In the dream book, a raven is a kind of messenger of higher powers, just like a raven. These birds are the personification of justice and spirit, and the interpretation of dreams with them is very diverse.

Interpretation in the dream books

Interpreters in their own way explain the dream with the crow:

  1. Dream Interpretation of Stepanova. Screaming birds can portray misfortune, calamity, and problems. The croaking of one individual warns that you can make a big mistake that will be difficult to fix. If a young guy dreamed of such a dream, this is a sign that female intrigues and tricks await him, you should not take your soulmate a word. A hungry year, a crop loss and the high cost of food in the future promises a dream in which the crow completely covered the ground.
  2. Family dream book. Suffering, illness, and even death portend a dream with a croaking crow. It is worth paying attention to the day on which this vision appeared. Health problems promise sleep from Monday to Tuesday. The next night, the crow is a warning, do not eat suspicious products, there is a chance of poisoning. To see a crow on a tree is a conversation for the whole family. Get rid of rivals and suffering - kill the crow in his dream.
  3. Miller's Dream Book. This psychologist believes that the crow dreams only of sad events. Hearing a raven scream in a vision is bad news. If a whole flock screams, then you are making a mistake under the influence of someone else. Poverty, cold and hunger portend eating crow meat in a dream. If you succeed in catching a bird, then some misfortune can be prevented.
  4. Wanga has his own opinion on the dream of crows. But it is also associated with sadness and misfortune.A flock of crows, which is circling overhead, is a faithful symbol of the approaching military conflict, in which a large number of people will suffer. The seer said: “The earth will be covered with corpses, they will not have time to bury them. A feast of ravens and human mourning will begin. ” A single raven or crow screaming overhead is an omen of death and misfortune hanging over the dreamer's house. Vanga claimed that salvation could then be suppressed. A hungry and lean year is foreshadowed by birds that completely cover the field. To see how ravens build nests - to the manifestation of a contagious disease that will spread from city to city, people and animals will die. The dream where you had to kill a raven is a symbol of your powerlessness before the death of another person. All attempts to heal him will be futile.
  5. Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov. Crows dream as a symbol of suffering and loss. The funeral portends a flock of flying birds. Stagnation and bad news bodes a croaking of birds.

Most commentators agree on one thing: a crow in a dream is a bad sign.

Feed the crow

To feed the crow in a dream means to appease the spirits. So consider many sorcerers and psychologists.

Giving bread or grain to a bird is a way to solve problems in the future. If the crow does not peck the treat, then failures cannot be avoided.

The bird eats with his hands - a warning that a lot can be corrected if you reconsider your position and outlook on life.

To feed a crow with dohlyatina is an ambiguous quarrel with a loved one, which can push him to a desperate step.

Giving water to the bird is a good sign that promises profit and good health.

Important. If the crow has called other birds to treat, then the interpretation of sleep remains the same, but promising events will have great power.

Dreamed of a dead bird

If you dream of a dead bird, then this may be a sign that you will be able to solve all your problems, both financial and domestic.

However, sleep has its own nuances:

  1. A dead crow near the house is a symbol of building relationships in the family.
  2. If the bird had a chance to see in its bed, it means that soon the long-awaited recovery will come.
  3. Dead crow on the road - good luck in the upcoming trip.

If in a dream a dying individual approaches you, it means that a meeting with a person who can be completely trusted can be expected in reality.

Why dream nests on trees

If a crow builds nests in trees in a dream, this is an unkind sign:

  1. Numerous deaths are prophesied by a vision in which a black raven dreams of howling a nest near your home. These can be various diseases transmitted through the air and with water, or military conflicts.
  2. Seeing a lot of empty crow's nests - to financial problems. These are debts, lack of money, loss of work or other income opportunities.
  3. The nests in which the chicks are sitting is a symbol of upcoming problems with children. If they shout loudly, it means that you have lost contact with your child, he does not hear you, and you do not notice his experiences.
  4. Destructive nests may portend an early end to problems.

The nest is the bird's house, its protective and secluded place. Therefore, it is believed that dreams of this nature are a sign that you have to hide from the turmoil and catastrophes in your refuge.

See a screaming raven

The crow's cry is always an unkind sign. If you had a chance to hear how a black crow or a raven is torn, this is a portent of trouble and even death. If in a dream the raven was not black, then good news will come that can help in solving urgent problems.

Kill in the dreams of a feathered

Many can see a dream in which they have to kill a bird.

This can be interpreted in different ways:

  1. To kill during the hunt - to incur disaster on yourself with rash acts.
  2. If a crow attacks in a dream, and you kill it, you will be able to get rid of the insidious person or opponent.
  3. Killing birds for fun is an early death.
  4. Catch and eat a bird - to hunger and poverty.
  5. To kill and carve a crow - to an unnecessary acquaintance, which will bring only negative consequences.
  6. But pinching a dead bird, on the contrary, promises a meeting with an important person on whom your life will depend.
  7. Had a dream that you killed a crow? Remember this place. In the near future you should not go there, because this vision is a warning about the danger awaiting you there.

Many people interpret the death of a raven as a victory over evil. But this is not always the case, because it is considered a symbol of justice.

Birds flying around the house

If you dreamed of a flock of ravens circling around the house, this is a sad sign. The dreamer and his loved ones expect grief, loss and disappointment.

In this case, it will be necessary to remember some details of the vision:

  1. Fly quietly and measuredly - you can still change. It is worth taking care of your loved ones, taking care of your health and paying attention to the world as a whole.
  2. Shouting and worrying - a sign of imminent trouble.
  3. Dreaming of a raven flying in your window - the death of one of the household.
  4. If a crow sat on the roof of the house, this place is a salvation for them, and, therefore, a reliable refuge for you.

Seeing a dream in which crows fly around the house is comparable to a horror movie. And most interpretations of such a vision are appropriate.

What is the dream of the white raven

Unlike his black brother, the white raven is not a sign of imminent disaster:

  1. Catch a white bird - solve your love problems.
  2. Feed the feathered - a possible betrayal of the second half.
  3. Pinching a white crow - for a date, which will be the beginning of a new and strong relationship.

In some dream books, the white individual is a symbol of an imminent disease. But if this bird did not bite you in a dream, did not attack and did not hurt its claws, then such a vision can speak of a speedy recovery.

Value for women, men

The energy field for a man and a woman is different, therefore, the meaning of sleep about a raven may be different for a representative of one gender or another.

Interpretation for women:

  1. If a woman has a chance to see a black crow in a dream, this is a sign of impending health problems. It is worth paying attention to the cardiovascular system and reproductive organs.
  2. The vision, where the dreamer feeds the talking bird, warns about the appearance of a rival in her way.
  3. If the girl had a dream about to get married soon, it’s worth shifting the date of the marriage.
  4. A flock of crows swirling over a pregnant woman - problems with the baby, premature birth and even fetal death.
  5. If a woman kills birds in her dream, it means that in reality she can eliminate her rival, but this will not solve the problems. Reliable fix will not work.
  6. Cooking a crow is a bad sign that portends a dreamer a lot of quarrels and troubles in the family, all of which can lead to parting with loved ones.

Interpretation for men:

  1. Raven dreamed on his shoulder - a victory in all endeavors. Do not be afraid to commit risky acts, all options for achieving the goal will be fully justified.
  2. If a flock of crows is circling over a man, it means that intrigues of the fairer sex are weaving around him. You should not start new novels in the near future, especially if you have a regular partner.
  3. To hunt a bird - to new acquaintances. If you managed to shoot the game, then the relationship will be productive and enjoyable. If the hunt was wasted, do not lay special hopes on the future.
  4. Chasing a crow in the street or scaring them off is a sign of our own insolvency, a symbol of indecision and isolation. If you manage to scare away all the birds in a dream, in reality you can get rid of the complexes and achieve the necessary results in self-development.
  5. Eating raven meat in its raw form - to hunger, in cooked - to the disease.
  6. Buying a feathered bird is a good sign. It promises you prosperity, career growth, the opportunity to solve heart problems, start a family or make new useful acquaintances.
  7. If in a dream a bird screams a lot, attacks a man and pecks him, it means that you should be extremely careful in reality. It is better to postpone trips, competitions and other events that may be dangerous.

A dream with ravens, although it is not endowed with joyful events, but it is able to protect a person from rash acts. Therefore, it is important to remember all the nuances of visions with these birds.