Discussed appetizer today you can try in most popular restaurants. Usually, even the most skilled housewives can hardly successfully repeat it at home. The main secret is Caesar salad dressing. Further published his best recipes.

Classic Caesar Salad Sauce

The main catch of this recipe is in Worcester sauce. It is not for sale in every store. This ingredient requires at least 20 ml. Other products: 4 selected eggs, 25 ml of wine vinegar, 120 ml of non-aromatic olive oil, chive, salt, black pepper.

  1. The contents of soft-boiled eggs are thoroughly beaten with a hand mixer.
  2. All liquid components of the recipe and crushed garlic are introduced there.
  3. It remains to salt and pepper the mixture and slightly beat all the ingredients together.

Before dressing the salad, the sauce should be infused for a couple of minutes.

With mustard

For such a sauce Dijon mustard is best. Its going to be 2 small enough. spoons. The remaining ingredients: half a glass of quality olive oil, 2 large spoons of grated Parmesan, yolks from 2 raw eggs, half a lemon, dry garlic.

  1. Yolks are poured into a bowl, lemon juice is squeezed to them, after which the mixture is well beaten.
  2. Finely grated cheese is poured into the base of the dressing, along with mustard and dry garlic.
  3. It remains to add oil and mix all the components.

If you choose too “sharp” mustard, the taste of the dressing will turn out to be bitter.

Cheese Sauce Recipe

Cheese makes the taste of the sauce more tender and vibrant. You need to take 2 large spoons of grated parmesan. The remaining ingredients: 1 tbsp. quality olive oil, 4 anchovies, small. a spoonful of lemon juice and the same amount of mustard, an egg, a pair of garlic cloves.

  1. Garlic is minced in any convenient way and combined with chopped anchovies. Freshly squeezed lemon juice and oil are sent to the same mixture.
  2. With a blender, beat the base until thickened.
  3. Directly during the operation of the device, cheese is poured into the sauce, an egg and mustard are added.

To taste, you can season the finished dressing with any hot spices.

Based on mayonnaise with anchovies

The dressing for the discussed mayonnaise-based appetizer is especially quick and easy to knead. The latter should be as bold as possible. Ingredients: 3 mal. tablespoons of mayonnaise, 4 garlic cloves, 1 tbsp. quality olive oil, 55 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice, small. spoon of mustard, 3 anchovies, salt to taste.

  1. Fish fillet, lemon juice, peeled garlic, mayonnaise and mustard are combined in a blender. They should turn into a homogeneous mass.
  2. A little chilled oil is poured into the future sauce.
  3. It remains only to salt it to taste.

This paste can be used for spreading on crispy toasts.

Sour cream dressing

On the basis of low-fat store sour cream, it is possible to prepare a low-calorie dressing for the salad being discussed. Ingredients: 1 tbsp. sour cream (can be replaced with natural unsweetened yogurt), a pair of garlic cloves, 2 yolks of raw eggs, half a large spoonful of mustard, spices to taste.

  1. Garlic is passed through a press, then mixed with mustard and raw yolks. You can even slightly beat the mass.
  2. Spices are added to the future dressing, sour cream or yogurt is poured. The components are thoroughly mixed.

Such a dressing for Caesar is served exclusively chilled to the snack. Therefore, it should be held in the refrigerator a little before.

Anchovy-free sauce

If none of the family feels a special love for fish, then it is quite possible to prepare a dressing without this component. Ingredients: 130 ml of high-quality olive oil, 90 g of soft cheese, a small pickled cucumber, juice from half a lemon, one egg yolk, a large spoon of dried mustard, salt to taste.

  1. The cucumber is chopped as much as possible with a blender, after which it is mixed with cheese. Crispy slices of pickled product should not differ too clearly in the finished dressing.
  2. In a separate container, the raw yolk is slightly whipped with salt. Oil, mustard and lemon juice are poured into the resulting mixture.
  3. It remains to combine the contents of the two bowls.

To taste, you can add to such a dressing and a mixture of colored ground peppers.

Egg-free recipe

The selected recipe includes a very interesting component - bee honey. A large enough spoonful of liquid product. The remaining ingredients: 90 ml of olive oil, a large spoon of dry mustard and a similar amount of soy sauce, dry garlic and salt to taste, 2 large tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

  1. Honey, butter and mustard are well mixed in the blender bowl. Lemon juice is poured there.
  2. Soy sauce is added.
  3. The mass is salted and whipped until smooth.

It is important not to add too much salt to the dressing. Soy sauce is already quite salty.

Chicken Caesar Sauce

For a snack with a chicken cooked in any way, it is best to serve spicy sauce. The necessary piquancy will add a couple of drops of Tabasco. The remaining ingredients: half a glass of slightly aromatic olive oil, two egg yolks, half a lemon, medium clove of garlic.

  1. First of all, hard boiled eggs. 7-8 minutes will be enough for this process. Time is counted from the moment the liquid boils.
  2. Only yolks will be used in eggs. They knead well with a fork.
  3. The garlic clove passed through the press goes to the egg “middle” and immediately - hot sauce. With its quantity you need to be extremely careful. If you overdo it, the dressing will turn out to be burning-inedible.
  4. Freshly squeezed lemon juice and olive oil are poured into the container for the remaining components. The ingredients are mixed with a spoon so that not even the smallest lumps remain.
  5. If necessary, the resulting dressing can be salted to taste or sprinkled with your favorite spices. For example, a mixture of ground peppers goes well with it.

It remains to prepare all the other components for the appetizer and generously pour it with the finished sauce.

Shrimp salad dressing

This is the perfect salad for those who like seafood. The main components in it will be large meaty shrimp. Of course, for such a treat you need to serve a special suitable sauce. It is prepared from the following ingredients: 2 mal. tablespoons of Dijon mustard (do not take too sharp a bitter product), 2 chicken eggs, half a lemon, 1 tbsp. olive oil, a large spoonful of soy sauce without additives.

A similar recipe:shrimp caesar salad

  1. Eggs are boiled in boiling water for just one minute. This is necessary so that the protein and yolk only grasp slightly, but do not have time to become dense.
  2. When the product has cooled, a liquid yolk is extracted from it and mixed with sauce (soy), as well as with mustard.
  3. Fresh squeezed lemon juice and cold olive oil are added to future refueling. You can salt the mass.
  4. It is important to thoroughly knead all components until smooth.


Well, if you can find a Worcester for refueling. This is a special soy sauce with a very delicate sweet and sour taste. If it was not in the store, any other not too salty soy product will do.