The compatibility of Aquarius and Aquarius is unpredictable and varies greatly from pair to pair. But in most cases it is above average. If both partners are ready to work on relationships, the union will be long and effective.

Zodiac sign characteristic

The nature of air signs is changeable, but they do not tolerate changes around themselves. The character of Aquarius is controversial. Representatives of the sign are characterized by mood swings. If they are annoyed, everyone will know about it. Such temperamental people simply do not know how to restrain rage and break down on loved ones.

Aquarians do not like to depend on someone. But at the same time, it is often difficult for them to make important decisions. They prefer to leave this to their soul mates (therefore, the unions of Aquarius and Lviv are not uncommon), and in case of failure, it is on them that the charges fall.

Often, Aquarius is attractive in appearance and intellectually gifted. They are diligent workers and students. They are impressionable. They will firmly defend their position, even if deep down they began to understand the wrong. Aquarians are hospitable and their guests will feel comfortable even if they did not arrive at the right time.

In youth, they are unstable. The Aquarius girl often has a lot of fans, but she does not have several relationships at the same time. Aquarius is true, betrayal for them is a good reason for parting. Even a slight flirtation of a spouse with a colleague is capable of offending them severely.

Aquarians react violently to criticism from even the closest people. Pointing to Aquarius about its lack, you run the risk of running into a strong scandal.At the same time, they are able to notice a grain of sand in someone else's eye and will certainly express this to a person.

Compatible Aquarius men and Aquarius women

Two representatives of the sign of Air converge in characters. They are comfortable with each other, they never suspect each other of treason and trust extremely. But at the same time, there are frequent quarrels in the couple amid the fact that both the girl and the guy are annoyed by the partner’s shortcomings, stubbornly not noticing them at home.

In a love relationship

After meeting between two Aquarius, sympathy quickly flashes. These people are able to easily without a single word understand the desires of a partner, they are interested in each other's company. They give new impressions, at the first opportunity they go on trips and try not to stay for long in four walls.

At the same time, in love relationships between representatives of this zodiac sign, conflicts often flare up. If one of the couple is annoyed, he will never be silent and will expose the partner to blame for all earthly troubles. But Aquarians are as fast-tempered as they are hot-tempered.

Aquarians do not like to solve the problems of other people and prefer not to make decisions that concern anyone other than themselves. Usually this feature of Aquarius does not cause any discomfort to its partner. But that may change after marriage.


In humans, Aquarius do not quarrel and seem to be a model couple from the side. They have common interests and outlooks on life. This couple loves to go to guests together, where it catches the admiring and often envious glances of acquaintances.

In everyday life, Aquarius also has harmony. They do not burden each other with household chores, do not start a quarrel over dirty dishes. If none of the couple is in the mood to remove the garbage right at that moment, they calmly leave it in the morning.

But the couple’s problem is that Aquarius is focused on their desires and often don’t think about those of their partner. The family life of two Aquarius often lacks caring for a partner, despite love.

In friendship

Between Aquarius-man and Aquarius-woman, the strongest friendship that can be created is possible. They quickly draw together and begin to initiate each other in their secrets, even if they met recently. Communication Aquarius tied to a great pastime, joint trips abroad and entertainment. They love to chat with each other, as they understand perfectly. But Aquarius will not sacrifice something for a friend - he always stands in his first place. This does not negate the fact that Aquarius is always fun and interesting with each other. They can talk for hours, jumping from topic to topic, and not notice how quickly time flew by.

Sexual compatibility

Two Aquarius can have problems in bed. Aquarians are measured and traditional, do not like change and do not accept experiments. They are initiativeless and prefer to wait for a hint of sex than to do it yourself. But since this position is observed in both partners, due to the lack of an intimate life, passion can quickly come to naught. But this does not threaten the collapse of the family, if these two have deep feelings.

Also, a scenario is not uncommon when a desire breaks out right in the middle of a quarrel. But for this sign in relationships, it is not sex that is important, but communication and maintaining interest. The ideal marriage for them is with a best friend with whom you can discuss anything. Sexual attraction fades into the background.

In work and career

Aquarians are persistent workers who equally well cope with both the role of boss and subordinate. But they prefer to be under someone else's leadership, because they cannot stand the adoption of important decisions and are afraid to get guilty in an unforeseen situation.

All Aquarius have periods of inactivity when they just want to lie on the couch and look at the ceiling. Then at work they perform all the actions automatically, without hesitation, and as if they turn off all feelings and creativity.

Two Aquarius understand each other without words and together they can take on the most complex tasks. They will easily fulfill them, carefully treating each separate task.

Psychological compatibility

According to the horoscope of compatibility, this pair is far from ideal. This is a union of two individualists who will always be in the first place for themselves. They can feel endless affection for each other, they will be affected by deep feelings, but even for the sake of a loved one, Aquarius will not change his lifestyle and give up some kind of habit.

It is easy for Aquarius to be together, because they are primarily close friends. They will not start a relationship until they make sure that they have checked all the pitfalls and can trust each other. They are one of those couples who work together like a real team.

In addition to those moments when a quarrel occurs against the background of the temperament of Aquarius, both partners feel comfortable in each other's company. They are able to easily understand the mood of a lover and not touch him if he needs peace and quiet.

Positive and negative sides of the union

Aquarius - adherents of an active lifestyle. They do not feel comfortable if they sit in the four walls for a long time. At the same time, Aquarius is highly dependent on a partner. They prefer to act in a team and often need outside help. Therefore, if Aquarius connected his life with a sign that prefers a quiet rest, he will also languish at home, slowly annoyed.

A number of advantages follow from this:

  1. If the two Aquarius converge, they will fulfill all their dreams related to cultural development, traveling away from home and going to public places.
  2. They never stand dirty linen in public and do not insult each other in front of outsiders. This helps reduce the degree of relationship when necessary.
  3. The couple has many common interests, so maintaining a conversation in this union is not a problem.
  4. If Aquarius decides to have children, they become, though a little nervous, but caring parents. Children are the only ones Aquarius is ready to put above his own needs and desires.

But the couple also has cons.

Their basis lies in the selfishness of partners:

  1. None of them wants to make concessions, because in a pair of two Aquarius quarrels over trifles are not uncommon.
  2. Despite common views and interests, controversial issues arise. The scandal can flare up even because of the question of what to cook for dinner.
  3. In a couple, passion quickly subsides and spouses become friends rather than lovers. But this negative point for some couples may be more likely a plus. In this case, some partners begin to live by habit and as a result, constantly seem dissatisfied with their position.

When Aquarius connects his life with another representative of this zodiac sign, they develop together, have a good time and reveal themselves to each other. At the same time, it can be difficult to get support in a pair. This is especially true in situations where in order to assist a lover, the second from the union must sacrifice something.