From ancient times, the mirror was considered a magical object, realizing the connection between this and the other world. Therefore, any dream interpretation mirror, in the first place, is interpreted as a kind of omen of fate. But what exactly should happen depends on the details of the dream.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
The main meaning of the mirror is the inner world, its own "I". However, depending on the situation, it can personify a romantic relationship, and health, and fate in general.
Interpreters explain this dream in different ways:
- David Loff interprets the mirror as an omen of important changes in fate. In the dreamer's life, events will soon happen that will allow him to see different things in a true light differently.
- The interpretation of the clairvoyant Vanga is associated with personal self-esteem: the mirror represents the sleeping person’s fear of “losing face” and the desire to look good in the eyes of others.
- According to Miller’s dream book, a mirror warns of problems in a love relationship: quarrels, betrayals, etc.
- Denise Lynn interprets this subject as the personification of "I": the sleeping person needs to pay attention to his own interests, feelings and feelings.
- Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov considers the mirror in two ways: the reflection of a stranger promises quick changes in life, his own face - material profit or the birth of a child.
- But according to the Gypsy dream book, the mirror predicts betrayal by someone whom the dreamer trusts.
What does it mean for men, women
The gender of the dreamer plays a huge role.
If a man saw such a dream, then there are several ways to interpret it:
- The mirror itself portends problems in real life.
- Although this same accessory may be a symbol of deception or hypocrisy.
- Receive this item as a gift - for a successful marriage.
- To see gray hair at one's reflection is a problem in money matters. You need to devote more time to your own work in order to avoid trouble.
For a girl, a dream about a mirror can also have several meanings:
- Just the presence of this accessory in a dream predicts a quarrel with relatives or parting with a guy.
- If you dream of a broken mirror, then soon the dreamer will have a fight with someone dear. In preparation for the wedding, such a dream is even more negative: an unhappy marriage or a broken engagement.
- But the very moment of turning the mirror into fragments portends, including the loss of innocence or a frivolous romantic relationship.
- Reflection of a lover in a mirror can tell a girl what their common fate will be. If the young man looked joyful and healthy, then all the ups and downs will be temporary, and the future family life will be happy. And vice versa, the sight of a tormented and pale lover in a mirror promises misfortune and a break in relations.
Of particular importance for the girl is the process of applying makeup. If she dreamed that she paints her lips in front of a mirror, then soon she will be invited to a romantic date.
How successful it will be depends on the color of the lipstick:
- Warm discreet colors (beige, brown, sand) mean mutual sympathy and a gradual increase in love interest.
- Lip gloss or hygienic lipstick - failure or friendships.
- But to paint lips with red lipstick of any shades - to an instantly flashed passion and stormy emotions.
Why dream of a broken mirror
It is difficult to find a sign more unfavorable than a split mirror.
All objects with a reflective surface in ancient times were considered attributes of magic, and their destruction foreshadowed all kinds of troubles.
The situation does not become less unpleasant if the mirror crashes in a dream:
- Tsvetkov regards this event as a sign of the near loss of something precious due to other people's intrigues. In a narrower sense, such a dream may portend a quick separation.
- According to the New Family Dream Book, a broken mirror predicts an unexpected departure from the life of a loved one.
- The eastern female dream book regards him as a symbol of the collapse of all hopes.
- If a fragile object has crumbled into small pieces and you see a burning candle nearby, wait for important changes that will completely change your life. Such a dream symbolizes getting rid of bad thoughts and accumulated emotional negativity.
- Finally, to hear the sound of shattering fragments - to important news.
More dream books:a little boy
Without reflection
Not the most favorable sign is to look in the mirror and not see anything in it.
The meanings of such a dream can be several:
- Tsvetkov interprets it as a warning about a latent disease.
- Aesop's dream book, on the contrary, sees in such dreams an omen of important changes in spiritual life, a revision of life values.
- According to Wangi's dream book, such a dream is a sign that someone is using the sleeping person as a puppet. It can be a question not only of simple manipulation, but also of obsession, therefore the seer advises to go to church as soon as possible.
- Of particular importance is a mirror covered with a cloth or other object. Such a plot symbolizes a certain secret or intrigue unfolding around a dreamer.
- And vice versa, the dream of closing the mirror (with cloth, palms, etc.) speaks of an unclean conscience: the sleeper is insincere with his loved ones, and his subconscious mind encourages him to be honest with people dear to his heart.
A lot of home decoration in a dream
A large number of mirrors symbolize a difficult life situation in which the development of events depends on the choice of the person who saw such a dream. He will have to decide which of his entourage he is ready to trust.
If, in addition to the mirror, many other objects were dreamed in a dream, then in real life the sleeping person carries a heavy burden of doubt and worries. It is necessary to get rid of emotional trash in order to be able to start a new life.
Admire yourself in front of the mirror
Own image, reflected in a shiny surface, can have very different meanings.
To understand what exactly portends such a dream, you need to remember in detail all the nuances:
- According to the English dream book, admiring your reflection is a failure. In real life, the dreamer is guided by emotions, not reason, and will soon be punished for such frivolity.
- Admiring oneself symbolizes the agreement between the events that take place and the sleeping person's idea of a right life.
- Had to dance in front of a mirror in a dream? Very soon, professional work will be appreciated.
- Seeing yourself in a mirror in a dream entirely - for the imminent wedding.
- If the reflection flaunted an unusual or simply beautiful outfit, then a party or other pleasant pastime awaits the sleeping man.
- Measuring a dress is a journey. The more luxurious it is, the more successful the trip will be.
- To take off one’s clothes in front of a mirror means to lose one’s protection.
To see an unfamiliar face in the mirror and suddenly realize that this own reflection is about to change soon. Moving, a new job or a romantic hobby - in a word, soon the dreamer will not recognize himself!
However, such a dream may have a different interpretation: the sleeping person’s life path does not suit him. He spends a lot of effort to maintain an image invented for himself.
Be attentive to such trifles as emotions on the face of reflection, neatness or, conversely, sloppiness, external attractiveness, etc.
The interpretation of sleep largely depends on how you appear in front of the mirror:
- Joy on the face of one's own reflection promises happy changes in life. Conversely, sad wrinkles and an extinct look predict problems and unhappy waking events.
- If you dream of a reflection in the mirror smeared with soot, then your reputation is at risk. Soon you may be slandered or embarrassed by those you trust. However, if you managed to wash yourself in a night dream, then you can get rid of false libel.
- If in a dream you saw yourself beautiful and could not stop looking at yourself, then your life will be happy, and minor troubles will be resolved in the most favorable way.
Particular attention should be paid to dreams in which the real appearance of the sleeping person does not coincide with the image in the mirror:
- For an ugly girl, it is considered a very good sign to see yourself in a mirror in the image of a beautiful woman. Such a dream promises a gentle and faithful lover who will see his soul as his betrothed, and not her appearance.
- To look at the reflection of an ugly old woman and recognize himself in him, on the contrary, to illness and grief.
Comb hair
Such an everyday action in a dream turns into an important magical symbol that can reveal a woman’s fate:
- For single girls, combing hair in front of a mirror predicts unexpected expenses or committing rash, impulsive acts.
- Such a dream promises a family quarrel with a spouse.
- Combing with a comb - to the end of problems or events that make you worry.
- If there is hair on the scallop, expect financial losses.
Please note: for men, dreams about caring for hair do not predict anything other than soon baldness. True, this can be avoided if you take care of the health of your hair in time.
Clean, dirty mirror
The appearance of the reflective surface is also important.
After all, it personifies the inner world of a person and his relationship with others:
- A cracked mirror in which reflections cannot be seen is a sign of an incorrectly chosen life path. In an attempt to keep up with public opinion, you lose yourself.
- Particular attention to his circle of communication, according to Nostradamus, needs to be shown if a big mirror is dreamed.If the reflection is almost invisible due to dust or cobwebs, then you are surrounded by hypocrites, weaving around intrigue or ready to set up at an opportunity.
- A rusty mirror portends sad events.
- And decorated with pearls or mother-of-pearl-shiny - a quarrel with someone dear.
- Those who saw a dirty mirror in a dream during an important undertaking should temporarily postpone the plan: someone in your environment is making every effort to create as many obstacles as possible for you.
- To wash a mirror, on the contrary, is a good sign. Such a dream means that you will be able to clear your good name. True, this will require a lot of work.
In hands on the wall
A small pocket mirror and a heavy dressing table have completely different meanings.
Moreover, the interpretation depends not only on the size of the accessory, but also on its location:
- Buying a large floor mirror portends serious troubles.
- If you see your mirror in the wrong hands, then your soulmate is in danger.
- A miniature, graceful mirror speaks of the purity of your thoughts and promises good luck in life.
- Handing this item over to someone is soon reconciliation with a loved one.
- The mirror on the wall is a warning about trying to trick you.
The appearance of this accessory in a dream always means any changes associated with the perception of self or the choice of a new life path. Therefore, in order to correctly interpret the clue of fate, you need to understand yourself. The main thing is not to lie - because the reflection in the mirror always shows the truth, albeit impartial.