowers that have a crimson or bright red hue.
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Why does the “female happiness” plant bloom
Many believe that if the spathiphyllum bloomed, it means the quick fulfillment of the desires of a young unmarried girl who was caring for the plant. An important role in this is played by beautiful flowering. At a time when the flower of spathiphyllum blossoms, the house strengthens relations and creates a calm atmosphere.
The appearance of a flower is a kind of indicator of family relationships:
- flower blossomed - establishing mutual understanding with a partner;
- the flower began to fade - there are claims in the pair that require urgent resolution.
There is a popular superstition that says that the bud that is emerging symbolizes future motherhood. It is believed that spathiphyllum allows a woman to become pregnant, even if it has not been possible for a long time. If you want to become a mother, then put a flower of feminine happiness in your bedroom and do not forget to look after him.
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When and how often does the flowering period occur?
The most remarkable period is the time of flowering of “female happiness”. The inflorescence is located on a long leg, which is surrounded by a solid white petal, similar to a sail.
Spathiphyllum is a perennial plant, the flowering of which begins only after the plant has become an adult. Before this, the flower develops - many new processes with leaves appear. "Feminine happiness" is gaining strength before giving flowers. The young instance begins to bloom after 1.5-2 years.
A favorable atmosphere and proper care are what spathiphyllum needs to bloom. Typically, the flowering period falls on the time interval from the beginning of spring to the end of summer. In the cold season, the plant rests, and by March it is ready to again delight its owners with beautiful flowers. Sometimes “female happiness” blooms in the spring, rests in the summer and begins to bloom again in the autumn.
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Why is the spathiphyllum plant crying?
You might think that the flower “feminine happiness” should not cry, but sometimes at the ends of the leaves there are small drops of water, similar to tears. What is the reason for this unusual phenomenon?
It's all about the process of gutting. So in botany is called the process when a flower gets rid of excess moisture. This phenomenon is not uncommon. It usually occurs with tropical plants indoors. The root system absorbs water, and the leaves do not have time to evaporate it, therefore, droplets resembling tears appear.
If you think that such tears are the harbingers of some negative events, then this is not so. Gutting is a natural process for tropical cultures, which include spathiphyllum.
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Home Care
Spathiphyllum is a fairly unpretentious plant, which can sometimes endure temporary inconvenience.
Nevertheless, for good growth and flowering, there are certain rules that are important to know:
- For spathiphyllum, it is important to be in bright light, but it also develops safely in partial shade. It does not tolerate dark places - the leaves become plain and small. In direct open sun, leaf plates darken. The plant can not be kept in the drafts.
- The ideal temperature is 22-25 degrees, but it can grow well in a cooler room (but not lower than 16 degrees). In a room where the temperature is lower, the plant will stop growing and become ill.
- When a plant blooms and is actively developing it needs to be watered well. For periods of autumn-winter, culture is spoiled with moisture less and more moderately. Do not allow the bottom of the pot to be flooded - this will negatively affect the root system. Water temperature should be around 19-23 degrees.
- Speaking of humidity, it is worth adding that this is one of the main conditions for proper care of the plant. In warm weather, spathiphyllum should be sprayed twice a day.
- Earth for the flower "female happiness" should be mixed. Ideally, this is peat, humus, turf and ordinary leafy soil. Often the mixture is diluted with sand, hydrogel granules and ground sphagnum. An important condition: turf is the main component of the soil for spathiphyllum. It must be taken twice as much as other components.
- Any houseplant needs to be fed in the same way as a person needs vitamins. Spathiphyllum, during flowering and active growth, needs fertilizer once every 15 days. During winter, the plant should be pampered once a month. Favorable special preparations for flowering plants and a solution of bird droppings.
Spathiphyllum should not be planted in an oversized pot. Excessive space contributes to the active growth of leaves and reduction / termination of flowering.