The compatibility of Aries and Aries is not as obvious as we would like. After all, representatives of this sign do not compromise, they are stubborn and always strive for leaders. Their destiny is a struggle between themselves, and it is not easy to reach agreement in this confrontation. Nevertheless, Aries man and woman can still coexist quite peacefully together if they understand and feel each other well.

Aries character

Aries as a sign of fire, never retreat, always confidently go to the intended goal. They do not accept concessions, do not give up, are ready to fight for their idea. On the one hand, these are positive qualities, on the other, it all depends on the circumstances. Sometimes Aries loses if it focuses not on the goal that would lead him to success, prosperity or beautiful love. Aries will always strive for leadership, desperately avoiding any submission to another person.

Aries man Aries women can be stubborn, selfish and even oppressive, especially when it comes to wonderful feelings. This is the flip side, the negative side of their character.

Love is extremely important for this sign. Aries may well create a strong family. They are united, first of all, by common interests, hobbies, passion for adventure. From their second half they usually require a full, open, selfless feeling. They themselves are inclined to restrain their own emotional impulses, since there is a fear of being under the influence of a loved one and losing leadership. Although it is typical for Aries to constantly take care of someone and provide patronage, which significantly increases self-esteem.

Compatible Aries men and Aries women

Aries in relationships prefer clarity and honesty.

They value frankness, nobleness of thoughts, selflessness. From here we are ready to show respect towards each other. But stubbornness can ruin everything. Each of the partners will consider that it is he who is right, and at the same time he will not show the slightest desire to concede even in trifles.

Aries man, despite his admiration for the chosen one, always believes that she should be soft and more accommodating. A woman of this sign will never tolerate a situation in which her opinion will be ignored. It will be an insult to her if a man takes a protective, dominant position in relation to a lady.

Often, such a contradiction turns into an open confrontation. Moreover, two Aries are not at all embarrassed to find out their relationship with strangers. Their verbal skirmish, loud quarrels can shock others. It should be remembered that both representatives of the sign are simply not able to commit an unseemly act, to cause obvious evil to their partner.

It will not look very beautiful. Both the man and woman of the sign in question need to prepare for the fact that in the created union there will be no silence and simplicity.

In a love relationship

In a love relationship, both Aries at first look very romantic. The young man himself will take the initiative, get to know and will very persistently take care of his girlfriend. This will find a response in her soul, although the girl Aries will not rush and too actively respond to the boyfriend's courtship.

A woman will demand from her gentleman openness in everything that, in fact, will receive as a result. She will appreciate the emotionality, honesty, frankness of her boyfriend. Her parents and friends will rejoice at the emerging successful alliance.

However, some problems are possible here. Girl Aries wants her man to be strong, bright, but will not tolerate the slightest pressure from him when their interests diverge in something. The guy in this situation will be in complete confusion, because he does not understand what exactly is required of him. The young man believes that he is obliged to take care of making vital decisions of the couple on his shoulders. Here, conflict may manifest itself.

Only by recognizing the supremacy of one of the beloved can one avoid a destructive contradiction. And no matter who will dominate - a girl or a guy. Most likely, it will turn out to be the one who takes their relationship more seriously. Usually, in such a dispute, the more wise and experienced person who has been burned in the past by failed love turns out to be compliant.


A calm family life, the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac Aries is extremely difficult to predict. Especially in the case when the opinions, interests and plans of the two spouses do not coincide. Even if both see that conflict is inevitable, they will still be stubborn. The logical arguments in favor of making a certain decision are inappropriate here. There is simply no desire to submit to someone else's opinion. They will constantly provoke each other and quarrel even over trifles.

These turbulent relationships will cause others, relatives and acquaintances to have a very negative assessment. Therefore, they will give advice all one - to disperse. And this is not a good idea, since the positive in this marriage is also enough.

Over time, excessive emotionality will go away, attachment will become stronger, and spouses will quarrel much less often. The eternal confrontation of the two Aries will simply go to another plane. Rather, it can be seen as a kind of rivalry between characters, but not at all explosive.

In friendship

The friendship of man and woman Aries will be reliable and will stand the test of time, becoming ever stronger. First of all, joint goals are important in this vibrant creative tandem. A common opinion will unite the two comrades unusually strongly. They will be mutual support in the most severe moments of life.And in happy times, these friends will not be bored together.

The friendship of two Aries is much more powerful than love or marriage. They will not conflict, because they do not feel any obligations that fetter the created creative union.

Their relationship will be based on mutual trust, openness, honesty. Aries simply has not been given two other friends, because gossip, envy, omissions are not the style of their behavior.

It is clear that the desire to lead in such a pair is more likely to be expressed by a male representative. However, the woman will not allow herself to be commanded, therefore complete balance will reign in this pair. If any difficulties arise, the man will immediately shoulder the responsibility for overcoming them. The woman will be immensely grateful to him, will become an active assistant, but within certain limits. After all, at the same time, she simply will not allow pushing herself.

Sexual compatibility

An intimate relationship for a couple of Aries will never come first.

For representatives of this sign, a wonderful pastime together will be much more important - walking, playing sports, watching your favorite movies, reading books, etc.

Although the sexual need for this couple is quite high. Both are romantic and feel good each other in bed, which is especially valuable. Wonderful sex can smooth out the eternal conflict in which Aries are almost constantly, make them softer and more tolerant.

Spouses Aries require fidelity, for them this is a very important point. Therefore, treason can be so powerful an occasion for a serious conflict that the couple will be ready to leave. Since neither a man nor a woman can forgive such a betrayal.

In work and career

Aries never give upfearlessly go to their goal, charging everyone around with the power of their own spirit. Therefore, in career and business, they have achieved a lot. A very strong business alliance of the two Aries will be built on mutual benefit. High performance, the desire to conquer the next peak, will certainly lead to overall success.

The leader in the current alliance is likely to be a man, and the woman will be a talented and active assistant. Nevertheless, conflicts generated by the desire to prevail will not be easy to avoid. To restrain their development, to make reasonable compromises in the most extreme case, will help only purposefulness and building a common cause.

The most favorable situation will be when the Aries woman has a managerial position, and the man will be in her submission. True, you will have to work a little on his discipline.

Sincerity, mutual trust, honesty, and similarity of opinions will allow Aries partners to create an almost perfect business community.

Psychological compatibility

Conflict on elevated tones with the breaking of dishes - this is a completely normal relationship in the family of Aries. One should not be afraid of quarrels, which most often end in no less stormy reconciliation, but of a strange lull and the distance of partners from each other. Here the latter can become an unfavorable harbinger of the imminent separation of the couple.

The main thing for them is to find balance, establish harmony, stop constantly monitoring each other, emotionally respond to little things. It is necessary to give each other freedom.

It is best if in the family both Aries agree to share responsibilities. Everyone will carry out part of the housework assigned to him, make certain decisions. For example, a man takes responsibility for how to earn money for a family. And how to spend a summer vacation - a woman.

Sometimes, one of them will still have to make mutual concessions, giving the palm to his partner. In this case, the “disadvantaged” spouse usually actively requires gratitude, which is also fraught with conflict. This point should definitely be considered.

Positive and negative sides of the union

Despite all the shortcomings - the desire to dominate, excessive emotionality, narcissism, a couple of Aries can find happiness. And their union can be strong and long. The main thing is to learn to make concessions to both a woman and a man equally.

Here are some positive aspects of the Aries union Notes compatibility horoscope:

  1. Honesty - Aries will not hide anything from each other. Both are well aware that they will only harm their relations if they begin to conceal some, even unseemly acts and deeds.
  2. Purposefulness - common goals and interests unite the Aries union, give them strength and determination to act to the end, to be active and vibrant personalities.
  3. Reliability - both time-tested partners that you can rely on in any situation, both in business and in the family.

Negative sides of the union:

  1. Excessive emotionality - a powerful temperament, the manifestation of aggression invariably lead to conflict.
  2. The struggle for leadership - the eternal debate in which this couple constantly resides, is both hidden, underlying, and explicit.
  3. Increased conflict - scandals, quarrels, witnesses of which are others.
  4. Egoism - the desire to subjugate another to yourself, at times, goes beyond a reasonable framework.
  5. Intolerance, inability to compromise, stubbornness - all this strengthens the confrontation and can lead to a breakdown in relations.

In the worst case, from constant conflicts, misunderstanding, struggle for leadership, manifestation of selfishness, such a couple is able to get tired and part to go looking for happiness in union with other zodiac signs. In the best case, Aries will receive a permanent rival, which is vital for him from time to time to experience a storm of emotions and, as they say, “let off steam”.