Even in dream books, war is negative for the dreamer, as it is a harbinger of trouble. But there are times when visions of hostilities portend to the dreamer pleasant events in life.

Interpretation in popular dream books

To understand what the war is about, you need to parse the dream into several components of the plot of dreams, and then interpret them with the help of proven dream books:

  1. In Miller’s dream book, war is indicated as a sign that all the dreamer's affairs will soon be in serious condition. Often such dreams indicate a mess in the house and chaos in the thinking of a person. If a girl dreams about how she escorts a guy to the front, a dream portends bad news about him. Of great importance is the result of the war. If the country of the dreamer lost, then one should expect suffering, as well as problems in business. Otherwise, the dream predicts the growth of professional activity, as well as harmonious relationships in the family.
  2. According to Wangi's dream book, visions of war portend hunger and enmity between people. Hard times will soon begin, when there will be no mercy even for children. When a dreamer dreams about how he took part in the bombardment, then the interpretation of sleep will directly affect his close circle.
  3. In the Small Veles interpreter of dreams, war can be seen on the eve of receiving good news, as well as the recovery of sick people. However, a dream can portend troubles, among which there will be not only a fire, a fight, but also quarrels with relatives. If you dreamed of death in the war, then in the near future there will be events that will bring the sleeper only danger and sadness.
  4. Miss Hasse believed that a dream about the struggle to fulfill a huge amount of hard work, which will require a big waste of nerves.If the dreamer fought on the battlefield, and then saw all the consequences, this means that he will soon fully learn the secrets of his soulmate, which will be unpleasant for him.
  5. Freud talked about the fact that the war in the dreams personifies the process of copulation of a couple. If the sleeper independently took part in the hostilities, this indicates a tendency to masochism and sadism. When a dreamer only watches the war, this indicates the presence of secret fantasies in sexual terms.

I dreamed that the war began

When I dreamed that the war had begun, we should expect problems in business, the cause of which would be the actions of envious people. In addition, such visions prophesy an ailment to the sleeper, because of which he will have to go to the hospital. For pregnant women, the dream holds the promise of the birth of a boy. War in the night dreams is considered an omen of the beginning of a strip of failures, as a result of which difficulties may arise in almost all aspects of activity. Such events will have a bad effect on the dreamer's well-being.

Sometimes such visions reflect negative traits of a person’s character. It is possible that in a dream, therefore, the dreamer expresses his emotions and feelings. In real life, such suppressed emotions can impede the emergence of new relationships, and also inhibit intellectual development, which is why the sleeping person often conflicts with other people.

Why dream of a war with the Germans

Fighting in night dreams with the Germans dream of foreshadowing the problems that will be associated with the actions of enemies. Moreover, those people who have long been hiding among friends will have the greatest impact on the state of affairs. To avoid quarrels with loved ones, you need to make efforts to solve problems. In this case, it is recommended to distract from everyday family affairs, as well as try to relax in a pleasant environment. In addition, if the dreamer experienced fear in the battle with the Germans, then this means that old friends will come to his aid with good advice.

See a nuclear war in a dream

Nuclear war symbolizes an internal conflict that needs to be carefully analyzed and then quickly resolved. To see a bombing in a dream means that soon the sleeping person will have a difficult period in life, during which difficult situations at work will occur. Explosions also personify the internal state of the human soul, the influence of frequent insults or violence. After the dreams, the dreamer will begin reassessment of values ​​and a new period of life will begin.

I dreamed that I was participating in the war

The process of participating in battles is often a dream of a strong half of society. These visions of a man predict a business that will prove extremely beneficial to him. If he agrees to take over it, and also takes control of everything, then his life will quickly improve. At the same time, when the sleeping man in the war commanded the army, this means that those around him will soon notice hidden potential in him. Dreams of war for women portend barriers to achieving goals.

It is also important to consider actions in war:

  1. If the dreamer was digging trenches for himself and other military personnel, then the dream indicates the presence of personal experiences.
  2. I dreamed about cleaning the machine, then wait for the find the correct solution to the problem.
  3. When you had to shoot a weapon, then there would be an unexpected twist of fate.

Hostilities in another or in your country

When an armed conflict occurred in another country, the sleeper will face black envy from employees.

If hostilities take place in your country, city, this means that your soulmate is proud of you and wishes you more success in your achievements. When they saw the fighting in the countryside, a dream indicates that loved ones and relatives are bored, and want to meet you faster.

Interpretation according to the dreamer's gender

The sex of a sleeping person directly affects the interpretation of dreams:

  1. A woman often sees the battle in the harbinger of news about the boy’s pregnancy.The girls dream on the eve of meeting a military man with whom she will fall in love.
  2. A man in a dream war promises sad events that will lie in wait for him on the road. If you dream about a military conflict between countries on TV, then soon quarrel with your loved one. Such dreams portray to a young guy problems in the love sphere, as well as quarrels with his beloved girl.

Dreams of war cannot simply be ignored, as they dream on the eve of important events in the dreamer's life. Therefore, it is better to carefully analyze the visions so that there are no embarrassing situations.