If you believe in the existence of prophetic dreams, then any remembered object is a clue about how to proceed. For example, if you enter the search query “tsunami dream book”, you can figure out the reason for the appearance of such an image and how to proceed in the future.

Why tsunami dream

Any uncontrollable element that has been dreamed of in a dream has the meaning of an equally unbridled social movement. It is very likely that a person fell under the influence of other people and does not direct his actions. Thus, the subconscious mind reacts to the situation and demonstrates powerlessness in the face of the majority. Therefore, if the dream is repeated, it is necessary to free yourself from the oppression of the crowd as soon as possible and openly express disagreement with the accepted position.

Also tsunamis can portend various grand changes: change of place of residence, lengthy departure for study or work. This is scary, so there is a need to visualize the problem. The fear is so great that presenting it in the form of a huge uncontrollable wave is the most suitable option. To cope with excitement, try walking more or take sedatives.

According to Freud

The famous interpreter of hidden meanings, Freud believed that to see a tsunami in a dream means a person’s desire to return to his comfort zone, to hide from the hardships of the world around him. The element of water symbolizes the womb of the mother during pregnancy, when the baby is safe and warm. The wave covering a person should bring a sense of calm and peace. To resolve your internal conflict, try to visit your parents as soon as possible and talk to them.

If a tsunami causes fear, panic or horror, subconsciously a person experiences the same range of emotions for his own family.Such a dream symbolizes the desire to restore calm and friendly communication with loved ones, which, apparently, was lost. If possible, initiate reconciliation. Otherwise, share your feelings with a close friend.

According to Miller

Miller’s dream interpretation claims that the dream of the tsunami portends positive changes, which will soon overtake as rapidly as the elements. If the wave covers everything around, and only a person who dreams has managed to escape, soon the same thing will happen in the real world - danger will pass by.

It is worth paying special attention to the details of sleep, for example, what happened before the moment when the wave became huge. This will help to understand where to wait for the blow of fate in order to prepare for it. Perhaps the elements overtook the hero at a party. This means that soon it will be necessary to break off relations with some people in order to move on and reach new heights. If the tsunami happened on vacation in a resort town, a person who has a dream will have to quickly change his place of residence. Even a small trifle will help to understand what the dream is connected with and how to correctly interpret its meaning.

Dream of a big tsunami wave

If you dream of a big tsunami wave that will soon cover with your head, a dream portends impending problems and unresolved issues. To avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to resolve them as soon as possible.

A dream where a wave is dreamed that the hero sees from the side means a threat over people present at risk. However, this is a personal perception of reality. Perhaps the person just thinks that the problem is not solvable, or he is just very worried about his native people.

The tsunami wave, which by some miracle did not fall down, symbolizes a successful combination of circumstances, saving from failure. Fate favors the dreamer and helps to avoid punishment for misconduct. However, do not assume that this will happen all the time.

Run away from the wave

A dream in which a person runs away from the wave all the time or hides, but the moment of the flood never comes, has the meaning of empty expectations and fears. What the hero escapes in reality is not really worth such an experience.

Running away from the wave and understanding that it helps to save means a successful fight against a serious competitor. Sleep tells you not to give up and not give up in the most hopeless situations. Even if success seems unattainable, the struggle will surely bring considerable results, which can later be appreciated by interested people.

Running away from the tsunami and seeing the sea ahead portends the cyclical and meaninglessness of the upcoming event. Attempts to change something will not bring results, and forces will be wasted.

Covers a big wave

To see how a wave covers you in a dream - to the inevitability of future events. Any attempts to prevent the coming will not bring results. But it is worth paying attention to feelings and emotions after a person is under water. If he experiences joy, relief, freedom, fears will be empty, and if confusion or anger, a frightening event will require immediate solutions. If after the moment when the wave crashes down, physical discomfort or lack of oxygen is felt, sleep warns of impending health problems.

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Pay attention to water quality. The presence of debris, dirt and debris indicates gossip around the dream hero. A clean and transparent stream portends fair competition or a friendly attitude from leaders.

If in a dream after a wave crashes, the water flow is stormy and fast, then the internal forces will be enough for further forward movement. Moreover, such a dream may suggest that a person has sat in one place, it is time for him to act actively to achieve new heights.If you dreamed of stagnant water, in which the victim of the tsunami ended up, most likely the coming struggle will take the last forces.

Escaping the tsunami

In many interpretations, salvation from the wave is a symbol of upcoming happiness. For example, in an Islamic dream book, a dreamed wave portends sorrows and misfortunes, and salvation from it - finding a true path of life.

However, some psychologists interpret fleeing as evasion of responsibility, avoiding problems. To dream of a flood after salvation means a large number of accumulated and unresolved issues. To stop experiencing a sense of uncertainty and impending threat, you need to face fears. To do this, meet with opponents and discuss all controversial issues.

Long escape from the tsunami and not be saved means inner self-doubt. It can interfere with solving some problems and become a stumbling block. Believe in yourself and your own strength. The problem will be resolved by itself.

Value depending on the day of the week

It is also worth noting that the day on which the dream occurred is of great importance. For example, why is the tsunami on Monday a dream? Folk wisdom will help answer this question. Even grandma-sorcerers said: "Sleep on Monday - a loafer." This applies to all dreams on Sunday night. So believe or interpret them is not worth it.

Tuesday is more important for a young man who has a dream. The big wave that dreamed on the night of the second day of the week portends success in love affairs.

Sleeping on Wednesday night is important for business life. A large amount of water or tsunami symbolizes the influx of new ideas. If a person is attentive enough, he will be able to realize them and receive leadership recognition.

The tsunami on Thursday may dream of an unmarried girl. Such a dream will mean the appearance in the near future of a young man who will make the young lady happy.

All dreams have the truest meaning on the night of Thursday to Friday. Of particular importance in this case is the growing moon. A dreaming tsunami wave is interpreted as a call to action. It is necessary as soon as possible to start implementing what was intended, otherwise the idea will lose relevance.

A tsunami that occurred on Saturday for a young man symbolizes the need for a faithful partner nearby. Take a closer look at your surroundings. Surely there is a girl who has long wanted a closer communication, but does not dare to take a step towards.

Sleeping on Sunday almost makes no sense, since this day is special for many events. Therefore, trying to understand the hidden meaning is not worth it.