Among the huge variety of representatives of the kingdom of Plants, a family of asparagus can be identified as a separate item. Delicious, nutritious, extremely healthy asparagus - what are its benefits and harms? Why is the favorite of many gourmets so popular around the world?

Asparagus: what it is, what species exist

Asparagus includes herbaceous plants and shrubs related to vegetable crops.


There are several varieties of asparagus:

    • Soya. This type of asparagus is obtained by processing soybeans. The latter are steeped for a long time until they increase almost 2 times. Next, the beans are thoroughly crushed, resulting in a homogeneous mass. This "puree" is pressed to obtain the so-called soy milk. During its boiling, white foam appears on the surface. It is specially collected and dried for 2 weeks. The end result is actually considered soy asparagus.
    • White. This asparagus is popular in European countries. Ripe white asparagus ripens from March to June. During the cultivation, it is completely spudded with earth, not allowing sunlight to fall on the plant. To this circumstance, white asparagus owes its color. Her taste is slightly inferior to the rest of the subspecies of this family. But on the content of nutrients, this asparagus is far from the last place.

It is interesting! Growing white asparagus is an extremely laborious and painstaking process. For the complexity of cultivation, she can argue with exotic truffles or artichokes. For this reason, the most “pale” looking asparagus is also considered the most expensive among the rest of the family.

    • Green asparagusalso called medicinal. It grows on the shores of the Caspian and Mediterranean Seas. For a long time, green asparagus was "in the shadow" of its white cousin. White asparagus was a delicacy of aristocrats and served in the world's best culinary establishments. The minor product label was gradually removed from the green vegetable. It turned out that the plant is a champion in the amount of nutrients.
    • Violet. The rarest type of asparagus. The plant owes its unusual color to moderate exposure to the sun. As a result, anthocyanins are formed in its shoots, which are responsible for the blue, violet and red colors of plants. This asparagus is also grown in complete darkness, "showing" the sun only in short sessions.

Violet is distinguished from other asparagus by a small bitterness in taste. During the heat treatment, the violet hue is lost, giving way to the traditional greenish.

  • Marine. It is considered a land plant, although some may consider it a variety of algae. Such asparagus grows on sea coasts and salt marshes. To taste it is slightly brackish, gives iodine - affects living near water. The plant can be introduced into the diet, both raw and cooked. During heat treatment, asparagus loses excess salt.
  • Bean Asparagus or asparagus beans. A popular plant with yellow or red seeds. Such asparagus is ideal for lovers of diet food: in amino acid composition, it is similar to the proteins of fish or meat.

Important! Before consuming bean asparagus, it must be cooked. This will remove phaseolunatin - an enzyme that provokes intoxication of the body.

Benefits and harm to the human body

Delicious and nutritious asparagus can bring a person both benefits and harm.

More materials: the benefits and harms of asparagus

The positive qualities of asparagus include:

  • mild diuretic and laxative effect;
  • prevention of pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • antihypertensive effect;
  • strong anti-inflammatory effect.

The vegetable is also relevant for the prevention of eye problems and cancer.


Eating asparagus, although infrequently, can be harmful. It is not recommended to eat a vegetable in cases where there is:

  • Individual intolerance to asparagus components. Otherwise, there is a high risk of allergic reactions.
  • The presence of chronic diseases. In such cases, prior use is recommended prior consultation of the attending physician.

Advice! Do not eat asparagus too often and much. All active substances in its composition, accumulated, can cause the opposite effect to the therapeutic.

Useful properties during pregnancy

Asparagus is one of the best "pregnant friends." And all because of the content of vitamin B9 - folic acid. The latter is responsible for cell division and growth, as well as the correct intrauterine condition of the fetus.

A deficiency of folic acid in the body of the expectant mother can lead to the following problems:

  • Violations in the process of formation of the placenta or its detachment.
  • The developmental delay of the unborn child.
  • Increased likelihood of miscarriage.

The use of any product should be normalized, and not excessive. The daily requirement of the pregnant woman for folic acid is 0.4 mg. The vitamin B9 content in asparagus is 2.062 mg per 100 g of product. Accordingly, it is enough for the expectant mother to eat 150 g of asparagus per day to replenish the reserves of folic acid.

Use in traditional medicine, in cosmetology

The benefits of asparagus for the body are truly invaluable, but because this plant is widely used in cosmetology and medicine. It positively affects the functionality of the kidneys, intestines, heart and other organs.

Asparagus is recommended for:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • epilepsy;
  • arthritis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • obesity.

It is interesting! The beneficial properties of asparagus were discovered by doctors back in ancient Greece and Egypt. The local doctors recommended asparagus in the diet to their rulers, to prevent problems with the prostate and increase potency.
Currently, doctors confirm that asparagine in the composition of the vegetable helps prevent prostate pathologies and fight them.


For cosmetic purposes, asparagus can be used both internally and externally. The following methods of its application are most popular:

Anti-cellulite decoction

To prepare the composition of 1.5 tsp. chopped asparagus pour a glass of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. The broth is decanted and taken in 0.5 cups 4 times a day.

Anti-aging mask

According to 2 tbsp. l chopped asparagus cottage cheese and cream are mixed until gruel. The mixture is applied to the face and washed off with warm water after 10 minutes.

The stems and rhizomes of asparagus are actively used in the fight against skin diseases: psoriasis, lichen, allergic dermatosis, eczema.

Does asparagus help with weight loss?

Eating asparagus regularly will help those who want to lose weight quickly without harming their health. This effect is associated with a small amount of fats and carbohydrates in the plant and a high content of water. Asparagus can also be used as a laxative and diuretic.


For those on a diet, it is recommended that asparagus be included in vegetable salads. Fresh, stewed and baked vegetables will also be beneficial.

Do not get too carried away by eating asparagus in the presence of irritable stomach syndrome.

Chemical composition, calorie content and nutritional value

Asparagus is considered one of the most low-calorie vegetables - 100 g of the product contains only 13 kcal.

The composition of asparagus is very diverse and includes trace elements: iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and vitamins of groups B, A, E, C, K. PP.


Nutritional value of the product:

  • proteins: 1.9 g;
  • fats: 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates: 3.7 g;
  • organic acids: 0.1 g;
  • water: 93 g;
  • dietary fiber: 1.5 g;
  • starch: 0.9 g;
  • ash: 0.6 gr.

How and what to cook with asparagus?

Modern cooking has dozens of dishes with asparagus - the product is stewed, boiled, fried, added as a filling to pizza and pies. Korean asparagus is considered one of the most common goodies.

For cooking, you will need Zhu (soy asparagus) and carrots in 1: 2 proportions, vegetable oil, water, vinegar, seasoning for Korean carrots, salt, pepper.

Asparagus must first be soaked in boiling water to give it elasticity - from 30 to 40 minutes, no more (otherwise it will become loose). Chop the finished pieces, add finely grated carrots and season with spices. After a while, pour the salad with warm vegetable oil.


Asparagus is a healthy and tasty vegetable, familiar to people from ancient times. Since then, the plant has not lost its nutritional and medicinal value. Asparagus shoots and rhizomes are actively used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. Asparagus dishes are a low-calorie and tasty decoration for any table.