According to many dream books, a lizard is an interesting and complex character. To understand what the promise of a dream with this reptile, take a few minutes to our article.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Popular dream books variously explain a dream with a lizard.

So, for example, Miller’s dream book reports:

  • Look at the lizard - get ready for the attacks of enemies.
  • Kill the reptile - restore your reputation and resolve many problems, but it will cost you big nerves.
  • If a woman dreamed, then she would have to go through certain financial difficulties.

Seer Wang believes that the lizard symbolizes a lost chance, presented by fate.

But do not despair, because soon you will get a new opportunity to realize yourself. The captured reptile means that in life you will successfully complete difficult things.

According to Juno's dream book:

  • If in a dream on the road they saw a lizard, then in life you will soon encounter an ill-wisher.
  • If you dreamed that the dreamer killed the lizard, then this symbolizes a speedy victory over the enemies.

Freud, as always, considers dreams a reflection of the dreamer's intimate life. Therefore, if you see a fleeing reptile, then it can symbolize the betrayal of a partner. Tried to catch her - you will be very disappointed with the long-awaited date.

  • If you believe the dream book of Medea, the reptile warns of communication with unpleasant and vile people.
  • But Tsvetkov’s dream book reports that the sleeper, who holds the lizard in his sleep, will soon gain very valuable knowledge useful to society. But you do not need to relax, because information is sometimes a very heavy burden.
  • The family dream book claims that the lizard is a symbol of the enemy. You need to carefully analyze your surroundings and understand who is just pretending to be a friend. Such a person will easily leave the sleeping man for his own benefit.
  • The female dream book warns: if in a dream you see a lizard and dislike it, then a very angry person pretends to be your girlfriend in life. This woman is strong and domineering, so you need to defeat her by cunning.
  • Hasse says that a dreamer who unsuccessfully tries to catch a lizard must analyze his actions. Perhaps the path he chose to achieve the goal is not very decent.

Esoteric dream book pays a lot of attention to such an ambiguous symbol from a dream.

So, he reports that:

  • the runaway reptile symbolizes disappointment in loved ones;
  • the caught lizard is a symbol of gaining spiritual freedom;
  • many lizards - the "club" of envious people surrounded by a sleeping person.

See the big lizard

When a big lizard dreams, this dream warns of serious enemies. They will not hide their aggression towards you. This dream warns: carefully choose your environment. It may also mean that in your circle of friends there is already a person who wants to do evil.

Had a biting reptile

According to Miller, if a lizard bit in a dream, then a similar plot predicts the imminent beginning of a black stripe in life. Perhaps your loved one will fall into a situation with a tragic outcome.

The meaning of sleep with monitor lizards

Dreams with monitor lizards are generally considered a good sign.

  • If you dream about how you look at a monitor lizard, then you need to prepare for good changes on the personal front. Most often, a monitor lizard symbolizes the appearance of a loved one who will affect not only you, but also your life. For women, this lizard is a warning about imminent signs of attention from a beloved person, for men, the appearance of a beloved one that will surround him with care and create home comfort.
  • If you are standing in a crowd of people watching a lizard, then get ready to participate in mass celebrations. It can be a wedding, a meeting of fellow students or a corporate party.
  • If a lizard has a dream, and other animals are present next to it, then such a dream foreshadows an early meeting with friends.

But Yuri Longo believes that dreams with monitor lizards do not bring anything good. If you dream of a lizard basking in the sun, then be prepared to get bad news. If the monitor lizard is looking at you, then get ready to face the enemy. If you dreamed that the reptile is attacking, then in reality envious people have already begun to spoil your reputation.

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Why dream a lizard that has thrown off its tail

Such a dream warns that you will have to sacrifice something to achieve this goal. It may also mean that certain difficulties have arisen in the sexual life, but they do not need to get hung up on.

If a woman had such a dream, then in reality she will cease to consider herself a professional.

If in a dream the sleeper kills the lizard, then in life he ignores real problems. Most often, this reptile is dreamed by pragmatic and short-sighted people.

If you dreamed of a dead lizard, then in life the sleeper will make peace with enemies. Perhaps there will be a compromise and it will be possible to agree on a "truce". If the reptile suddenly comes to life, then the world with enemies will be short-lived - “battles” cannot be avoided. The neutralization of enemies will require a lot of strength and nerves, but the dreamer will be able to emerge victorious from this conflict.