Silver threads on the head do not always indicate an approaching old age. Sometimes they are a hidden sign at the time of a dream. To understand what secret gray hair reveals in the dream book, you need to remember the details of what you saw and read the interpretation.

Decoding in different dream books

Miller's dream book gives several interpretations of gray hair. Dreaming of barely starting to turn gray hair - to make a difficult decision that will lead to life changes. The dreamer will have to use all his knowledge, strength, intuition and resort to logical thinking in order to make the right choice. If a little gray hair comes out from a stranger, then the changes will be favorable.

When curls are brittle and dull - this is a disease and bitterness. Thick and voluminous promise material prosperity and career growth, thanks to the mind and resourcefulness of the dreamer.

According to Vanga's dream book, gray hair determines the wisdom and successful implementation of previously conceived plans.

The interpretation of Loff states that the presence of silver strands on the head is the seal of wisdom, with which a person conducts his business in reality. After such a dream, you can safely take on new projects, as they will bring joy and success.

According to Freud’s dream book, if a young man saw himself as an old man with silver curls, this indicates his sexual strength and endurance, which will remain until old age. If a woman observes herself in a dream her long hair with gray strands, then subconsciously the partner got bored with her and the appearance of a new lover is possible.

Family dream book. If you dreamed of painting gray hair - think about what you want to hide from others. The dream book warns: secrets can come out.But combing your gray hair or someone from family members - to far-fetched gossip and unpleasant conversations with distant relatives.

Modern dream book. Watching in a dream how the hair starts to turn gray right in front of your eyes is a sign that in real life you take everything to heart and become overly worried about trifles. You need to relax, take a break in business and change activities.

Why dream long, short gray hair

If the sleeper saw in his dreams long healthy hair, slightly touched by gray hair, this will bring him wealth, power and prosperity. The experience of the older generation, their own wisdom and sober calculation will help to achieve a high position.

However, when the curls are sheared, it portends a breakdown, monetary losses, loss and minor troubles that can unbalance.

Seeing in a dream short gray hair on someone - to unhappiness and slander. But if a young man happened to see himself in a mirror with gray temples, such a dream would bring a solid financial position and good career progression. However, on the way to achieving the goal, you should be afraid of envious people and not enter into disputes or disagreements with older colleagues.

At home or with another person

When gray hair is dreaming on one’s head or such a beard is a harbinger of honor and public recognition. Get ready for other people to listen to your opinion, despite their young age.

If you saw gray eyebrows or how one white hair slowly appears, wait for complex and exciting events. They will add experience and wisdom, help to rethink their lives and teach something new.

Did you see a husband with gray hair? Then remember his mood. If he was cheerful and full of strength, then such a sign speaks of good news. When your man was saddened and upset, then in reality he is in danger. Severe illness or serious trouble is possible.

I dreamed of a gray-haired woman or an old woman - soon a kind mentor will appear in your life, who will help to resolve family differences and bring peace to the house.

A stranger with white strands warns of sad news. If you saw a familiar person with gray hair, then in real life you consider him / her a more mature person. Be careful, because such a person can suppress your will with his own authority.

On the baby's head

A gray-haired child in a dream is a bad sign. To see your child with whitish strands, such a vision indicates a possible severe shock, the death of one of your loved ones. If in a dream a woman saw a gray-haired baby - it is worth waiting for a deterioration in health or any reasons that will lead to poor health.

When a child / teenager has a dream, where silver ringlets break through, this indicates an internal readiness for growing up. If in a dream you observe yourself as a small and gray-haired baby, most likely you feel your inability to overcome the difficulties that arise, you feel immaturity and defenselessness.

Pull out gray hair in a dream

If you tear out gray hair in a dream - this is a sign of excessive self-concern and a thirst for attention from the outside. Tearing someone else's gray hair and throwing it in water, this indicates a desire to control the situation, influence the actions and thoughts of other people.

If the gray hairs are uprooted and appear on a dish or tray, then in real life you should behave more modestly. Outsiders can discuss your wealth, you need to save them from new reasons for gossip.

What portends a woman, a man

If a woman dreams of long gray hair, which she combes or puts in her hair, this indicates her financial stability, wealth obtained by firmness in the decisions made. She relies only on her own beliefs and is used to acting independently.However, do not forget that sometimes you should use the advice of older and experienced people.

If a lady sees ugly, groomed and shabby curls - this shows the disorder and disorganization in her life. Caution! Lack of control and the desire to go with the flow will bring disappointment and poverty.

Men who looked in a dream at themselves with gray hair and a long white beard, vision predicts a long life and prosperity. However, if the hair began to turn gray and crumble - it will soon baldness or illness.