Each dream book is interpreted by the church from night dreams as a hint about the aspiration of the human soul for spiritual purification. If atheists dream, for them it becomes a clue that you need to come to God through repentance. Other meanings of this plot are discussed below.
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I dreamed about the church - interpretation
Information about the church from sleep can be found in almost every popular dream book. So, Vanga noted that this image precedes a strong disappointment and despair of a person in reality. Some unpleasant event will happen in his life that will literally turn everything upside down.
If in a dream a person entered the church, it is advisable to remember from which entrance.
- If from a secret, it means that in reality the sleeper is too secretive and distrustful of people.
- If the main thing is, he should reconsider his life principles and, perhaps, even seriously work on his character. The plot under discussion suggests that in reality a person is very selfish and does not want to reckon with anyone in making important decisions.
In the work of Miller, it is indicated that the one who witnessed in a dream of a beautiful worship, in reality should open his heart to new feelings. If everything is all right in a person’s personal life, a similar plot can portend him even more respect in society.
It happens that in a night of dreams the sleeper tries to put a candle in the temple, not paying attention to the chaos reigning around. This is a hint that in reality a person will have the opportunity of spiritual renewal and internal self-improvement.
According to Loff's dream book, to see a church with locked doors is to loneliness and spiritual anguish. The sleeping person himself will be guilty of the fact that close people will turn away from him.Correcting the mistakes made will not be easy. It will take a lot of time and effort.
To dream about the interior of the temple
Often in a dream, the church inside has to those people who have not visited the temple in real life for a long time.
The plot of night dreams suggests that a person’s soul requires visiting the nearest temple and just praying in a calm and secluded atmosphere. If such a dream occurs immediately after visiting the church, it means that the dreamer was simply very impressed with her interior decoration. Now daytime emotions have to re-experience in a dream.
A bad sign is a dreaming cracked icon in the temple. This is a clear clue for a person that in real life he strongly offended someone with his own words and deeds. It is necessary as soon as possible to sincerely apologize for the committed acts, otherwise a feeling of shame and remorse will not allow the sleeping man to live peacefully.
The pacified faces on the icons inside the church dream of a sign that everything will be calm in the life of the sleeping person. No problems and troubles are expected in the near future.
A very good omen are candles burning brightly in the temple. They promise a man or woman good luck in all matters and any undertakings. An excellent sign is to see the priest inside the temple in festive attire. This is a hint that in any situation, loved ones will extend a helping hand to the dreamer. Therefore, he has nothing to worry about.
Ruined, burnt church
When figuring out what the church is dreaming of, which is burning or collapsing, you need to remember that this is most often a bad sign. Especially if the sleeping person was upset or scared by the picture he saw.
- A church already destroyed by someone else from a dream signals that the dreamer is illiterately consuming his energy. He sprays her on unnecessary people and useless affairs. The same plot may portend the destruction of goals. Interpreters suggest that after such a dream, you need to understand yourself and do something to strengthen your own faith.
- If the sleeper himself is involved in the destruction of the church, he should begin to prepare for a radically new life period. You may also have to publicly repent of previous mistakes.
- It happens that in the dream of a man or woman a very dilapidated old church appears. For a man, this is a clue that his future is very uncertain and foggy. We need to review our own plans for life, to set priorities in a new way.
- An abandoned temple is a symbol of the unstable moral state of a sleeping person. A lot of hatred and other negative emotions have accumulated in the human soul. This greatly prevents him from living happily and calmly.
- The burning church portends an imminent frustration in reality. Such a dream has a different interpretation - in reality, a man or woman will not be able to realize his grandiose plans.
Church service
If you dreamed about the service in the church, you need to remember the conditions under which it passed and its feelings in the process:
- Being in prayer in a very dark room of the temple is a bad sign. The awakening awaits the sleeper with sad news and, possibly, even participation in a real funeral.
- Peace in the process of worship is usually dreamed of by people in a difficult life period. Such a plot suggests that loved ones give the sleeping man peace of mind and even provide the necessary financial assistance.
- If a person walks aimlessly around the temple during the service, then he needs to be more serious about his faith. It is worth asking for help to the priest, if you can’t do it yourself.
Why do the church domes dream
Is there a tall and beautiful church with golden shiny domes? Ahead of the sleeper awaits the path to moral perfection. On the path of life one will meet a person who can become his spiritual mentor.
Does the sun shine brightly from the domes? In real life, a man or woman will be able to achieve excellent results in any endeavors.The main thing is that these should be bright, good and lawful deeds.
To pray, to put candles, to be baptized in a temple
If you had to pray in a church in a dream, this is a difficult sign to interpret. To an unbeliever such a plot portends the agony of conscience. But the believing Christian - peace of mind and inner harmony. If in a dream the sleeping man prayed on his knees with his eyes closed, he will receive respect and recognition among the people around him.
Praying for a long time in a dream in front of the icon dreams of relief after a long period of setbacks and trials. Finally, the dreamer will receive a reward from fate. No more suffering and suffering.
Putting candles in a dream and at the same time feel relief - to get rid of the burden of responsibility that has long burdened a person.
If you had to buy “wax beads”, there is a high probability that in reality the sleeping person will soon make a serious moral mistake.
If a man or woman is baptized in a dream in a temple, most likely, in reality, a person is very worried and worried about someone close to him.
Search for a church
Looking for a church in a dream means that in reality a person needs the protection and support of friends and relatives. He is in search of peace of mind. During this period, dubious acquaintances should be carefully avoided.
Did you find the church in a dream in a completely unexpected place? So, the sleeping person in reality wants to be better, but the environment and circumstances constantly pull him down.