Dream Interpretations attribute a dreaming dog to positive symbols, equating it to a very close friend. But the exact interpretation of the dream depends on the circumstances of its plot. If a dog bites in a dream, the dream book will tell you what it means.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
A dog is an animal devoted to man. Her appearance in a dream indicates circumstances that will arise in the near future between the dreamer and his close friend. Turning to dream books in time, you can protect yourself from undesirable consequences, prepare yourself emotionally and prevent possible nervous breakdowns.
Of great importance in the interpretation of the plot of sleep are the sensations of a sleeping person, caused by a nightmare.
So, Miller's dream book says the following:
- dog bite - you should beware of a devoted friend;
- get scared during a dog’s attack - feel the influence of a familiar person;
- if the bite turned out to be painless, then very close people need the support of the sleeping person.
Freud says:
- being bitten in a dream is a sign of one’s own fear of circumstances;
- to fall from the attack of a dog, to be bitten by it, means a new, different turn in life, which the victim did not even count on.
Wang believes that:
- watch a biting dog - to participate in a conspiracy;
- to become a victim of a rabid poo yourself - to understand that some people are in a difficult situation, and they can not do without outside help;
- if you dream that a bitten hand is bleeding, a long-awaited meeting with a native (blood) person will soon happen.
Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus reports:
- for a man to be bitten in a dream by a bitch - to get a bandwagon and betrayal from a loved one;
- if a male is bitten by a male, this promises problems at work, demotion.
Yuri Longo warns:
- when a black dog bites, it means that dark forces overshadowed the mind of the sleeping person, and he certainly should turn to God to purify his soul;
- if the attacker is a light-colored dog, then soon the dreamer will have a person close in spirit.
According to the dream book of Catherine the Great:
- Do not experience pain during a bite from your own fourth friend - a small quarrel with relatives;
- to feel pain is a deep disappointment in loved ones;
- puppy bite - small obstacles that you should not pay attention to at all.
Dream Interpretation Phoebe predicts that to be bitten in a dream - to avoid troubles in reality. Such a dream indicates the onset of a completely unpredictable stage in life.
People's dream book:
- a clean dog bites in a dream - to recovery;
- if in a dream the dog rushed at the owner and bit him, then one should be afraid of the betrayal of friends;
- when a completely unfamiliar animal bites, a close friend, narrowed or a bride will soon meet (depending on the dreamer's gender).
The dog has bitten by the arm, leg, finger
If the dog has bitten by the hand in a dream, then it is worth considering which of those around is trying to help in reality. The arm is the part of the body that is taken aside under undesirable circumstances.
When the dog’s bite falls on the lower part of the body, that is, on the leg, this means that there was an enemy nearby, whom the dreamer trusted in real life. The leg is a support, so if it is damaged by a bite, then the traitors want to harm, knock down the target and not let it be done.
If the place of damage is the finger, then it is worthwhile to unravel the sensations when solving it:
- pain - there will be a quarrel in the family, with loved ones;
- painlessly - you should not waste your nerves on trifles.
Mad animal
If you dream of a biting dog in a state of rage, then such a dream warns that it is worth taking conflicts at work seriously. An individual who attacked in a dream and bit a sleeping person symbolizes the hostile relationship that has developed at work with some members of the collective. It should be understood that the enemies are ready to make not only a simple vile thing and spread rumors, but also seriously substitute, causing serious trouble.
Dream without blood
If the dog bit without blood in a dream, then this indicates a minor conflict or a temporary dissatisfaction with its position in society.
It is necessary to cool down a bit and take a break, properly distribute your forces in reality and proceed further. It is not necessary to think what will follow such a dream - it does not have any special significance, it only indicates the inner experiences of the sleeping person.
Why dream that a dog has bitten a child
You should not panic at all if you dreamed that in a dream a dog bites a child. The child himself symbolizes either chores (boy) or news (girl).
Accordingly, the interpretation of sleep about a dog bite will come from precisely this:
- the dog rushed and bit the boy - the problems will recede into the background, a friend will intervene in the circumstances and help to get out of trouble;
- bit the girl - sad events will pass by, and the expected news will be empty.
If you dream about a dog bite, do not panic. Look faster in the dream book and benefit from what you see.