Dreams are truly frightening and realistic. Sometimes things can be dreamed that a person wakes up in a cold sweat. If you want to know what killing means in the dream book, we will tell you.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Murder or suicide is interpreted differently in Miller’s dream book. Therefore, if you saw in a dream precisely the murder of a person, then soon you will be upset by the unpleasant behavior towards another person towards you. There is even a chance that you will see another person dying from a violent death.

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  1. If you yourself were a murderer, then the dream portends that soon some event will put a stain on your pure name.
  2. But if you wanted to kill you in a dream, but you fought back and even killed the offender, then you can count on a favorable state of affairs. Perhaps get a raise or improve your financial condition.
  3. If you were killed, then be careful. There are hidden enemies who now and then want to cripple your life.
  4. Miller gives a completely different perception of sleep if you tried to commit suicide. In this case, some event will soon occur that will burden your existence.
  5. If you just heard about suicide or even saw it from the outside, then your things will go worse, because of some friends or colleagues.
  6. If a young lady had a dream in which her boyfriend is trying to kill himself, then it is worth taking a closer look if he is true to her in reality.

According to Freud's dream book, another interpretation is given. If you killed someone, then it's time to think about a change of relationship. You may still think that you need to maintain a union, but mentally, you understand that for this person there is no place in your life.

If you have witnessed such a crime, then you should think about your sexual fantasies, which have become too cruel. You do not even realize that such a rough caress may not please your partner. Be more careful in bed.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov gives a more positive interpretation. Therefore, if you killed your enemy, then soon a happy moment will come in your life. And if you smeared with the blood of the murdered at the same time, you can also get a large amount of money.

If you became a victim, then soon there will be some unexpected happiness.

See crime in a dream

Spouses Winter argue that such a dream portends receiving some very interesting proposal, which in the future will be the cause of emotions.

Another dream book says that when you see a crime in a dream, in reality you will be compromised. If you tried to prevent it, then in life you fear for your health and often think about it.

The psychoanalytic dream book looks at this vision differently. The creators claim that a person who sees such an image has a tendency or desire to kill someone, but at the same time he suppresses him all the time. Also, such a dream may remind of some kind of criminal past that took place in the dreamer earlier. Therefore, if you want to know what the murder is in this case, just delve into the most hidden corners of yourself.

Psychological dream book says that seeing a murder in a dream is a nuisance due to other people.

The esoteric dream book warns that the dream in which the murder occurred in front of your eyes can be in mortal danger to people you know.

Melee Killing

If you dreamed that you were killing yourself with a knife, then the dream speaks of the imminent happiness that will come in your life. If you see someone being killed by him, then such a dream tells about strong sexual desires on your part. If a knife is stuck in your back, then you should be wary of enemies.

Do you dream of killing a man with a knife? Soon there will be a number of problems that will be extremely difficult to solve.

Involvement in violent death

Killing a person in a dream book, even if it is a violent death with your participation, means that there will be some serious losses. Imagine that you really counted on something, you had plans, and after such a dream, they just collapse, after which you will be very worried.

More dream books:corpses

See yourself dead

In most cases, seeing yourself dead in a dream is not a bad sign, but Miller offers a different interpretation. It is believed that having such a dream, you should become more careful with your life and look at your surroundings.

Such an image, in his words, can be a warning, which should encourage caution in actions and what is said in the company of people. You can put an end to your reputation by simply saying too much or taking the wrong step towards people.

But Miller argues that the meaning of sleep has a lot to do. If, for example, you saw a long dead person, it is better to prepare for really serious trials in life.

Wang, on the contrary, claimed that such a dream is good for girls. After him, you can meet your fate, get a good amount of money or even live happily ever after.

But if not only you, but many people are dead in a dream, then Wang considered this a sign of a terrible catastrophe, possibly an epidemic. Something terrible can happen that will lead to the death of more than one hundred people.

If you looked at your death from the side, then consider that your ignorance will continue for some more time. Vanga said that this is a state where a person has not found his niche in life. There will be gossip and intrigues around, and not from enemies, but from people who, it would seem, are the closest and are always there.

Nostradamus claimed that his death in a dream is not a bad sign, and you should not beware of it.

Dreaming friend suicide

If suicide was a dream, then in real life it is usually unhappiness. If a friend wanted to commit suicide, then soon the dreamer will experience some kind of spiritual reproaches.

ⅩⅩ Century Dream Interpretation says that such a dream can cause the collapse of some hopes. If a friend or a loved one is about to commit suicide, then most likely in reality means that he feels uncomfortable next to you. Also, such a dream may indicate that the person who committed suicide in your dream will leave you very soon.