Rhinitis is a complex of various symptoms familiar to each person, without exaggeration. Offered in a wide assortment of pharmacy vasoconstrictor drops in the nose, they solve the problem of a boring rhinitis very quickly. But there are other advantages of funds that are in great demand among consumers.
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Vasoconstrictor drops in the nose - the pros and cons of using
The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity becomes inflamed with:
- hypothermia;
- infection with viruses of various diseases and bacteria;
- the action of irritants.
Due to the influence of these factors, a runny nose or rhinorrhea begins, which is manifested by abundant secretion of mucus from the nasal passages. Rhinitis is also accompanied by sneezing, a decrease in smell.
The benefits of treating a runny nose with nasal drops
Vasoconstrictor drugs make it easier to tolerate the acute period of acute respiratory viral infections, flu, allergies. The active substance in the composition of the nasal agent most often belongs to the group of anticongestants. They provoke a narrowing of the lumen and a decrease in the permeability of the vessels lining the inflamed mucous membrane. As a result, edema decreases and mucus secretion decreases.
The vasoconstrictor effect of the drug develops after a few minutes and lasts from 30 minutes to several hours.
In pharmacies, there is a large selection of funds used locally for a cold. Drugs are available in the form of drops or spray.
- The first enter the mucosa when squeezing a plastic bottle or just a soft nozzle on the neck of a glass bottle.
- The spray is sprayed using a mini pump.
The advantage of the drip method is the ability to use the drug in the treatment of the common cold in infants. Spray can be used no earlier than 2 years. Liquid medicine settles "in place", does not cause bronchospasm. For the treatment of a small child, nasal preparations with a "children's" dosage are intended.
Cons of use
Vasoconstrictor drugs only temporarily relieve a cold and do not treat the underlying disease. Drugs of this group develop addiction, so it is recommended to use them from 3 to 7 days. On the first day, you can dig in the maximum allowed number of times (according to instructions). Then you need to reduce the dosage.
Antihistamines are simultaneously used to reduce side effects. The causative disease is treated with antiviral and antibacterial drugs.
With frequent use of a vasoconstrictor nasal agent:
- increased swelling of the mucous membranes;
- she is withering;
- becomes easily irritable;
- unpleasant consequences often appear: drug and atrophic rhinitis.
Also, anticongestants in the composition of the drops can increase pressure and cause increased excitability.
Indications for the use of drops
Too active struggle with a runny nose does not bring good, but harm. Of course, a watery secret prevents you from breathing and talking normally. However, a runny nose is a way of fighting the body against infection, allergens. An increase in blood supply to the nasal mucosa and an abundant secretion of mucus are necessary to cleanse the nasal passages, to destroy microbes and their toxins.
Strong anti-congestants for topical use (oxymetazoline, xylometazoline, naphazoline), if applied to the mucosa, reduce local redness, swelling and inflammation, and facilitate nasal breathing.
Indications for the use of drops, narrowing the vessels in the nose:
- acute infectious or allergic rhinitis;
- chronic diseases of the nose and nasopharynx;
- rhinoscopy and similar procedures;
- sinusitis in acute and chronic forms;
- nosebleeds;
- otitis media;
- eustachitis;
- hay fever.
The vasoconstrictor effect of sea water and saline in nasal drops is less pronounced.
Such funds are used:
- to reduce dry nose;
- by inhalation of polluted air;
- for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and runny nose complications (otitis media, sinusitis).
After instillation or washing of the nasal passages with a saline-based preparation, the nasal drugs Vibrocil, Flixonase, Tizin Alergi or others are used.
List of vasoconstrictor drugs for the nose
For acute respiratory viral infections, colds, or a long course of the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity, it is better to use the Derinat solution (an immunomodulating agent) for instillation. If greenish-yellow or brownish mucus is secreted from the nasal passages, then, in addition to vasoconstrictive drops, the Isofra spray with an antibiotic is prescribed.
Short action
The effect of respiratory drugs develops 2-15 minutes after application to the nasal mucosa. Drugs differ not only in the period before the onset of vasoconstrictor action, but also in its duration. The most popular cold drops help quickly and permanently relieve swelling.
- Vibrocil and Adrianol. These are combined respiratory drugs. Phenylephrine in their composition has a vasoconstrictor effect 2 minutes after application to the mucosa. The effect lasts for 8 hours. The second component in Vibrocil is an anti-allergic medicine. Lerimazolin in drops "Adrianol" is a vasoconstrictor, decongestant.
- "Naphazoline." After applying the drug with naphazoline, a vasoconstrictor effect develops after a few minutes. The action lasts from 2 to 8 hours.
List of drugs (price in rubles):
- "Sanorin" (from 130 to 170);
- "Naphthyzine" (from 7 to 24);
- "Naphthyzin plus" (from 25).
The active substance with local use of solutions enters the systemic circulation. The vasoconstrictor effect decreases after 5–7 days of treatment.
Medium duration
Tramazolin in the composition of drops or a spray for the nose reduces congestion, swelling of the mucous membrane with allergic rhinitis and colds. The action begins 5 minutes after application and lasts from 8 to 10 hours. The name of the drug is "Lazolvan Rino." In combination with phenylephrine, Adrianol is found in nasal drops.
- "Tizin Alergi" is a nasal spray with levocabastine. Local antiallergic and vasoconstrictor effect occurs 5 minutes after application. The action lasts for 12 hours. Spray eliminates sneezing, reduces nasal discharge.
- "Pinosol." A vasoconstrictor drug of plant origin is available in the form of oily drops for the nose, spray and ointment (the price is 140, 240 and 270 rubles, respectively). An essential oil-based product is used for the common cold of various origins and duration of the course. Virtually non-addictive.
- "Nazaval Plus." This cellulose powder forms a protective film on the nasal mucosa. It protects against the effects of allergens and microbes, so vasoconstrictive drops are less often required.
- Xylometazoline. This active substance is contained in a large number of drops and nasal sprays. On the basis of xylometazoline, more than 35 drugs with various trade names are produced. For the treatment of adults, funds with an active substance content of 0.1% are suitable.
The dosage of xylometazoline for adults is 2-3 drops in each nasal passage, not more than 3 times a day. The tool begins to act in 3-7 minutes. The vasoconstrictor effect lasts from 2 to 10 hours (depending on the disease).
List of vasoconstrictor drops and sprays (price in rubles):
- "Tizin Xilo" (from 97 to 194).
- "Asterisk Noz" (from 35 to 75).
- Xymelin (from 70 to 178).
- Otrivin (from 150 to 176).
- Xymelin Eco (160).
- "Galazolin" (from 35).
- "Rinostop" (from 25).
- "Rinonorm" (from 70).
- Rinorus (up to 62).
- Snoop (130).
Long exposure
Adults can use topical agents with oxymethazoline 0.05% to treat the common cold and facilitate breathing. The effect of the drug begins 15 minutes after application to the mucosa and lasts from 6 to 8 hours.
List of nasal drops / sprays with oxymetazoline (price in rubles):
- “Sialor Rhino” (110).
- "Nesopin" (from 90).
- Afrin (from 180).
- "Nazol" (from 150).
- "Nazivin" (150).
Oxymetazoline increases vascular tone, resulting in reduced edema and reduced mucus production. The effects are higher when taking antihistamines (Cetirizine, Loratadin, Desloratadine).
What vasoconstrictor drops can pregnant women have?
Not all medications are allowed to be used during pregnancy. Used therapeutic agents should not harm the mother and the unborn child. Find out which vasoconstrictor drops can be pregnant.
Drops and sprays based on saline solutions are distinguished by a soft, gentle action:
- “Aqua Master”;
- "Aqualor";
- Marimer
- "Aquamaris".
They do not have a strong effect and do not immediately relieve a cold.
Drops and sprays with oxymetazoline are conditionally allowed during pregnancy:
- Otrivin;
- "Nazivin";
- "Nesolin";
- "Nazol."
Vasoconstrictive drops and sprays for pregnant women are prescribed only in cases where the expected benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.
You can take the Sinupret plant-based remedy, which dilutes viscous mucus. After agreement with the doctor, a chronic rhinitis is treated with drops with corticosteroid substances: Flixazone, Nazarel.
The most budget drugs
Even a brief overview of the prices of drops and sprays with the same active ingredient confirms that the cost is influenced by the form of release and advertising costs.The main criteria for choosing a medicine: indications, contraindications and the presence of serious side effects. In case of difficulty, you should contact your doctor or pharmacist in a pharmacy.
Among naphazoline preparations there are inexpensive vasoconstrictor drops and Naphthyzinum spray (from 7 to 25 rubles).
Xylometazoline-based drugs are considered budgetary:
- "Rinostop";
- Xymelin
- "Rinonorm";
- Rinorus.
The cost of funds is in the range of 25–70 rubles. The action of these vasoconstrictor drops develops rapidly and with good tolerance, after half an hour, you can forget about a runny nose for at least 2 hours.
Contraindications and side effects
Most nasal preparations based on saline and sea water are intended for patients from infancy. The ban on the use of such funds is intolerance to the components.
But anticongestants in the composition of vasoconstrictor drops have the following contraindications:
- hypersensitivity to substances in the composition;
- atrophic and drug rhinitis;
- pregnancy (not for all drugs);
- increased intraocular pressure;
- severe atherosclerosis;
- arterial hypertension;
- diabetes;
- hyperthyroidism;
- tachycardia;
- glaucoma.
With frequent and / or prolonged use, side effects occur. The most common of them: burning of the mucosa, sneezing, increased runny nose, headache and insomnia. Quincke's edema, cardiac arrhythmias and visual impairment are less common.
Before using any vasoconstrictor drug, it is recommended that you read the manufacturer's instructions. Although local forms of medication do not affect the internal organs, the dosage and frequency of use must be observed. Drops or spray do not use for more than 8 days, as they are addictive. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended to first use a means with sea water for washing the nasal cavity.