In reality, educational institutions are symbols of acquiring knowledge and new skills. But there are many other explanations in the dream books for a school that has been dreaming of a dream.

Decoding in different dream books

Most dream books interpret school as a symbol of new beginnings in the dreamer's life. He can be expected by a new workplace, a meeting with a person who will change his life, or the emergence of new hobbies and interests.

Such a dream also indicates that the time has come for the fight against bad habits. If after a dream about school a person makes an attempt to quit smoking, he will expect almost one hundred percent success.

But a number of dream books offer other interpretations:

  • Miller's dream book interprets such a dream as a longing for the past days. The dreamer often finds himself feeling nostalgic for the deceased, especially for childhood. In the near future he will face minor troubles. The main thing in this case is not to hyperbolize problems, not to wind up yourself. Against the background of a general negative mood, minor adversities can seem like a real disaster.
  • Wangi's dream interpretation interprets the dream of school as a desire for new knowledge. Soon the dreamer will need information, the study of which he neglected at one time.
  • Freud considered dreams about educational institutions, as well as about any other places with a large crowd of people, as a sign of the desire to have group sex.
  • In the dream book of Meneghetti, the school is described in a negative context. If a person dreams of studying, he is tense. Something is missing in his life, and he cannot get rid of the feeling of discomfort.

Most dream books also agree that an unlearned lesson is a symbol of a lack of knowledge. If the sleeping man is waiting for an important meeting, he should carefully study the topic of discussion, otherwise he may end up in an unpleasant situation.

I dreamed about the school in which I studied

Often the dreamer is tormented by the question of why the school in which he studied earlier is dreaming. No one will deny that the time of study greatly affects the formation of a person’s personality. Unfortunately, in addition to the information studied at the school, many teenagers remember the years of study, ridicule of classmates, conflicts with teachers and other unpleasant situations. All this negativity can be reflected in the dreams of an already mature person.

If a person is faced with a life situation when he feels defenseless and offended, it is not surprising if he returns to his school years in a dream, where his classmates mocked him.

Sometimes, those who did not like studying during their studies, see themselves in a dream as prom stars or the most popular children in the class. Usually this means that a person was able to step over himself and cope with past complexes.

To see classmates in a dream

Pupils spend so much time surrounded by their classmates that a good or at least neutral relationship with them is a prerequisite for a good mood.

If a student has problems with teachers or conflicts with peers, this can cause him strong feelings, and his emotional state is reflected in such dreams. Therefore, it is not surprising if, after an unpleasant situation with peers, the teenager dreamed of classmates.

It is also easy to explain the cases when classmates dream of whom we are romantically attracted. But if in a dream a girl kisses a classmate to whom she has no sympathy, this dream is negative. In this case, the schoolgirl can expect a small conflict with one of her classmates.


Dreams about school are not connected with one study. It can be a bright, exciting vision of a graduation party. If this is exactly what you dreamed about, don't worry: nothing bad will happen to you in the near future.

  • If in a dream you see yourself in the very center of a noisy holiday, carefully look around. Among graduates you can see your happiness. Know that one of the people around you will soon change your life in reality.
  • If among the celebrants you see old acquaintances whose communication with you is in the past, this can also be taken as a sign. Perhaps you should reconnect with these people. You miss one of them very much, and without their presence in life you feel unsatisfied. Perhaps one of them is your former close friend, communication with which ended due to a stupid quarrel. In addition, one of the ghostly guests can help move up the career ladder. In any case, people from the past do not appear in our dreams for no reason.
  • If the dreamer is a young girl, and next to her at the graduation party is her lover, she will have a quick marriage proposal.
  • If the girl is single, but an attractive guy meets her at the prom, this promises her a quick meeting with her future husband.
  • When graduation is a dream for mature people, there may be several reasons. Perhaps this is the result of a simple longing for the past, frequent memories of carefree school years. In addition, graduation promises a reunion with old friends. If the meeting does not occur soon after sleep, this is just an excuse to become its organizer. Believe me, after such an event you will feel inspired and rested.

What does a school adult dream about

Dreams of a school in adulthood indicate that at one time the dreamer committed a number of rash acts. Perhaps right now he is reaping their benefits.

But there is a positive moment in such a dream: it means that all the negativity is left behind, and there are only bright moments ahead.

Adult classmates may also dream of an adult. Often this means that the dreamer is at a crossroads in life.He got confused in his own feelings, and there is only one way out - to be alone with himself in order to reconsider his goals and life priorities.

There is another interpretation. It consists in the fact that a person devotes too much time to unnecessary and uninteresting affairs. If this happens, it is worth stirring oneself up, finding a new interesting hobby, and, if possible, changing the sphere of activity to a more attractive one. If this is not possible, you need to spend more time with relatives and friends, thereby distracting from work.

If in a dream you meet a classmate who is deceased in real life, you should reconsider your life position. You devote a lot of time to one area, completely forgetting about others. For example, all your strength goes to work, but your loved ones lack your attention.

More dream books:smoking in a dream

What does the dream about study promise?

When a person had to study in a dream, this may mean that in life he did not fulfill his potential. Perhaps he cares about the incompleteness of some business, lack of knowledge in a certain area. If you dream of a specific teacher who is teaching a lesson, on the contrary, this may indicate the spiritual development of the dreamer. If the teacher has a good relationship, a person will soon appear in life who will gladly help to understand the problem situation.

When the central figure in a dream is the director, this may indicate the imminent advancement of the dreamer in the service.

In any case, if after a dream in which classmates, teachers or a school appeared, you feel emotionally devastated, then a dream does not bode well. If in a dream you were active, then soon and in reality you will cope with an important task.