The dreams in which chocolate appears are usually pleasant and do not cause any negative emotions. In addition, they are very symbolic. In every modern dream book, chocolate has its own special meaning, which is worth exploring with an independent interpretation of the plot.

Decoding on dream books

  • According to Miller's dream book, first of all, you need to pay attention to the appearance and taste of the dreamed chocolate. If it is mouth-watering, fresh, tasty, it means that a happy period will come in the life of the sleeping person, filled with pleasant joyful moments. If stale, smelling bad - there will be serious obstacles to the goal.
  • In Freud's dream book, chocolate symbolizes sexual relations. If the tile turned out to be very tasty and gives a person a real pleasure, then in reality he is completely satisfied with his intimate life. A salty or spoiled delicacy suggests that the sleeping person had problems in the sexual sphere. Most likely, he suffers from his own complexes and inability to be liberated.
  • According to the Mayan dream book, a large tile of sweets symbolizes imminent changes in everyday life and everyday life. It is likely that a man or woman will need change. This can be either a banal rearrangement or the purchase of new furniture, or moving to another house / city / country.

In the Esoteric Dream Book, chocolate is a symbol of health problems.

This interpretation is relevant for those options when the dreamer awakens sweets. If a person gets dirty while eating chocolate, you need to pay attention to which part of the body. With her or the organs located in this area, problems can begin.

If you dream of chocolates with which the sleeper’s pockets are filled to the brim, then this is a very good sign. Changes are coming in the financial sphere. They will be unexpected, but very pleasant. If a person treats someone else with chocolates, he will soon lend a tidy sum of personal funds. Before agreeing to a request, all possible risks must be carefully weighed.

There is a treat in a dream

If you had to eat chocolate in a dream, first of all you need to remember how thick the dinner was and whether it was at all. Perhaps the dreamer simply thought about his beloved sweetness before going to bed and is now reliving his desires in night visions.

In this case, you do not need to look for the hidden meaning in the dream.

It happens that in a dream a person begins to try a bar of chocolate or candy presented to him. This means that in reality a black line will begin. But do not worry too much about this. The period of trouble will be very short. Soon everything will change, and life will become even better than before.

  • The fair sex with an appetite eats chocolate in her dream? Such a plot symbolizes her desire for a better life. The girl wants to achieve all the goals, no matter how unattainable they may seem at first glance. If the dessert was delicious, most likely, the sleeping one will be able to realize all her dreams in the very near future.
  • If a man tries a delicious sweet tile in a dream, he should expect vivid love adventures or gratitude from the person to whom he recently assisted.

Had a Chocolate with Nuts

Dreaming chocolate with nuts indicates the love of the sleeper.

A man or woman in real life is constantly in search of sexual or romantic adventures. The dream suggests that the time has come for change. It's time to think about a permanent serious relationship or building a family.

If the sleeper is not famous for numerous sexual victories, but still sees a chocolate bar with nuts in a dream, it means that he will have a favorable combination of circumstances in a recently begun business. We need to continue to move forward and implement our plans, even if they seem hopeless. Everything will change for the better in just one second.

Why dream of buying chocolate or candy

Had to buy a treat in a dream - to diseases. In the Esoteric dream book it is noted that the causes of the started health problems should not be sought in overwork. The decline in strength of the sleeper is connected with his constant desire to control everything and everyone around him. You need to learn how to relax and turn off your head. Also, a person is greatly hindered by distrust of others.

Had to buy a huge amount of chocolate in a dream? So, the dreamer has taken on too many tasks and problems. Probably even strangers. Such circumstances may adversely affect his state of health.

Lots of chocolate

If the dreamer has a huge amount of chocolate, from which he can not choose the most delicious tile, then he doubts the sincerity of a loved one. In order not to torture yourself with bad thoughts and suspicions, it is better to organize a check for him.

Independently brew chocolate in large quantities - to a strong long relationship and harmony in family life.

This interpretation is especially relevant if the sweet looked appetizing and had a pleasant aroma.

The meaning of dreams with chocolate with different fillings

If you dreamed about a chocolate bar for a man or a woman, you should try to remember whether the sweet had a filling, and what it was:

  • White fondant inside a dark tile suggests that a white streak comes in a person’s life. Finally, only luck, joy and prosperity await him.
  • A filling of dried fruits indicates that the dreamer has a strong sense of jealousy for his soulmate. It interferes with a calm and happy life.
  • The dark layer in the middle of the tile predicts a break in love relationships.

When interpreting sleep with chocolate, you need to take into account all the small details and plot details that you managed to remember until the morning. Depending on them, the meaning of the dream can be either positive or negative.