After an unpleasant dream, excitement does not let go for some more time. A tornado is not the calmest dream, because everyone wants to know what it can portend. Is an unpleasant event or conflict ahead? Interpretation of the meaning of tornado in dream books will help to analyze the dream more fully.
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Decoding in various dream books
Why dream a tornado or tornado? This question arises quite often, since a similar image often arises in the minds of people, even those who have never met a similar natural phenomenon in person. Therefore, the interpreters of dreams managed to observe the patterns associated with such dreams.
The interpretation of the tornado in various dream books is varied, but almost all of them agree that to see a hurricane, a tornado in a dream has to do with changes that will greatly change a person’s life, and which he himself is almost unable to influence.
The differences are manifested in the nature of the perception of the impending catastrophe - some urge to pull themselves together and fight, others - to go with the flow and believe that the storm will calm down, after which everything will only get better.
There is also an opinion that the adversity promised by the dream tornado comes to us not just like that, but as a karmic retribution for a once committed evil.
- According to Miller’s dream book, if a hurricane is heading toward the dreamer, then in reality he cannot avoid disappointments. All plans that he hoped to implement will be destroyed.
- A large and powerful hurricane, including at sea, is evidence of a collapse that is already inevitable. You can try to change the course of action or change goals, but negative events will still affect the sleeping person, albeit not with such force.
- According to Freud, the tornado symbolizes disappointment in a new sexual partner and a solid negative from such a union. To avoid quarrels, it is worth dispersing peacefully, anticipating unpleasant events.
Get into the epicenter of a tornado in a dream
The interpretation of dreams, including the image of a tornado, depends on some of the details of the dream. For example, often the dreamer falls into the epicenter of the elements. As a rule, this means his helplessness and fear of future changes.
Also a tornado in a dream is the personification of instability in life. It seems that it has turned into a whirlpool of passions and vices that threaten to get out of control and destroy a person. Perhaps the sleeper even puts himself at unreasonable risk.
If the element that swirls a person in a dream kills him, this may mean that soon his health will seriously shake, and a serious illness will significantly affect the quality and fullness of life.
The events that promise the tornado can concern both the material world and the world of feelings, and come both from people and from circumstances completely beyond their control.
- So, the element that has circled the dreamer may turn out to be a metaphor for the strong feeling that he experiences, or the internal conflict that he cannot resolve.
- If in a dream a tornado encompasses one of those close to you, this may be a sign of unrequited passion for the dreamer on his part.
- It may also mean that the dreamer is helpless in the face of a certain threat hanging over his dear people.
- Trying to escape from a whirlwind in a dream may mean that in real life a person needs outside help.
- If a dreamer in a dream miraculously tames a tornado, this means that all existing and future troubles will be resolved safely and, possibly, their result will bring more good than destruction.
Watch the manifestation of the elements from
If the dreamer is not affected by the elements, but observes it from the side, this may mean that in the coming difficult times he will have to take on high responsibility. If he escaped from the tornado, but his shelter seems unreliable, this is a message to decisive action necessary to prevent some impending catastrophe.
- If a person in a dream anticipates or hears the approach of a tornado, this may reflect the intense expectation of disaster or the negative consequences of decisions made by someone else.
- If in a dream the onset of a hurricane is observed, this may be the beginning of a major change in worldview.
- If you dreamed of a tornado outside the window, this could mean that dramatic events would soon overtake someone from relatives or friends.
- If there are several tornadoes, then in reality there is a threat for the dreamer to be drawn into other people's conflicts and suffer.
- If a hurricane subsides, and a person observes its consequences from the side, this may mean an imminent collision with the results of decisions that negatively impact someone's life.
- A tornado seen at sea can symbolize an internal conflict or a difficult decision to be made. The strength of the observed hurricane depends on how acute the problem is, and how safe will be the way out of it.
- If during sleep the element gradually disappears, as a rule, this means that everything will be resolved with minimal losses.
A hurricane destroyed your dream house
Sometimes the shelter found still does not save from the elements. If a dreamer watches a tornado destroying everything around him, leaving him defenseless, this means that his plans are not destined to come true.
If in a dream a hurricane destroyed your home, it may mean that soon circumstances or people will force you to change your life drastically. You may have to look for another job or housing.
The reason for future changes may be an undesirable obsessive personality, intruding into the usual routine and forcing to change it in order to avoid intersections with it.
What dreams in childhood, adolescence
If a tornado is a dream for a child or teenager, this may be an indication that, due to his age and small experience, he is still not able to solve his problems without the help of his parents. The dream calls to listen to the advice of the elders and not to commit rash acts, the consequences of which the dreamer is not ready.
Such a dream may also be familiar, that soon parents will make a decision that will change the life of the sleeping person, for example, about studying abroad or additional activities that will shift the usual routine.