In our night dreams, quite ordinary things or varied foods often appear. But such visions with a detailed and competent analysis acquire special significance for the sleeper. For example, a lot of information will tell about dream saloons. This familiar product is an important symbol of sleep.
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Interpretation in different dream books
The easiest way to deal with the interpretation of any plot seen with the help of dream books.
The value of nightly paintings of fat from the most popular collections of famous interpreters are published below:
- Miller in his work noted that the product under discussion turns out to be a symbol of happy life changes. But this version of the clue to the value of the night plot is relevant only if the lard is fresh, mouth-watering, pleasantly smelling. Otherwise, the man or woman should not count on something good and positive. The sleeper's hands, stained with greasy fat, symbolize an attempt to climb the social ladder, which will end in failure.
- Freud in his dream book explains that after having dreamed of fat, you need to start more realistically and competently evaluate your own capabilities. If you do not do this and continue to soar in the clouds, there is a threat of "plunge" into major trouble.
- In the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima an excellent sign is a beautiful, delicious, mouth-watering piece of salsa. Such a product suggests that a person in real life can easily improve his well-being. But to see clothes dirty or spoiled - much worse. A similar picture is a harbinger of failure, frustration and disappointment. At the same time, it will not be possible to blame someone for such troubles. The reason for this will be only the dreamer himself, or rather, his laziness and shortsightedness.
In most dream books you can find information about buying a product in a dream.If a man himself chooses and acquires a piece of fat in the market, he can be robbed. To avoid this, carelessness should not be shown. It is necessary to stop hoping for "maybe" and leave open the apartment, the car. And you should also be wary of all new acquaintances. You can not immediately trust your own plans and secrets to another friend.
Why dream of fresh bacon
If you dreamed of fresh fat in a whole and beautiful piece, it means that the subconscious mind sends a sleeping hint that things are getting better. True, albeit unexpected decisions, will visit a person at the most necessary, albeit unpredictable, moment. Signs sent should be safely used.
It happens that dreaming of fresh fat with drops of blood or even appear in a container with such a liquid. A similar plot of a dream needs to be treated with special attention. It proves to be an important warning to a man or woman that a health hazard exists. If the sleeping man has not been with the doctor for a long time, then it is time to visit him as soon as possible.
Had a salty, smoked piece
To understand what salty lard is dreaming of, you need to try to remember the details of night vision in great detail. If a person cooks such a product in a large pot and carefully monitors the process, soon some kind of secret will be revealed to him in reality.
It often happens that in a dream a man or woman eats salty bacon. In this case, the product guarantees a successful outcome, which previously seemed completely insoluble to the person.
Very thick pieces of the product are also a great sign. They symbolize well-being. In addition, they can promise a person excellent health in the near future.
Dreaming smoked bacon portends a big profit or a bargain. But eating such a product suggests that the dreamer is overweight.
Yes, cut the product in a dream
To use fat in a dream, which turned out to be not too pleasant to taste, is a problem in intimate life. But taking a sample from fried pieces of the product has a completely different interpretation. Such a dream suggests that in order to achieve one’s own goal, a person can even decide on a low and vile act.
Well, if you dreamed of cutting fat in any form in a dream. This is a clear sign that the sleeper will be able to easily get around even the most powerful and influential competitors. The dreamer will be able to wake up a leadership position in an important area for himself.
Without meat
If a piece of fat with a meat layer most often dreams of a quick financial success, a product with a separated dark part, on the contrary, portends material problems. It happens that in a dream the seller removes meat from fat and only after that passes the last to the sleeping man. Such actions are a clear sign that some stranger will try to deceive the dreamer. Warners need to be more careful.
Salo is a difficult symbol from sleep. On the one hand, it can testify to the fact that in reality the sleeping man is completely happy and completely satisfied with his life, and on the other hand, he can foretell numerous problems to him. It all depends on the details and details of the night vision plot.