Sausages in the pastry in the oven are simple and tasty pastries, and also hearty. The dish is very easy to prepare in the home kitchen.
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Sausages in the puff pastry in the oven
Sausages in puff-free yeast dough is the easiest option, since you don’t have to bother with kneading the dough provided you use the finished product.
For cooking you will need:
- the right amount of sausages;
- packaging of yeast dough;
- one yolk.
Cooking step by step:
- Defrost the finished dough, roll it into thinner layers and cut into strips.
- With these stripes we wrap each of the sausages so that it resembles a tube in some way.
- We lay the billets on a baking sheet. Top dough can be coated with whipped yolk.
- Bring to roast and cook in a hot oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.
Yeast base recipe
Sausages in the yeast dough are particularly tasty and soft.
The composition of the components:
- five grams of yeast;
- half a spoon of salt;
- the right amount of sausages;
- 350 grams of flour;
- a spoonful of sugar.
Cooking process:
- First, make the foundation. Pour yeast into a glass of warm water, add sugar and leave the mixture for 15 minutes, so that it swells.
- Pour flour into a bowl, combine with salt, then pour in the yeast mass, bring it to a lump, cover with a cloth and put it in a warm place for an hour.
- Then we turn the dough into a layer, cut it into strips of a width of not more than two centimeters and wrap sausages in them.
- We send the blanks to the baking sheet, and then to the hot oven. The dish will be ready in 20 minutes when heated to 180 degrees.
Sausages in kefir dough
You can also cook sausages in dough with kefir, and even a not-so-fresh product will do.
Essential Ingredients:
- 300 grams of flour;
- the amount of sausage depends on desire;
- 200 milliliters of kefir;
- a spoon of salt.
Cooking process:
- We combine kefir with flour, salt and begin to knead so that the mass is elastic and soft.
- We roll it out not too thick, cut into strips, wrap each of the sausages in them.
- We lay out the blanks in the form and remove the bake in the oven for 20 minutes, while the heating temperature should be 180-200 degrees.
On a batter
The recipe for the lazy and those who do not have time to cook.
The composition of the components:
- egg;
- approximately 250 milliliters of milk;
- a glass of flour;
- half a kilogram of sausages;
- salt to your taste.
Cooking step by step:
- Pour flour and salt in one bowl, beat the egg slightly in another and combine everything together, then add milk and knead until a homogeneous consistency.
- Sausages are cut into medium pieces, if they are large, and put into shape. Bake them for 10 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees.
- After that, quickly pour the prepared mixture of flour and put it in the oven again, but for 20 minutes at the same temperature.
Tasty recipe:sausages in batter
Cheese Pastries
Cheese baking is always delicious, and if it is also with sausages, then you get double pleasure, which is very simple to cook.
Required Products:
- about 10 sausages;
- 150 grams of cheese;
- any dough to your taste weighing 400 grams.
Cooking step by step:
- We cut the cheese into thin rectangular plates, and turn the selected dough into a layer.
- We cut it into square pieces of medium size. And on each square we first spread the cheese, then the sausage and we fix the edges in the very center, so that it appears as if in an envelope.
- All the resulting workpieces are distributed on a baking sheet and baked for 20 minutes, heating the oven to 200 degrees.
With a base of butter dough on milk
This test option is very good for baking. Milk improves taste, increases the nutritional value of finished products. You will not find it in the store, so you have to cook it yourself.
Ingredients for the dish:
- 50 grams of butter;
- a spoonful of sugar and very little salt;
- milk about 240 milliliters;
- 6 grams of yeast;
- about 12 sausages;
- one egg;
- 450 grams of flour.
Cooking process:
- Heat the indicated amount of milk slightly so that the temperature is no more than 40 degrees, add yeast with sugar there, stir and let the mixture brew for about 10 minutes.
- In another container, mix the contents of the egg with salt, a little sugar, melted butter in advance to a liquid state, and then pour in the yeast mass.
- It remains only to fill in the flour and bring everything to the consistency of the dough, so that it is soft.
- Divide it into parts to make medium-sized balls, make bundles of them and use a rolling pin to turn them into thin strips.
- Now you need to wrap each sausage in them, so that they are either in a pigtail or in a spiral.
- Put the prepared blanks on a baking sheet or in a baking dish, leave for 15 minutes, so that the dough fits slightly. Optionally, the top of the products can be coated with yolk.
- Bake for 20 minutes, bringing the oven temperature to 200 degrees in advance.
How to wrap a sausage?
Wrapping a baking sausage in a spiral with a thinly rolled strip is the easiest option, but there are several more ways you can do this.
- For example, in the form of pigtails. To do this, you need to take a lump of dough, gently press it so that it becomes flat. Place the sausage in the very middle, and cut the remaining edges in the form of Christmas tree branches in a downward direction, then wrap each cut, tossing them to the sausage, on top of each other.
- Another option is to put the sausage in a medium-sized thin cake, connect the edges in the middle so that the sausage is completely in the dough, and make transverse cuts in it, while only the dough is cut, the sausage remains intact.
- Another way is a boat.We take a thin cake, put the sausage inside, and turn the side edges towards the center. We fix the upper and lower parts among themselves. The result should be a form in the form of a boat or cradle. Dough surrounds the sausage from all sides, and it is inside, as in a recess.