High compatibility of Leo and Leo in a pair is possible only if they have nothing to share. Both partners have a fiery character and in a clash of interests they start a war for leadership not for life, but for death.
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Zodiac sign characteristic
Two Leos prefer to solve their problems on their own, make serious decisions without much difficulty, and do not hang them on a partner. Therefore, this is a union of two self-sufficient personalities who together can achieve great heights.
Representatives of the elements of Fire are proud and good-looking, they devote a lot of time to their appearance. They like to catch envious and admiring glances, to be in the spotlight. Lions are jealous, and at the slightest suspicion of treason or flirting on the side, they express to the partner everything they think about him.
The passionate temperament of the Lions makes them extremely impatient. If they don’t get what they want right away, they quickly lose interest and switch to something new. Therefore, Lviv is hardly a conqueror in a relationship.
This problem is solved when two Leos are paired: if they are both pretty to each other, they prefer not to waste time on courtship and timid confessions, but immediately start a relationship.
Lions love noisy parties and travels. They can rarely be found at home lying on the couch. They are not homebodies, and for several days in four walls they begin to drive Lviv crazy. Lionesses, who get bored with almost all the other signs of the zodiac, are drawn to the stately energetic Leos, who will always find how to entertain their bright companion.
The decisiveness and independence of both of the couple can offend a partner. They prefer when all important decisions are agreed with them.If one of the two does not obey the will of the beloved or they do not find a compromise, the union is doomed to failure.
Male lion and female lion: compatibility
This union is sensual and explosive. The main problem in it is the jealousy of both partners, because of which almost a third of the couples break up, where the man is Leo and the woman is Leo. Only after the partners learn to be tolerant of each other, they can build a happy life together.
In a love relationship
Even in the largest company, these bright people pay attention to each other.
They are not used to long courtships, so they immediately go to the main thing.
Absorbed by each other, they do not care about others at all, because everyone around them is aware of their rapidly developing relationships.
On the other hand, the compatibility of the zodiac signs in this case seems one hundred percent. Both the guy and the girl in public are positive, never swear and seem to be the most harmonious couple in the world. In fact, the union is full of problems that are discovered as soon as two Leos are alone with each other.
In addition to the obvious struggle for leadership, a pair of strong jealousy reigns on both sides. Sociability and external attractiveness, which initially so attracted Lviv in a partner, begin to be very annoying. After all, these same qualities attract other potential partners.
If you do not take control of the situation, endless quarrels due to outbreaks of jealousy will ruin the relationship, and a loud separation will follow.
As a rule, the marriage of Leo and Lioness are common, but do not last long.
After the marriage, the couple continues the same problems that pursued their love before the wedding: jealousy and the struggle for leadership.
- The main reason for the divorce of the two Lions is treason. Even if the unfaithful partner regrets and begs to forgive him, the second Leo only in extremely rare cases can forget the humiliation and blow of pride. Treason these owners can consider harmless flirting.
- At the beginning of a relationship, when passionate passion reigns in a couple, they will not have any problems in bed. If, over time, feelings flow into something more ordinary, partners will no longer think about each other's pleasure, and sex will not satisfy them.
- Problems may arise in domestic matters. Both love comfort, but do not want to do cleaning and cooking. Quarrels on this basis will be avoided by those couples who have enough finance for cleaning services and ordering ready-made meals. Those whose situation is not so stable will constantly have conflicts.
In friendship
The friendship of Leo and Lioness is practically impossible if they are not connected by family ties. Otherwise, they will greatly attract each other and will not be able to maintain friendly relations.
In the case where two Leo - brother and sister, this energetic tandem can achieve a lot. They complement each other, and when working on one thing or project, they neatly distribute roles in the team.
Sexual compatibility
Lions can not restrain mutual attraction and very quickly move to intimacy.
Passion quickly flares up in a pair, but, having plenty of each other, Lions feel cold. Then, if they are already used to each other and do not want to part, the partners come to the decision to take a break in the relationship. As a rule, only a few weeks are enough for passion to flare up with renewed vigor.
Lions value inventiveness in sex. Therefore, if someone in the union is not inclined to experiment and refuses all proposals, the feelings of the second will quickly fade.
In work and career
Lions are responsible workers who are devoted to their work to the end. In tandem, they are able to solve any problem, beating all competitors. Two Lions without fear take on the most ambitious projects, sharing responsibilities among themselves. Everyone takes on tasks that they can perform impeccably, and the result is a grandiose result.
Lions clearly and quickly climb the corporate ladder.The worst version of the labor union of two Lions is considered one where the woman is the boss, and the man is the subordinate.
In this case, the impatient Leo will not be able to fully recognize the wisdom of his leader, and will consider himself wounded, and his self-conceit - trampled. When the situation is reversed, the more judicious and cunning female Leo is able to become her loyal companion to her boss. But in the event that the boss begins to manifest his superiority too clearly, nothing will save him from the anger of the enraged Lioness.
Psychological compatibility
Two Lions are a pair of sociable and purposeful people who are bored for a long time in one place. It is difficult to imagine them as homebodies: they adore social events, parties. There they try to be in the center of attention, to make non-binding acquaintances.
When two Leos are in a relationship, they perfectly understand such a hobby of the second half. Together they go to events where they draw public attention from one to the second. In fact, this desire to always be in sight is due to a lack of attention in childhood. When Leos enter a phase of relations, when they can stop pretending, they reveal themselves to each other and admit in their complexes.
Lions can always find something to do and talk about, but many couples break up due to the vanity of both partners, as well as jealousy against a background of ownership.
Positive and negative sides of the union
According to the horoscope of compatibility, the most suitable age for two Leos to build a long relationship is over thirty.
In this case, the union can distinguish such advantages:
- Common interests and topics of conversation.
- Ability to work together, fairly distributing tasks.
- Understanding the partner’s dependence on public opinion.
- As a rule, Lions earn a lot, and in their family there are no financial problems. This solves some conflicts based on everyday life.
- Willingness to experiment in sex.
- Understanding.
- With age, partners conflict less, as they become more balanced. If the spiritual proximity is close enough, the Lions realize that they value each other more than their own desire to always be a leader.
The couple does not have many disadvantages, but some of them are quite serious:
- Strong jealousy on the part of both partners, often without cause.
- Imposing your point of view.
- Dependence on compliments and admiration of the public.
As a rule, mutual claims at the beginning of a relationship increase a degree in intimate life, but over time they begin to tire. If one of the Lions has a conflict in some other sphere of life, for example, at work, he will be strongly oppressed by quarrels with the other half, and he may find a more accommodating passion.