Sleep paralysis is a sleep disorder, the characteristic feature of which is the inability to make any movement or say a word. For many years, people attributed this state exclusively to tricks of unclean power and only relatively recently have scientists been able to explain in detail the physiological nature of this amazing phenomenon.

What is sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis is sometimes one of the symptoms of various psychiatric or neurological disorders. But in the vast majority of cases, it arises as an independent phenomenon due to malfunctions of the nervous system at the very moment of going to sleep or awakening. The muscles of the body at this time are absolutely relaxed, and the brain has not yet had time to disconnect or "woke up" too early. A person is fully aware of what is happening, but at the same time can not even move a finger, since the body does not obey him. The brain perceives the situation as life-threatening, so panic begins.

This condition causes such fear on a person that he really begins to believe that he is dealing with supernatural forces - evil spirits, monsters, aliens and other terrible creatures. In fact, stupor occurs for a completely understandable, “earthly” reason - as a result of a violation of the synchronization of consciousness and the untimely restoration of muscle functions.

Such paralysis does not last long - from a couple of seconds to a minute or two, but this time seems to the victim hours. Sleepy stupor is not life-threatening, but its frequent occurrence can adversely affect the human psyche.Particularly affected are suspicious people with a debilitated nervous system.

Causes, symptoms, types of disease

The disorder is quite common, but mostly teenagers and young people under 25 suffer from it.

The causes of carotid paralysis are quite prosaic:

  • constant lack of sleep, non-compliance with the regime of the day;
  • chronic insomnia;
  • frequent stress;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • side effect of prolonged use of antidepressants and other potent medicines;
  • sleep in supine position;
  • restless legs syndrome.

Often, drug addicts and people who are addicted to alcohol or smoking suffer from this disorder.

Describing the symptoms of sleep paralysis, each person evaluates them very subjectively. But many complain of hallucinations, suffocation and muscle atony. It seems to one that someone has piled on top of them and strangling them, to others - that demons and monsters are standing near their bed, the third one squeals, whistles, voices and screams. At these moments, a person cannot even move, since all the muscles of his body are in a state of relaxation. Physiologically, during a stupor, the patient has difficulty breathing, a heartbeat is racing, twitching of body parts may occur. If another person looks at the patient at this time, he will notice a grimace of horror on his face.

Depending on the time of occurrence, paralysis is divided into two types:

  • hypnagogic (during falling asleep);
  • hypnotic (at the time of awakening).

Hypnagogic paralysis often goes unnoticed, as the whole body gradually goes into an unconscious state. If a person does not try to move or say something at this time, he will not even know about it. It is impossible not to notice hypnotic paralysis.

Diagnosis of the syndrome

Persons suffering from such a disorder are most often referred to a somnologist - a doctor who deals with sleep problems. An experienced specialist can make a diagnosis even from the words of the patient. If paralysis is repeated frequently, the doctor will advise you to have a notebook and note all your feelings in it. This will help to understand the causes that triggered the disorder, and eliminate them.

If the somnologist concludes that this is not just a normal sleep disorder, but a serious illness, the patient is referred for a consultation with a neurologist and psychiatrist.

How to get rid of sleep paralysis

There is no specific treatment as such. Typically, the patient is advised to review his daily regimen and avoid stress. You must sleep at the same time, rest for at least 8 hours and get up on the alarm clock. The patient must understand that nothing bad can happen to him during paralysis.


Medications are prescribed only in cases where the cause of paralysis is a serious disease of the nervous system. Most often, the doctor prescribes antidepressants. You can’t prescribe such medicines on your own, since they have too many serious side effects.

In rare cases, the doctor advises drugs that improve the process of falling asleep and the quality of sleep - Melatonin, Neurostabil.


Vitamins are needed to strengthen a weak body. If a person lacks certain vitamins, his nervous system begins to work intermittently. A significant role in this is played by a balanced diet.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Of the physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, the following are effective:

  • massage;
  • electrophoresis;
  • aerotherapy;
  • electric sleep.

At home before going to bed, it is very helpful to take a relaxing bath. This will help the brain and body muscles relax.

Disease prevention

To prevent such sleep disorders, you must:

  • more often to be on the street, move more;
  • engage in light sports or moderate physical labor;
  • do not watch TV before hanging up;
  • reduce the time you use a laptop and other gadgets;
  • do not overeat at night;
  • ventilate the room before going to bed;
  • prefer to fall asleep in a lateral position (paralysis occurs only in people who like to sleep on their backs);
  • observe the regime of work, rest and sleep.

Sleepy paralysis occurs only with independent awakening. People who get up on the alarm or at the request of loved ones do not even know what it is. Therefore, it is better to accustom yourself to get up on an alarm clock or ask family members to personally wake up a person prone to this disorder in the morning.

Even if this unpleasant phenomenon happens often, do not panic. In most cases, this is simply a signal from the body that the nervous system is overstrained, it needs relaxation and rest. Subject to doctor's recommendations, carotid stupor is no longer repeated.