The dream of a rich and plentiful treat almost always precedes good changes in life. In the dream book, the feast is interpreted as a positive symbol. For the correct decoding of the night story, it is important to consider how and where the event was held, who said what, what emotions the dreamer experienced.
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Interpretation in different dream books
Regarding the nightly plot about the feast, different dream books are unanimous - this is a good sign.
Psychologist G. Miller believes that such a vision indicates happiness and well-being, stable family relationships. And also he adds that the tested emotions are of great importance. If it was easy and joyful for you at the table, then soon there will be a meeting with good people.
Unpleasant sensations warn of impending disaster.
A meal with nothing on the table indicates upcoming financial problems.
Vanga interpreted the dream with plentiful refreshments as a sign indicating profit and an excellent harvest. A table not laden with food - to the deterioration of the financial situation.
To an unmarried girl, a dream with a generously presented meal promises an early wedding. A meager feast indicates a poor groom, a rich one indicates a wealthy one.
A vision for a married lady foreshadows the birth of a child.
Sigmund Freud abandoned the well-known interpretations and connected the feast in the night story with female passion. In his opinion, a sumptuous treat indicates a temperamental woman. And, conversely, a meager or empty table speaks of her indifference to sexual games.
A feast overflowing with various dishes means that there is no harmony in married life, and there are problems with health.
The wanderer’s dream interpretation explains the dreamed feast as an indication of upcoming joyful events and future happiness. Await the sleeping awaiting:
- good luck in business;
- stability;
- good income.
When in a dream you feel unpleasant emotions, you need to seriously assess the real state of affairs and try to correct mistakes that threaten the loss of stability.
A female dream book claims that a feast in night dreams precedes the imminent waking conception.
Tsvetkov gives the following interpretation:
- a cheerful banquet in a restaurant symbolizes a difficult and speedy breakup, but if your emotions are in a normal state, then you will not experience great grief.
See a holiday without me
A feast in a dream that takes place without you means that you will make decisions in reality, guided by your own intuition, and not by accepted traditions.
In Loff's dream book, a feast without a dreamer is interpreted in this way: if he is ignored, is not called to the table, in reality the situation can be repeated. Relatives and colleagues will turn away from the sleeping person. Possible job loss.
Had a big feast and a lot of people
A feast with a large number of participants dreams of good changes in the family and at work. There is a real possibility of winning, awarding a prize or receiving an inheritance.
The noisy company at the table is a very good symbol. It portends a fun feast or a pleasant meeting with someone. Unfortunately, this does not always happen.
If you dream of a feast with relatives gathered together, be prepared for disagreeable disputes with them. Another interpretation of such a dream is parting.
Wedding celebration predicts a calm and measured life.
Celebrating your own birthday promises illness and trouble, but someone else's anniversary - to joy.
The dream, in which women in white robes and men in black gathered at the same table, portends a great misfortune.
I dreamed about a feast with strangers - such a nightly picture in reality predicts losses and expenses.
What does a banquet with colleagues and friends mean?
The dreamed banquet portends that in reality you will have to pay dearly for your own well-being.
A fight at such a feast portends an unexpected and serious problem.
The unpleasant people gathered at the table symbolize the sleeping person's upcoming participation in squabbles and gossip that could harm his reputation.
A feast with colleagues indicates the upcoming misunderstanding in the team. Sleep promises good events under the following conditions:
- the table is covered with a clean tablecloth;
- the guests stayed for a long time;
- sang funny songs and talked animatedly.
A festive table without food, with dirty plates, warns of troubles in the team or dismissal.
A dream with the participation of colleagues, classmates, friends indicates that in reality there will be a pleasant time.
If there were only men in the night vision at the celebration, then the dreamer will soon receive a serious offer related to work.
A meal in the church with friends and relatives, with strangers, with classmates, a boss, and men symbolizes the end of difficulties and the beginning of a new life stage.
If you saw a feast in a dream, there are a lot of people who do not know each other at all, then there is a situation ahead when you can fully appreciate what it means to be out of place.
Why dream of a feast with the dead
Sitting at a table with a dead man - a dream warns of impending danger. After such a nightly plot, you need to go to church, put candles for the repose of the dead and the health of the living.
For a girl, a meal in a dream with such a “guest” bodes good news.
Not all dreams with the participation of deceased people symbolize death, trouble, disease. The night vision portends trouble, in which the deceased leaves and calls with him.
It has long been known that dreams have incredible power. They remind of the past, warn against rash actions, predict the future. Dreams of holidays and feasts are positive and good. May there be more of them, and our life is better and longer!