If the queen of flowers has dreamed, do not worry. Such flowers do not portend anything very negative to the sleeper. What interpretation the roses received in the dream books is described below.
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Why roses dream - interpretation in popular dream books
Miller is confident in his work that fragrant flowers of any color from sleep are a good sign. They promise that in the very near future some joyful event will happen in life. If a person in full breath inhales the pleasant aroma of plants, he is not just waiting for joy, but a wave of happiness will flood over the sleeping person. And no minor troubles can prevent him.
An excellent harbinger is not fully opened pink bud.
It promises a variety of favorable changes related to the financial situation of the sleeping person. Perhaps the dreamer will find a higher-paying job, he will be promoted or even he will inherit: the real wealth will fall on his head.
But if roses in a dream turned out to be wilted, dry or with crumbling petals, problems cannot be avoided. Most likely, someone from relatives or close friends will fall ill. You should as soon as possible advise a person who has suspicion of health problems to go to the doctor for a full preventive examination.
Wanga also has most of the dreams with roses has a positive interpretation. But still they are different from the previous ones. So, if the sleeper feels the fragrance of a flower, he will soon fall in love. A feeling of love will cover a person with his head. True, it is difficult to determine from a dream whether it will be mutual and how happy.
It happens that in a dream someone gives a bouquet of roses to a woman, and they wither before her eyes. This means that the person who presented them is crooked before a sleeping soul and dishonest with it.
In Freud, roses are associated with sex life. If a woman pricked about the thorns of a flower, soon an unpleasant man would actively pester and impose her company on her.
Do not leave home alone at night. It is important to avoid acquaintances with suspicious representatives of the stronger sex in the near future. It’s very dangerous to go out with such people.
In Morozova's dream book, withering flowers symbolize the disease. Particular attention should be paid to the state of your thyroid gland and ENT organs. Even if the sleeping person does not have obvious symptoms of the disease, this does not mean that he is completely healthy. An artificial rose from a dream suggests that the sleeper ineptly chooses for himself a close environment.
There are very unworthy people in it, from whom you should stay away. They need to be removed away from you as soon as possible. A broken rose is also a bad symbol from sleep. She portends a collapse of hopes.
Hasse in his dream book tells: if a person just stands and looks at a beautiful rose, this indicates a strong emotional shock. If nothing like this has happened in the near future, a similar plot may indicate the presence of internal fears in a man or woman. They must be fought with. It doesn’t matter - alone or with the help of a psychologist.
See in a dream a bouquet of flowers
A bouquet of roses that appeared in a dream is a very ambiguous symbol. If there are a lot of flowers, then they can dream of deep sadness in the life of a man or woman. Since it is definitely impossible to avoid it, it is worth at least preparing mentally for this.
A bouquet as a gift dreams of different life events. To understand which ones, it is worth considering it carefully.
If the stems are with sharp spikes, in real life you should beware of fraud or fraud. If the flowers are very lavishly decorated, one of the acquaintances in reality is trying to confuse the sleeping man with empty talk and flattery.
A very ugly bouquet gives the second half? It's time to end the relationship, or at least take a break. She will help to understand the lovers - whether they really need each other.
Red, white, pink, black, yellow roses
The interpretation of sleep also depends on the color of the plant:
- black roses appear in night dreams as a symbol of disappointment and collapse of hopes;
- if white roses dream, then to a healthy person they promise internal harmony, and to a patient - a speedy recovery;
- yellow flowers - a symbol of another's cunning, they can portend a person to encounter treason and / or betrayal;
- pink roses are a good sign that portends improvement in financial position.
The most difficult thing is to correctly determine what red roses dream of. The interpretation of sleep with them varies from the state of the flowers and even their shade. So, red roses dream of fulfilling a long-held dream and harmony in family relationships. And bright red - to a happy marriage soon.
Dreamed of flowers in a garden, in a vase or pot
If roses dream in the garden and the one sleeping them mercilessly tramples, soon he will commit a shameful act in reality. After it, you will have to regain a good name for a long time.
The plants in the pot, which the dreamer carefully watered, suggest that he did everything possible to maintain a love relationship. Therefore, if they are over, do not blame yourself.
Had to throw away a bunch of flowers standing in a vase? Soon there will be a painful break in love relationships.
Withered roses in a dream
Usually wilted roses from a dream turn out to be a symbol of depression, melancholy, regrets about the past. They may also indicate that the sleeper builds a fake relationship with the second half, devoid of real feelings and emotions.
Buds, petals, rose bushes
It happens that only pink buds without stems appear in the dream. If at the same time the sleeping person admires them, most likely, in reality he misses the past and even somewhat idealizes it.Unless you let go of memories that seem so sweet and enjoyable, living happily in the present will fail.
A large number of pink petals in a dream suggests that in the near future the dreamer needs to help someone who is especially in need. If there are no such people in the immediate environment, then it is worth joining the volunteer movement.
Withered rose bushes in the flowerbed dream of the appearance in the life of a man or woman of scams. Therefore, you should be wary of new acquaintances. The same symbol can portend the activation of enemies. They will begin to take new dishonest moves in relation to the sleeping person.
Interpretation of sleep depending on the dreamer's gender
The interpretation of a dream often depends even on who he dreamed of - a man or a woman. In a dream, gave roses to the fair sex? In the near future, men will surround her with attention from all sides. Even sexual harassment is possible. Such a gift promises a man a meeting with an insidious ill-wisher. No one should be told about their plans and goals.
Is there a huge armful of beautifully packed flowers for a woman? A happy marriage awaits her. Sick person? A quick recovery should not be expected. Even a fatal outcome is possible. A man dreams about the same plot breaking a profitable contract.
Roses are a beautiful fragrant symbol from a dream. They can be both a positive and a negative harbinger. It all depends on the details and small details of the plot.