Seeing a wind in a dream, resisting its strength or moving in a direction is always a warning sign that you should pay attention to. According to the dream book, the wind can be a signal of impending inevitable changes. But the meaning of such a dream depends on the details and is interpreted differently by different interpreters. Why do you still dream of the wind - further all the famous interpretations of the dream.
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Interpretation in different dream books
Dream Interpretations differently explain dreams in which there was a wind. But in almost all cases, it is associated as a warning about the forthcoming advance and natural changes that cannot be resisted.
What interpretations are presented by well-known soothsayers about the dreamed wind - the following is a list of common versions.
- The dream book of Wangi indicates that the wind seen in a dream indicates upcoming victories over problems and hardships that have long put pressure on a person.
- According to Miller's dream book, a dream in which there was wind, should be interpreted depending on its direction. Go against the wind - to obstacles and difficulties. A light fair breeze - to career advancement and growth.
- In the Mayan dream book, the dream is interpreted as follows: if the wind carries away a headgear or some other thing, it is a harbinger of the loss of influence or position in society.
- The modern dream book considers a dream in which the sleeping person felt a blowing wind in his face, as minor changes in relations with people. A pleasant, warm breath is a harbinger of a succession of joyful events in life.
- In Freud's dream book, a strong wind portends a kindling conflict in relations, serious problems that will call into question the existence of a connection.
- In the collection of interpretations of Zhou-Gong, a hurricane wind is considered as a warning about the death of someone close to you or a serious illness of the dreamer himself.
Dreams of interpretations of dreams sometimes offer conflicting explanations. But in order to get the most accurate interpretation, you need to try to remember all the details of sleep and see the explanation, taking into account all the additional nuances.
I had a strong wind outside the window
If you dream of the wind outside the window, but in a dream its direct influence is not felt, this is a signal that impending problems will frighten a person, but will not cause tremendous harm. In those situations where the storyline of sleep occurs outside the house, and the sleeping person observes a riot of elements through the window, there is no reason for concern.
Such a dream prophesies the following events:
- possible changes at work (change of bosses, corporate policy, etc.);
- changes in public policy;
- violent transformations in the life of those around them;
- difficult circumstances that will not affect the dreamer himself, although they will make him worry.
Attention! If there is a strong wind, but the sleeping one observes it from the side, this indicates that certain events will occur. But all of them will not affect the person who had such a dream.
What does it mean when it blows by the wind
If a person sees how, in a dream, one of his loved ones was blown away into the sky by the wind - this is an unkind sign that warns of illness or death. Esotericists believe that such a dream is a way of the universe to prevent in order to prevent tragic situations. You should pay attention to health status and remember about personal safety.
Important! You should pay attention to the details of sleep. If a hurricane wind takes away a loved one or the dreamer himself, and then returns or throws it out in another place, this is a signal of an impending struggle that will end in victory.
Value for man, woman
Men and women dream of the wind outside the window for various reasons, but this is always a warning.
For the first, such a dream promises the following changes in life:
- the appearance of loyal friends, reliable partners and associates (the wind blew in the back);
- upcoming chores and vanity (only the sound of the wind dreams);
- assistance in achieving goals (the wind pushes the sleeping person in the direction of movement);
- discord in family relationships (if there is a storm in a dream).
More often in a dream, women can see the wind, since they differ in their intuition, which is more developed from nature. For her, the wind she sees is interpreted differently, depending on how he sees it.
Possible interpretations are described below.
- If a woman dreams that she successfully overcomes the force of the wind, this is a sign that in reality she will be able to take control of her life situation and overcome problems.
- The warm wind of a woman is a harbinger of joyful events, meetings with family or friends.
- Wind carrying fine sand or dust in the face - the presence of ill-wishers, envious people, insincere people. Warning of cheating.
- And also such a dream - the oppression of the atmosphere in a love relationship. An alarm bell about a breakdown in connection with a partner.
For each situation, taking into account other details, the interpretation is different. But not always seen in a dream, the wind carries a prophetic message. Sometimes this is a warning to the subconscious mind that you need to abandon frivolity and firmly step forward, despite the difficulties.
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Hurricane wind in the face
If you had a hurricane crushing everything in its path, carrying garbage and other objects, such a vision is important.
According to several dream books, it is explained as a precursor to the following circumstances:
- global changes on a national or even global scale;
- historical events;
- insurmountable obstacles to achieving the goal;
- losses (if the wind tears off clothes, takes away an umbrella, hat);
- illness or tragic situations.
A wind blowing in the face and then abruptly changing its direction is a warning of danger.But in this case, the threat suddenly blows and everything resolves in the most unexpected way.
Why dream against a hurricane
The battle with the elements of nature in a dream is always an emergency warning.
Going against a hurricane, trying to resist the wind - these are plots that can have the following interpretations.
- In the near future, we will have to face the problems and circumstances of force majeure. If the wind knocked down - to defeat.
- When you manage to reach your destination against the wind in a dream - this is a harbinger of an imminent victory, the motivation not to give up and continue to move.
- A man walks in the dark against the wind with rain - a warning about a possible crisis, a protracted period of setbacks and difficulties.
The wind in a dream is a neutral sign, but it is always warning. If it is possible to remember exactly the details of the dream and find out its interpretation, in reality one can get the most out of what he saw in a dream, having prepared in advance for future events.