Dreaming lice on their heads is considered by many to be a bad omen. In fact, a dream where a person sees lice is rather auspicious. Nevertheless, each dream book of lice in his head interprets in his own way. Let us consider in more detail what should be expected from such a dream.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
According to the most popular opinion, lice in a dream promise the dreamer profit - profit and wealth in reality. However, different dream books interpret the dream in different ways, where lice dream in their hair. Such dreams can mean tears, disappointments, and other troubles for the dreamer.
There are general concepts according to which everything that happens to you in a dream has a certain connection with reality. So it’s worthwhile to carefully remember how exactly in a dream you saw insects, under what circumstances and what were your feelings.
So, if the dream book foreshadows that parasites are an income, then, accordingly, getting rid of lice in a dream, shaking them off hair, should be understood in reality as your indecision in financial matters. In other words, wanting to increase your well-being and having such an opportunity, you are still not very persistent in achieving your goal in real life.
And now about how different sources interpret such dreams:
- according to Wang’s predictions, the interpretation of sleep depends on the number of insects. So, when one louse appears, it’s good: wait for the profit. But if you dream of a lot of lice in your head, then for the dreamer this will probably portend a malaise or uncomplicated disease;
- The modern dream book explains the dream this way: when it is known that you have lice in your head, but you still haven’t seen any insects, then this can be called a sign that some kind of loss awaits you. Nits should be understood differently - as a sign of success;
- empty troubles are portended by a similar dream, according to how Miller’s dream book explains it;
- A female dream book advises someone who sees lice in a dream, waking to be more careful, attentive to others and to himself, because a dream promises the dreamer illness or trouble from enemies;
- the famous dream interpreter Hasse warns: to see lice on your head means a strip of setbacks and disappointments, possible problems or troubles in the service, at work.
Dreamed of small, large lice
A dream in which you had one large, big louse, in almost all dream books has a positive connotation in interpretation. Usually it means a big cash jackpot or a win. But often, people see parasites that have “settled” in the hair multiple, while they are small. As a rule, such dreams come to those people who are in reality extremely concerned about the well-being of their loved ones and their own well-being. If in reality you do a lot for financial stability, then, having seen such a dream, you can be sure that there will not be less income, on the contrary, welfare will be strengthened.
Kill, crush parasites
If you had a chance to crush lice in a dream, then in real life such a dream can mean the following: in life you have a desire to hide from your problems, to run away from them, and this feeling is transformed in a dream into unpleasant images of fighting lice. Waking up after such a dream, you need to think about what is happening to you in reality, what is your mental or physical state.
For example, after such a dream, it’s good to assess the state of health and, perhaps, give yourself a little respite. It is useful to go on vacation or just relax in nature.
Combing insects
As a rule, such a dream should be regarded as a signal to your readiness for changes in life. It can be changes around you, as well as the desire for internal change. To comb out unpleasant parasites in a dream is a positive sign, you need to hear and use it, since the inner "I" and the interpretation of dreams give such a chance. A good moment to conclude a profitable contract for those engaged in entrepreneurial activities. Luck will help those who in reality go to it and work hard.
However, you should be careful if in a dream you did not just crush lice, but tried to get rid of them in other ways, for example, using poison. Dream Interpretations say bluntly: in this case, the dreamer most often tries to shift the solution of his problems to another person. Hence the risk of not resolving their problems, but rather aggravating the situation. So you need to be more careful.
Why dream a lot of lice in my head
Most lice in most dream books are for money. In this case, the more of them on your head, the better the prediction. If the insects are crowded, they literally stuck around your hair, then in reality you can hope for major success, great luck and a cash infusion. However, the dream will not be accidental. As a rule, such dreams are the result of your own activities, efforts and measures aimed at improving your own well-being and well-being. Large, multiple lice are a hint of luck, which will be a continuation of your own efforts. Do not miss this chance and catch luck! Sleep will be in your hand!