In all dream books, the earth is regarded as one of the most important archetypes known to mankind. It is a source of food and wealth, but also a symbol of the mortality of life.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Earth, whether it is soil or the planet as a whole, is the main condition for human existence. That is why all dream books interpret it not only as a symbolic phenomenon, but also as an association with certain material goods.

In night dreams, the earth can symbolize:

  • house and housing problems;
  • work and, in general, any actions that allow “to get food”;
  • material condition;
  • life (both of the dreamer and his loved ones);
  • family or romance.

Of course, we are talking only about those dreams where the dreamer's attention was somehow focused on the earth.

Different dream books offer their own interpretations:

  • In English, the earth symbolizes wealth and a stable social position. Therefore, the acquisition of land portends the growth of wealth, and the sale, on the contrary, financial problems or relocation.
  • Earth, as an image of uncharted territories and long-awaited land on the horizon, according to the East, Modern and other dream books, means swift changes. Fertile - to joy and prosperity, stony - to troubles.
  • Dream interpretation "2012" interprets the soil as a sign of stability. Such a vision means that you need to stop floating in the clouds and think about your own well-being. The globe as a whole, on the contrary, means the path to something unknown, the possibility of spiritual growth. In addition, it is also a sign of the dreamer's responsibility for everything that happens on the planet.
  • In the 21st century dream book, such a dream is directly related to the dreamer's well-being.Freshly plowed land means wealth. Abandoned, on the contrary, misery and loss. If in night dreams you see how the frozen ground is thawing, you can safely count on luck in reality.
  • Similar flowing offers Flowers. Fertile soil rich in luxurious vegetation promises a man a beautiful wife. And in general it is a symbol of prosperity.
  • Miller treats his soiled clothes as a threat of wandering due to any charges or trips in order to improve his health.
  • But the predictions of the medieval philosopher Azar are interpreted by a dream about the earth with possible humiliation.

Digging ground with a shovel

Dreams in which you have to dig the earth have a dual meaning and can mean both future well-being and sad events, because of which you will have to dig a hole under the grave.

The smallest details matter:

  • According to Tsvetkov, digging the earth in a dream with a shovel is a bad sign, such a plot portends an imminent funeral.
  • But if you dig the earth in order to enclose something, then in real life you can expect success on the personal front. No wonder the word "spud" has the figurative meaning of "flirt", "to show signs."
  • If the land that you had to dig up feels soft, then in real life you will soon be able to finish some important business.
  • Grishina regards digging or plowing the land as a promise of prosperity and success in business.
  • To see a man wielding a shovel is to expose a carefully guarded secret.
  • Miller's dream interpretation interprets earthmoving as an omen of a prosperous life, but filled with labor and troubles.
  • Finding something valuable or just shiny in the ground while digging is a success.

Plowed, untreated soil

The excavated earth symbolizes a time of important change.

Figuratively speaking, the ground for a new life has already been prepared, and what fate will depend on your waking actions:

  • Plowing the land is for prosperity. For a business person, such a dream is a symbol of future career achievements, for a young woman - the possibility of coveted motherhood.
  • Dug up fertile land is interpreted as readiness for marriage or simply important changes in life.
  • To cultivate the land to sowing, according to the 21st century dream book, to increase or other pleasant changes at work.
  • However, be careful if you dream of the plowed land of black color - in reality events that will plunge you into gloom and will make you seek the meaning of life may await.

Untreated soil can also become a good sign:

  • Overgrown with grass - to unexpected happiness or to receive an unexpected income.
  • Covered with moss - expect a successful marriage.

Walk, run barefoot

The lack of shoes when walking on the ground in night vision can be both a bad and a very favorable symbol, depending on the situation:

  • A woman who is in a romantic relationship, such a dream promises full compatibility with a partner.
  • According to the dream book of Hasse, such a vision predicts a speedy move "to the ground" in the countryside or just in a private house.
  • At the same time, walking barefoot can be a signal of the body that some disturbances have occurred in it, it is worth visiting a doctor.
  • The absolutely opposite meaning of the dream in which you run through the dew is that you will soon get rid of the diseases that torment you, and improvement will come in material life. However, obstacles may await the path to these good changes.
  • If there is liquid dirt under your bare fingers, then in reality one of your friends spreads rumors about you that threaten your reputation. Moreover, the culprits of such gossip, it is quite possible, are you yourself, and it is not too late to change your behavior.
  • Miller explains walking barefoot and in rags, as a sign of the collapse of all hopes and aspirations.
  • The awkwardness of the lack of shoes can mean that self-doubt and constant "self-digging" interfere with a full life.

The key to such dreams is your emotions.If you felt pleasure from walking without shoes, it means that prosperity awaits. When the need to walk barefoot on the ground was disgusted, the predicted future would also be bleak.

Plant flowers, vegetables or fruits

To take part in a dream in agricultural work is a very good sign promising positive changes in fate.

  • For lovers, this is an omen of an imminent wedding and happiness in the family.
  • If you had to plant flowers in a pot - expect career advancement.
  • On a small plot of land - there will be mutual understanding with a loved one.
  • Flowers planted in a greenhouse mean the opportunity to achieve the cherished goal.
  • Vegetables sown in the garden predict a long life and a generally happy fate. At the same time, onions symbolize labor successes, tomato or other seedlings - positive changes, cucumbers - household, but not too burdensome, chores.
  • Planting seeds in the soil promises the dreamer good health or, in case of illness, a speedy recovery.
  • Planting or digging in the roots means a strong spiritual connection with the older generation, or, conversely, advises to restore relations with their elderly relatives.
  • If the trees you planted do not take root, do not be in a hurry to be scared - such a dream means that you need to wait a bit with active actions.

In addition, dreams of planting trees for a girl mean a quick and happy motherhood, for a man - an easy goal.

Why dream of a hole in the ground

The pit symbolizes the efforts made to achieve the goal. The longer it took to dig, or the larger the hole was seen, the harder it would be to succeed.

However, there are several nuances:

  • A person who dreams of a hole in a dream needs to beware of unexpected tricks of fate.
  • If in a dream you dug a hole, and it was filled with water, then in reality the efforts made in some important matter will be in vain.
  • Throwing money into a hole is a material problem. You will have to get into debt, and you will not be able to cope with troubles in this way.
  • Traveling underground, according to Tsvetkov, predicts heavy troubles, and failures will be largely due to the mistakes of the dreamer himself (for example, he is too part and actively criticizes, instead of acting). On the contrary, getting lost in underground burrows - to a quick and favorable change of fate.
  • If a pit appears in the way unexpectedly, caution is necessary in reality.
  • Going down into a pit or ditch is a symbol of problems and impending need. An even worse sign is to fall there. Such a vision predicts loss, both material (ruin, a lean year) and moral, for example, betrayal of a loved one.
  • Falling into a hole where any animals are already sitting is a sign of problems that will arise due to one's own negligence.
  • According to the Small Veles dream book, the dreamer's fate directly depends on the sleeping person’s behavior, falling down in a dream. Will be able to pull herself together and get out - to cope with misfortune in real life. Fails, then it will soon be in the grave.
  • But the garbage pit, according to the Modern Dream Book, promises some important news that will be received by mail or through "third hands".

Lie or sleep on her

There is no single interpretation of such a dream.

The following options are possible:

  • You have envious people who are ready to do everything to level you up.
  • According to the dream book of Hasse, lying on the ground is a cause of minor troubles in life (however, they will not pose a serious danger).
  • Aesop explains this story as a promise of impending upheavals that will break the whole rhythm of your life, but ultimately lead to the happiest consequences.
  • Sitting on the ground, according to the Assyrian dream book, is to gain respect.
  • The dream in which you sleep directly on the ground means weakness or lack of strength for any business. Perhaps you are just tired and need to relax mentally and physically.

See the lack of vegetation

A land on which nothing grows is associated with misery, poverty, hunger among all peoples.

There can be several values:

  • Barren or simply withered, it portends a series of setbacks and futile troubles.
  • The soothsayer Vanga interprets the dream of a deserted, lifeless land as a warning about the famine that will soon befall humanity.
  • Such night visions can be perceived in a less global sense, as serious financial losses and starvation.
  • According to the Wanderer’s dream book, cracked earth is a sign of material losses, as well as a loss of cheerfulness and mental strength in general. For a family person, this can mean a dead end in a relationship.
  • If the stony, dead soil was dreamed of by a lover, then parting and long loneliness awaits.
  • A man who is determined to end his bachelor life, such a dream predicts the grumpy nature of his future wife.
  • Earth, corroded by cracks, portends petty quarrels with loved ones.
  • Interpretation of Grishina interprets any dreams about soil without vegetation as a warning about a possible situation involving a serious risk to life. However, if sleep is associated with agricultural work, you can expect a favorable completion of work.

Earth is getting out from under your feet, which means

Earth symbolizes sustainability, strong roots and the ability to withstand the blows of fate. Therefore, dreams, in which the soil leaves under the feet, are a sign of adverse changes or simply disorder in life.

The interpretation depends on the chosen dream book and the nuances of the plot:

  • Moving underfoot (for example, during an earthquake), the earth foreshadows the search for another place of work. However, this sign is rather favorable, promising happiness and success in a new position.
  • According to the dream book of Shereminskaya, the interpretation of natural disasters on earth is associated with a negative turn in fate: important things will end in the most unfavorable way, any mental problems may arise.
  • If you dream of falling to the ground, especially from a great height, humiliation and difficult material times await in reality.
  • But night dreams, in which the earth leaves underfoot without any cataclysms, urge the dreamer to pay more attention to his own interests and to show firmness in upholding his ideas.
  • If the soil sags or crumbles underfoot, you need to wait for problems with various official institutions - the tax inspectorate, housing office, etc.
  • But a land that is failing and enthralling is a sign of health problems that have not yet been discovered.

Black, loose soil

Black Earth is an ambiguous symbol, its interpretation largely depends on what culture a person belongs to. Such a color of soil can be associated either with fertility (chernozem), or with grief.

A large role is played by the actions of a sleeping person:

  • Just seeing black earth in a dream - to depression or despondency.
  • The nightly plot, in which I had to eat loose, crumbling earth, is an omen of poverty and hunger.
  • For a young man, fertile black land is a foreshadow of an early meeting with the girl of his dreams.
  • Collecting it in a dream means working under someone else's direction.
  • Raking loose soil in a bag - for an important public appearance.
  • If you dreamed of taking black soil into a handful, then soon in real life you will need someone else's help, which the sleeping person will refuse, so as not to complicate the situation of loved ones.
  • If you collect not just soil, but soil samples for analysis, then in reality a critical period of life awaits, and to achieve the goal you will have to carefully consider each step you take.

Remember that no dream can be considered in isolation from their own emotions. If in a dream when you saw the earth you felt joy, then the predicted changes will bring happiness, no matter how unfavorable the official interpretation may seem.