Many dream books interpret the cake as gratitude and appreciation, because for centuries it has been considered a symbol of joy and celebration. But, if you saw this dessert in a dream, you can’t immediately mean a good sign by it, because due to some circumstances it can be an omen of troubles.

What is the dream of the cake

Some people do not know what the cake is for, while most dream books explain that after such a dream you need to prepare for pleasant surprises:

  1. According to Freud's dream book, dessert can signal a lack of saturation in terms of sexual life, as well as a desire to get the most out of life.
  2. The French dream book talks about the cake as a symbol of pleasure and a happy holiday.
  3. The dream book considers the cake as evidence that you should trust and believe your soulmate. If you marry her, then your family life will be carefree and happy than it was before.
  4. Esoteric dream book considers this type of sweets a sign of unconditional fulfillment of desires. Such a dream usually promises the dreamer a day of fulfillment of all secret desires.

Dream of a lot of cakes

If you dream a lot of cakes, then the dream speaks of the desire to enjoy even the little things in life. They dream on the eve of a merry triumph and symbolize the beginning of an easy and carefree life. This dream does not portend any problems, but rather signals the onset of a white streak of luck. Cakes in a dream portend the dreamer many vivid life situations that will bring a lot of positive emotions. A dream is considered much better for the dreamer, in which he had to try all the cakes, because such a dream promises endless happiness and joy. The more baked goods in a dream, the much happier life will be.Moreover, if the dreamer had unfinished business, he should not worry, the dream foreshadows their imminent completion.

Oven buying dessert

Depending on what you did with the cake in a dream, you can interpret the dream in different ways:

  1. When in a dream they saw how they tried to make dessert, then be sure that luck and success in any undertakings will come to your life soon. Baking a cake in a dream means being prepared for an important event, which requires great responsibility and attention. Moreover, if the dessert turned out to be sweet and extremely tasty, then the dream promises the dreamer confidence in his business and a good appetite. The dream where the cake was baked is usually a dream before inviting to a holiday. In addition, the action with baking is dreamed as a warning about the danger that may be after an agreement on a dubious offer.
  2. If in a dream you had to buy a cake, then the dream speaks of a desire for happiness to the people around you. If dessert is not bought for yourself, a dream portends a long trip to another city. Predictions can also vary depending on how quickly you choose sweets. If you immediately decided which cake to buy, then in the future you will want to be alone. If a lot of time has passed before the purchase, then you will soon need to communicate with loved ones. A bad sign is a dream in which the cake did not go. In this case, the dream portends a possible loss in business, as well as the likelihood of getting into debt.
  3. The cake as a dessert is a dream to replenish the financial budget, unexpected meetings with old friends and meeting new people. A cake treat is dreamed of before taking off on the career ladder, as well as an increase in salary. The dream where you enjoyed a dessert can portend a new relationship, which will lead to great love. The vision of eating goodies portends events that will bring tremendous pleasure.

In a dream, treat someone to a cake

A dream in which it was possible to treat a person with a cake can be interpreted ambiguously.

The interpretation of sleep directly depends on who was treated:

  1. If offered to children, then the dream speaks of the hidden connivance of their own weaknesses.
  2. Brought to friends, this portends in the future possible idleness and apathy to everything that happens.
  3. When you had a dream about how you treat a stranger, then a dream speaks of potential expenses, which will greatly reduce your budget.
  4. In the case when you gave a cake to your enemy, then be prepared for quarrels with your loved one, which are likely to lead to a breakdown.

When a person refuses to eat a cake in a dream, then it prophesies failures in personal affairs. It is recommended to reconsider your relations with other people and try to forgive your offenders.

Small, big pastries

A large cake symbolizes the successful accomplishments of long-planned plans, as well as a fun pastime. Such a dream brings joy and entertainment to the dreamer.

Little pastries dream of a change in life. Vision promises a change of residence or transfer to another position. After such a dream, it is better to consider all your possibilities.

The interpretation of sleep depends on the description of the cake

Seeing cakes in a dream is always considered a good sign.

At the same time, the interpretation of the dream depends on the description of this treat:

  1. Chocolate baking in a dream promises wealth and prosperity. The dreamer can be confident in his relationship with his soul mate.
  2. Cream dessert portends the general prosperity and possible changes in life.
  3. If you dreamed of "Napoleon", then you should expect sudden glory.
  4. “Medovik” predicts in a dream a long-awaited victory and an increase in status in society.
  5. A cake decorated with mastic hints to the dreamer about excessive self-esteem and appetite. If you moderate your character in time, then this can be appreciated.
  6. Baking with red berries in a dream predicts the beginning of a new love relationship, while a cake with dark berries can portend minor troubles.
  7. If the dessert is completely covered with fruit, then be prepared for an unplanned vacation. Also, this dream can promise a quick marriage.
  8. An ugly and spoiled dessert in a dream potentially threatens the dreamer's happiness. After such a dream, a black stripe sets in, and social contacts break.
  9. A wedding cake in a dream is an unfavorable sign that predicts despair and hopelessness. Such a dream can dream on the basis of their own experiences.

Why does a woman dream about a cake?

Women have a dream with a cake in the foreshadowing of the realization of their most desired dreams. In addition, this dream promises the abundance of financial resources and spiritual wealth.

If a man had a dream with treats, he might soon encounter unforeseen changes in the sphere of relations with girls. After sleep, a man should meet the one that he had long dreamed of.

Summing up, we can say that a cake in a dream promises not only joyful events. It can symbolize a kind of reward for the labor invested, especially if the dreamer before this could not finish his project for a long time. After such a dream, you should not worry, unless the cake is wedding.