Cancer is romantic, sensitive, poetic so much that only a person born under the same sign can understand it. Cancer and Cancer compatibility is an almost perfect relationship in a pair. If not for negative character traits that would equally interfere in the life of both a man and a woman. This desire to command and suppress, rejection of other people's opinions, resentment. It’s worth a little work on yourself.

Characterization of crayfish as a sign of the zodiac

The moon, cold, mysterious, far and inaccessible, a symbol of dreamers and romantics in love, patronizes Cancer. The satellite of our planet draws water, controls the tides of the oceans. Accordingly, the element of water is controlling for this sign of the zodiac.

It is known that water exists in three forms - liquid, ice and steam. Just the last of these forms, closely associated with the air element, reflects the whole essence of people born under the constellation Cancer.

These are easy-going personalities, creative and tireless in their search for truth. They have a truly magical intuition, on the verge of the supernatural. A keen mind allows Cancers to always be one step ahead of others. At the same time, a hidden desire to control and manipulate is always present. The man of this sign is the perfect “gray cardinal”. He is not a king or a pawn on the chessboard of life. He is the one who sets the figures and leads the party.

Compatible Cancer Men and Cancer Women

Since both Cancers are extremely intuitive, sometimes they don’t need extra words to understand each other well.They have a superbly developed telepathic connection. They perfectly feel the movement of feelings of each other even at a distance.

According to the compatibility horoscope, family business, joint artistic creativity, scientific research - will always be successful with this couple. Any business on their shoulder, for which they will not take it together, everything turns out.

The chaos of the surrounding world cannot bring down Cancer's focus on each other. This couple creates an aura of calmness, goodwill, warmth and coziness around itself. In any team, they will take a somewhat alienated position of good-natured silent people who are very well together. A pair of Cancers does not like to interfere with strangers in their relationship.

Both of them are distinguished by responsibility, seriousness, responsiveness, especially in relation to their soulmate. Each of them sees in his partner exactly the person whom he has been looking for all his life. Love will reward this union with longevity and extraordinary resistance to all whoever tries to break this pair.

In a love relationship

In general, Cancers are incredulous about new acquaintances. However, when a guy and a girl of this sign begin to meet, then they do not even have a shadow of doubt in each other. They do not have to decide for a long time whether they should be together. The kinship of souls leaves no other options. They feel at a subconscious level that they are made for each other. And there will not even be a surprise when at one fine moment they will be near forever.

Both Cancers love peace and solitude, quiet, romantic walks in the park, in nature. They are so good together that they do not need any other impressions. It would not occur to each of them to prove their feelings with some bold actions. Vivid emotions, jealousy, rivalry, conflicts - this is not for them. The relationship as a whole is based on respect.

In a love relationship, Rakov everything is working out fine and end with a wedding.


Family life Cancer is quiet, measured. It gives them joy and pleasure. Life does not cause problems, a woman is happy to do housework, showing remarkable culinary abilities. For her, a hobby is to create comfort in the house and a good mood for her husband. A man always answers his wife's care with attention, with a kind word, to strive to please her in return.

Domestic duties husband Cancer wife Cancer are divided equally. They like to help each other and do something together.

Even if the family budget is not as high as we would like, Crayfish will still save some money. They know how to handle finances, plan and distribute them correctly, save. Knowing this feature of theirs, close people and the most reliable friends, who are very few in their lives, will often borrow money from them. They are always ready to help out their beloved people. However, for everyone else, their wallet will be closed.

As a result, the Cancer House is a full bowl. It has everything you need for a joyful and comfortable life.

In friendship

The friendship between two Cancers is always long and reliable. They have something to share with each other. Understanding between these people takes place at the very subtlest spiritual level. They will never slander and somehow publicly condemn the actions or words of another, if problems or difficulties arise between them.

Crayfish value friendship, try to never lose people who are close in spirit. Therefore, after a very rare quarrel, omissions, quickly find out the relationship and make peace.

The friendship of a guy and a girl born under the sign of Cancer can easily develop into a romantic relationship. A reliable spiritual connection immediately arises between them, sealed by mutual affection, by a deep understanding of the other person's aspirations.

Sexual compatibility

At the moment of intimacy, the Cancer man and the Cancer woman literally dissolve into each other. Each of them feels a loved one very sensitively, reacting to his every desire or need.The world around us freezes, time seems to stop. Paradise descends to earth. That is how, in the view of the people of this zodiac sign, sex should be. And, in most cases, this happens.

There is one drawback - the psyche of Cancer plays a cruel joke with this sophisticated creature. After all, he cannot understand himself in any way, to realize the reasons for his wonderful or, conversely, bad mood. Cancer Man is always inclined to doubt his state of mind.

Therefore, partners who meet for a long time or between spouses sometimes have a misunderstanding. They cannot decide in any way when the very magnificent moment will come when love can be given. This is the very "fly in the ointment" in their relationship.

In work and career

The ways of making money from the Crayfish are always unusual; they cannot do without creativity in their activities. Therefore, monotonous work on the factory conveyor or office routine is not for this sign.

  • Cancer Manrather, they will risk everything and go to the casino, wanting to get a good jackpot right now and right away. However, some succeed, thanks to brilliant intuition. Therefore, everything related to some reasonable risk, for example, trading on the exchange, mining of bitcoins, Internet marketing - this is their field of activity.
  • Cancer Woman, whose protector is Luna herself from birth, would rather be a fortuneteller and fortune teller for a rich man than to work for him as a maid or secretary.

The most favorable situation is when two Cancers open their own family business.

Here they simply will not have competitors, since the creative energy of this sign is enhanced by each other's support. Mutual understanding in the field of a common business will be complete. The case will turn out to be very successful, since, using a creative approach, Crayfish will achieve significant progress in their market segment.

Their area is the restaurant business, it doesn’t matter how much money is invested in it. Both a large, wealthy establishment, and a small cafe or cooking will flourish equally. Because they will quickly gain popularity not only thanks to delicious dishes, but also to the special, pleasant atmosphere that Cancers are so wonderful at creating.

Another area in which they have no equal is psychology, helping “lost people” in this world. A specialist born under this sign will be very popular and successful. A common cause, based on the science of psychology, will become a matter of life for Cancers. Be it research or business practice.

It is interesting: schizophrenia: symptoms and signs in men

Psychological compatibility

The most important quality of any Cancer is its tendency to patronize the people around it, first of all, its soul mate.

Therefore, mutual care for each other, warmth, warmth - this is the basis of their relationship.

They will always respond positively to each other’s emotional messages. Their tenderness and sensitivity show themselves even in small things - to fix a tie to a husband, to cool too hot coffee served to a wife. So they feel safe, controlling the surrounding space. Crayfish always want everything around to happen as they imagine it. Often, it is these similar motives of behavior that unite the two Cancer spouses into one.

Negative motives can sometimes cause misunderstandings and disputes:

  • The vagaries caused by a misunderstanding of himself, his deepest feelings, prevent one of the spouses from maintaining perfect harmony in the relationship.
  • Mockery and unpredictability. However, it gives a charm to relationships rather.
  • The prolonged custody of his son by the mother of a male Cancer can cause trouble for the family. Since the deep feelings that the husband has for his mother do not allow him, as it seems, to cause her spiritual discomfort and go against her will.

Positive and negative sides of the union

Two Cancer spouses think and feel the same thing. They behave the same way - closed and hidden. Their value ideas and priorities in life completely coincide.

They - perfect couple:

  1. Peace and serenity, a sense of comfort and well-being, are mutually experienced by Cancers in the presence of their soulmate;
  2. Common interests and aspirations that are related to the improvement of their family nest;
  3. Touching care of each other, children, elderly parents;
  4. Supported by his wife, the Cancer man becomes an active earner, enjoys earning money for his family;
  5. Cancer wife spends this money sparingly and efficiently, trying to make the house a full bowl;
  6. There is complete mutual understanding on an intuitive level - they don’t decide, but they know right away where to go on vacation, how to spend holidays, what gift to buy to a relative for his birthday. There are no disputes and unnecessary emotions.
  7. Stability, confidence in each other and tomorrow.

This measured order of life, when everything is already known about each other, everything is predictable and there are no surprises, can gradually undermine such perfectly formed relationships.

Since in any union a certain movement forward, development is supposed, and in the Cancer family, who have been living for far from the first year together, this does not occur.

Hence the accumulating negative:

  1. Boredom, longing, when one day is like another. It kills the most beautiful feelings. Spouses start looking for someone on the side.
  2. Secrets arise from each other. But Cancers do not like this at all, in their view, the spouses should not have any secrets. Opening up before the second half, at the same time, is prevented by natural isolation. There is a situation when the feeling of unity is lost, people live close by, but each day they move farther and farther away from each other.
  3. Vagaries, resentment, sudden and unmotivated open mood changes add negative emotions to the treasury of negativity.
  4. At the same time, Cancer is very difficult to forgive the person who is nearby. Their memory now and then returns to unpleasant experiences.
  5. If an unfavorable financial situation arises, the spouses begin to harass each other with quarrels.

All that is needed in such a situation is frankness.

It is only necessary to show understanding, to “fit into the skin” of another, to leave grudges in the past. In this case, you will have to fight with understatement and evasive answers to direct questions. In many ways, the problems will be far-fetched. You can simply turn them into a joke. A smile will restore former warmth to a relationship. Joint work for the benefit of the family will unite her again.