Modern society is increasingly faced with a specific problem - low fertility. In 60% of cases, the cause is the defective sperm composition of a man, which prevents sperm from surviving in an aggressive female environment. Therefore, it is important to understand what substances make up the ejaculate, as well as how to improve, balance their level.

What is sperm

Sperm is a whitish-transparent liquid with a characteristic odor that is released during ejaculation. It is characteristic of both humans (men) and other male mammals. It is the quality of sperm that is a fundamental factor in successful fertilization and pregnancy.

Its excretion occurs during sexual intercourse or substitute forms of sexual activity, for example, masturbation. This process is part of a complex reflex that is activated by penile stimulation. Ejaculation in most cases is accompanied by an orgasm.

Sperm, which, when ejaculated, enters the vagina of a woman, consists of a seed (sperm) and seminal fluid. The female acidic environment is extremely aggressive towards foreign cells, therefore, a significant supply of high-quality sperm is required. Mobile male cells first enter the cervix, then directly into the uterus, move through the fallopian tubes and fertilize the egg in a wide part of the fallopian tube.

The cell path does not end there: sperm need to split two protective layers - a radiant crown and a shiny membrane.For the first barrier, spermatozoa will need to isolate a special enzyme to stratify the dense substance surrounding the egg. One male cell is not able to cope with this. It is estimated that approximately 10 million sperm are required for successful fertilization. To overcome the next shell, other enzymes are needed to locally "corrode" the substance.

The amount of nutrients necessary for the successful preservation of male DNA during passage through the aggressive environment of the vagina, enzymes for penetration through the cell wall are the main factors for successful fertilization.

Chemical and biochemical composition of seminal plasma

Human sperm consists of such basic elements as sperm, seminal fluid (seminal vesicle fluid) and prostate secretion. Only 3% falls on carriers of genetic information - male germ cells. With each subsequent sexual intercourse, this percentage decreases. The remaining substances are responsible for the nutrition and preservation of sperm, which directly affects the offspring of men.

Proteins and Carbohydrates

There are almost the largest amount of sperm in proteins, but in this state they exist exclusively until ejaculation.

After they are found in the composition in the form of amino acids:

  • glycine;
  • histidine;
  • isoleucine;
  • glutamic acid;
  • lysine;
  • leucine;
  • aspartic acid;
  • tyrosine;
  • serine.

The mass of such components is 0.0125 g per 1 ml of semen.

There are also substances that are lower in chemical structure by an order of magnitude - amines:

  • creatine
  • spermidine;
  • choline;
  • spermine.

The carbohydrate composition is mainly represented by fructose. The substance acts as a fuel for the movement of sperm in the direction of the egg. Accordingly, the more fructose in the sperm, the more active the male cells - the greater the chance of becoming pregnant with a woman.

There are also such carbohydrates, except fructose:

  • myoinotizole;
  • ribose;
  • sorbitol;
  • glucose;
  • fucose.

As for fats, there is a small amount of them in semen, and they are mainly represented by phospholipid compounds, cholesterol, prostaglandins. The latter play an important role in the reproduction of offspring: unsaturated fatty acids, which are prostaglandins, contribute to the relaxation of the uterus muscles, which reduces the resistance of the female body to foreign elements.

Relatively recently, the presence of citric acid in semen was also noticed, with a significant. But so far only hypotheses have been put forward about the role of a substance in the process of fertilization.

The composition of male sperm is quite rich in zinc ions: their concentration is much higher than in other tissues and body fluids. Potassium, sulfur, and copper are also present. The male reproductive system, or rather its main organ, the prostate gland, is responsible for the production of the bulk of minerals.

In small volumes in the seminal fluid, testosterone, adrenaline, norepinephrine and some other hormones can be found, but their concentration is extremely low, and the purpose has not yet been clarified. It is only proved that in fertile men, testosterone levels are significantly higher than in infertile ones (in the first group - 281-850 ng / ml, in the second - 0.35-1.8 ng / ml.


Enzymes in seminal fluid are responsible for clotting and liquefaction of sperm. It is these indicators that determine the viability of sperm in the vagina.

The two main groups of enzymes found in semen are indicated in the table below.

Oxidizing enzymesHydrolytic enzymes
• malicolimonic dehydrogenase;
• LDH enzyme (lactate dehydrogenase);
• Isolimonic dehydrogenase.
• acid phosphatase;
• glucosidase;
• maltase.

The first group plays an important role in cell metabolism, the second is responsible for the metabolism of nucleic acids. Using the volume of certain enzymes in semen, doctors can identify diseases of the reproductive system.

Hyaluronidase, an enzyme that allows the sperm to “corrode” the outer shell of the egg, the radiant crown, deserves special attention. The group of substances contained in the acrosome of the male cell helps to bypass the shiny shell and transmit genetic information. But these enzymes do not belong to those contained in the seminal fluid, they are stored in a small membrane pouch on the surface of the sperm and are released directly during fertilization.

The mass of the main components of male sperm can be found in the table.

ComponentWeight per 1 ml of semen
Amino acids0.0125 g
Free amines30-335 mcg
Fructose and other carbohydrates1-5 mg
Fats0.5 mg
Lemon acid1.8-8.4 mg
Minerals0.30 mg

Sperm preparation for exploitation

When planning a child, men sometimes need to prepare not only mentally - a number of simple actions will increase the chances of having a healthy child.

If before this, in a standard way, a woman was not able to become pregnant, then, perhaps, it is a matter of the quality of male sperm. To verify this statement, it is recommended to make a spermogram. It is only necessary to find a suitable center in which such a procedure is available.

The next important point is to undergo a full examination: make a blood test for HIV, hepatitis B and C viruses, fluorography, and other tests to identify possible chronic diseases.

Spermatozoa mature in 72-74 daysaccordingly, such a period is the time of preparation for conception.

To increase the likelihood even more, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle: give up smoking and alcohol, stress, adhere to the principles of proper nutrition;
  • avoid overcooling or heat stroke, including avoiding visiting the sauna, walking in cold weather in light clothing, etc .;
  • do not wear tight, uncomfortable underwear, avoid synthetic materials;
  • It is recommended to use vitamin preparations, especially focus on zinc, selenium, vitamin E, L-carnitine;
  • avoid taking antibiotics and steroids, unless the doctor prescribes such drugs;
  • minimize work with sprayed or evaporated chemicals;
  • Avoid sources of strong electromagnetic, ionizing radiation.

What determines the quality of seminal fluid

In recent years, the number of infertile couples has increased to 27% in Russia, but this does not mean infertility of partners. Problems are possible both from the side of the woman (unfavorable environment of the vagina), and from the side of the man (poor sperm quality).

The last parameter depends on many factors, including:

  • heredity;
  • bad habits;
  • the presence of STDs;
  • overweight;
  • ecology;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • frequent exposure to electromagnetic or ionizing radiation;
  • injuries affecting the reproductive system.

It is also worth remembering the genetic incompatibility of couples, even if the partners are absolutely healthy.

Semen Enhancer Products

It is impossible to drastically change the sperm quality of a man by normalizing nutrition. Of course, if we are talking about significant obesity, which affects the condition of male cells, then a correction of the diet is required. But for a healthy man, a change in nutrition will not significantly improve sperm quality.

It is worth paying attention to foods rich in minerals and vitamins, especially zinc, selenium, vitamins E and B:

  • nuts, pumpkin seeds;
  • fresh herbs and garlic;
  • bananas, apples, pomegranates;
  • tomatoes, asparagus, avocado;
  • seafood, red fish, oysters;
  • rabbit meat, veal;
  • domestic dairy products;
  • chicken eggs.

But do not get hung up on the listed foods. All changes in the diet should be aimed at the general improvement of the body, improving the state of the reproductive system.

Vitamins to Improve Seed Quality

Vitamin complexes that can be purchased in pharmacies are the most common way to improve seed in medical practice. Do not prescribe specific medications for yourself. It is necessary to make a spermogram and, based on the results obtained, choose the most suitable drugs.

These may include the following elements:

  • Vitamin E
  • zinc;
  • L-carnitine;
  • selenium;
  • Vitamin B9

There are special complexes for men aimed at improving sperm quality, for example, Sinergin or Speroton. The course of admission is 2-3 months. But to select specific drugs, it is recommended to consult a doctor, agree on the method of administration and duration of the course.

The chemical composition of sperm is the main factor responsible for male fertility. The correct proportions of certain components can provide healthy offspring. To check the composition, it is recommended to make a spermogram and, if necessary, take a course to improve the quality of the seed. It may include a number of simple actions - changing the diet, taking vitamin preparations.