A bicycle seen in a dream often pushes the dreamer into pleasant memories, since childhood is associated with it. Many dream books interpret the bicycle as an omen of sudden success, because of which a person can comprehend a series of problems. But in order to form the correct meaning of the vision of this type of transport, it is necessary to recall the whole plot of the dream.
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Interpretation in dream books
Different dream books interpret the plot of a dream with a bicycle in different ways:
- The esoteric dream book explains this vision as future chores even in matters insignificant for business. At the same time, a bicycle in a dream indicates a danger from people from the criminal circle. In light of such a vision, contact with them should be avoided.
- Miller's dream book gives a different meaning to this dream. If you had to climb a mountain on such a vehicle, then a dream indicates a prospect that promises success. But a woman can dream of driving down the hill as a sign of losing a good name or starting a disease. Therefore, in the morning it will not be amiss to visit a doctor. Also, such a dream means that the dreamer will soon experience failure and misfortune.
- According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, when riding a bicycle, it means that the dreamer subconsciously tries to postpone all his affairs for a while. And the dream of the theft of transport speaks of a future secret meeting.
- Freud insisted that a dream in which he had to ride a bicycle promises a person sexual relations of a character uncharacteristic for him. In addition, if a person fell while riding, it means failures in the sexual plan and disappointment from own helplessness.
To ride a bike
If you had to ride a bicycle in a dream, then a dream can have two meanings:
- the emergence of opportunities to overcome all difficulties on the way to the main goal;
- success in any endeavors.
In addition, it is necessary to take into account the paths along which the bike ride ran:
- When the bicycle rolled along a flat road, the vision speaks of a person’s confidence in himself and his future. Moreover, if the vehicle was traveling very fast, all situations in life are subject to the sleeping man.
- When the movement was directed upwards, this means that the sleeper is on the right track and will be able to get to the top of success and glory.
- If a sleeping person descended from a hill in a dream, then the dream warns that he is missing out on happy opportunities because of his own carelessness. In addition, vision can portend health problems.
Stole a vehicle
Had a dream about how you stole a bike? This may indicate a secret meeting, which can not be spread. In addition, the dream indicates that the dreamer intends to hide a secret from loved ones.
If the dreamer’s vehicle is stolen in a dream, then this can be a foreshadow of a difficult situation in life over which he will lose control.
New, broken, flat tires
The interpretation of the dream is largely dependent on the type of bicycle:
- According to information contained in Miller’s dream book, a dream with a new bicycle portends a person to a favorable trip to distant lands. At the same time, your vacation will be remembered for a long time, the trip will bring a lot of positive emotions. Also, the latest two-wheeled transport in a dream is considered an omen of great success and the fulfillment of all desires.
- When a bicycle turned out to be broken in a dream, this may be the personification of the instability of the situation in society. Now the dreamer needs to be prudent and realistic to think. The dream in which the sleeper tried to fix the bike suggests that he should worry about his reputation.
- When the transport is with the wheels flat, the dream indicates a possible illness or poor health of the dreamer. In addition, it will soon be very difficult for him to achieve his goals, as the financial situation will not be the best. A dream in which the dreamer independently repaired the wheels, speaks of his determination and willingness to proceed to resolve the difficulties.
Adult, kids bike
An important role in the interpretation of sleep is what the bike is for.
So, an adult two-wheeled vehicle in a dream is a symbol of overcoming obstacles and difficulties. Also, a dream with a similar “iron horse” indicates an insufficiently stable position of the dreamer in life.
Children's bike is considered a good sign. A dream with him portends promising proposals that will relate to career growth, solving problems in the business sphere and achieving set goals.
Interpretation of sleep depending on the color of the bike
The interpretation of the dream is largely due to the color of the bicycle:
- The red transport in a dream is a warning of impending danger. Shades of this color generally dream of emotionally excited people.
- A white bike is dreaming of a frank conversation.
- Transport of black color promises the dreamer health problems and can even be a foretaste of death.
- The yellow “iron horse” portends a person the opportunity to avoid danger due to his own intuition.
- If you dreamed of a green bike, this is a sign that it is time for the dreamer to take a break from work.
- Blue two-wheeled transport warns a person from a rash act. The dreamer should not completely trust his surroundings.
- The “golden” color bike in a dream means a harmonious relationship with relatives. Moreover, harmony in the family can be achieved with only a little effort.
The dream was a man or woman
Of great importance in interpreting a dream is the gender of the dreamer:
- If a woman had a vision, and in it she quickly descended the road down, this sign warns of gossip around her. Also, the dream promises the dreamer an unpleasant opportunity to get sick.
- A man saw a dream - he will soon have a long trip. In some cases, this may be a business trip in which the dreamer may meet with his old friends.
In general, the vision of the bicycle predicts the dreamer new achievements, despite the risks involved. He is also the personification of the desire to solve all the problems that appear during the implementation of the plans. Since this type of transport in a dream indicates the monotony of existence, the dreamer should think about introducing diversity into his life.