To understand what the image of cheese carries is very difficult. So, in European countries for dreamers this product means troubles and difficulties in life. For the Slavs, at all times, he was considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Therefore, in dream books, cheese has an ambiguous interpretation.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
If you had to see cheese in a dream, this does not always have an unambiguous interpretation, and in some modern dream books the meanings contradict each other.
First you need to decide how a person saw this product in a dream:
- What did the dreamer do with the cheese? Eat it yourself or treat friends, relatives, acquaintances?
- Did the sleeping man make cheese with his own hands?
- Did the person smell or taste a spoiled dairy product?
Almost every possible case is carefully considered in the most famous dream books.
According to Miller's dream book, a dream with a cheese image will bring the dreamer nothing but adverse events. The American psychoanalyst believes that this product warns of low-paying, hard work in a series of long, routine days.
Sigmund Freud claimed that cheese symbolizes a high level of human sexual energy, which can lead to problems.
Slavic peoples believed that the image of a dairy product would bring a person financial stability. In the modern world, this includes inheritance or unexpected financial rewards.
See a lot of cheese
In his dream, a person can see not one slice of cheese, but a whole head or sliced. How then to interpret such a dream, what is its significance? Why dream a lot of cheese?
If a dreamer is presented with a plate of cheese, then this is a good sign. Such an image means obtaining the necessary and useful information that will be acquired by a person.So, soon it will be possible to learn ways of easy financial enrichment. And also gain knowledge about improving the health and beauty of your body.
Cheese slices symbolize the receipt of new and interesting experiences. And this sign symbolizes good earnings, the appearance of interesting acquaintances or the strengthening of relations with a loved one.
Why dream of buying or stealing
Buying cheese in a dream in different dream books can be interpreted both from the positive and the negative side.
According to Fedorovskaya’s interpretation, receiving a gift or buying cheese will bring good news to a person.
But according to Miller, the dreamer's purchase of a dairy product means a large number of small and unnecessary things.
The Old Slavonic dream interpretation interprets the purchase of cheese in a dream as the organization of a joint business with decent people.
But stealing in a dream this dairy product indicates a person’s unwillingness to make contact with society or individuals.
Eat, cut the product in a dream
If a person had a dream in which he eats cheese, then he needs to remember what taste this product had.
If the dreamer tasted an expensive, with a pronounced taste dairy product, then he is awaiting the protection of a wealthy person. For a woman, this may mean the appearance of a promising husband. And also a dream can mean a positive completion of the transaction and the emergence of new useful acquaintances.
If a person ate a slice of medium-fat cheese, this could mean the appearance of an additional amount of money or an improvement in the course of affairs.
But if a person had a chance to taste cheese of elite varieties, which has an unusual taste and shape, then such a dream portends unexpected joy and the best result in the ongoing activities.
If it was not possible to try the taste, then, according to Miller's dream book, there are two options:
- Eating cheese during lunch symbolizes uninteresting work for the dreamer.
- To use a dairy product at dinner indicates a failure in love affairs. That is, the second half can leave.
According to Freud, eating delicious cheese means waking up to enjoy intimacy with an attentive and interesting partner.
But the Slavic peoples always believed that if the dreamer eats cheese, then in reality he will have great luck and increase profits. Cutting this product is for improving family relationships.
See cheese sandwich
Seeing a sandwich in a dream encourages the dreamer to change the reaction and ways of solving problems. But if a person very clearly saw bread with cheese, then this indicates an increase in wealth in the family.
For a girl eating a cheese sandwich in a dream, this dream means a confirmation of mutual sympathy with the object of adoration. There is a chance that these feelings will develop into a serious and deep relationship.
There are times when this is a dream, because a person has a physical need for this product. With a lack of calcium and potassium, he just wants to eat a slice of cheese. Especially if you have not tried it for a long time.