In most dream books, the river symbolizes the life of the sleeping person. By its state, one can understand whether a person has chosen his path correctly, whether he is making any mistakes. Therefore, dreams with the river always turn out to be important clues.

Interpretation in popular dream books

One of the most popular is Miller's dream book. It notes that the calm waters of the river are a great sign. They promise a man or woman success in business, joy, and, in addition, gaining new opportunities in various life spheres, for example, in a career.

If a person manages to grab luck by the tail and take advantage of all the opportunities provided to him, he will significantly improve his own material situation. Success will not leave a person for a long time.

Had to swim along the river, whose waters are muddy and restless? This means that a whole series of conflicts with surrounding people, omissions and misunderstandings awaits the sleeper. The same plot can be an important warning that due to his own inattention a person will make a serious mistake. It will negatively affect the dreamer's reputation, and will also change the attitude of colleagues and superiors to him.

Seeing yourself at the bottom of the river in the company of the dead is a series of setbacks in a variety of life spheres. But the dried up river bed usually dreams of problems with distant relatives. Most likely, a quarrel will arise with them.

If a mountain river was dreamed, Freud is sure that such a plot symbolizes the passions boiling inside a person. The dreamer often fantasizes about sexual themes, dreams of a more free and liberated intimacy, but cannot admit this partner. Had to swim slowly in a calm river? This means that a person is happy in a love relationship, to which he devotedly surrendered.

In Vanga's dream book, a beautiful river with trees along the banks symbolizes the inner harmony of the sleeping person. He is completely satisfied with all areas of his life and just enjoys what is happening. Did the dreamer fall into the river and drink water? This is not a bad sign at all, as it might seem initially. The plot suggests that soon the career of a man or woman will go uphill. As a result, the overall financial position of the sleeping person will improve.

Swim in the river water directly in clothes - an even more favorable sign.

He promises that home dreamers will not know what needs are. Expects them and excellent health. If there is a patient in the house, he will finally recover.

It happens that a man or woman in a dream has to fight with the oncoming course. The interpretation of such a plot depends on the outcome. If a person got to land as a result, then soon he will become rich.

In Nostradamus washing the river water dream of heavy losses. They can be not only financial, but also moral. Had to cross the pond in breadth? Wake up should prepare for real problems. They will be pretty serious. If you can’t manage to cope with troubles on your own, you can safely turn to relatives for help.

In the work of Longo, the pure river surface from sleep suggests that the dreamer is completely satisfied with his personal life. He just goes with the flow and does not plan to change anything. Such a lifestyle can eventually lead a person to a standstill.

An excellent harbinger is a dream in which a man or woman suddenly falls into the river. In this case, in the very near future, new opportunities will open before the sleeper. They must be used at a favorable moment.

In Loff's dream book it is noted: if the dreamer is washed by river water, then in reality he will have to unravel a tangled ball of problems. They can no longer be postponed, otherwise the situation will only become more complicated. Do not even ask for help from someone close. You need to try to cope with all the troubles alone. But such an interpretation is relevant exclusively for those cases when the water in the river is calm. If it is stormy, then washing in such a river portends health problems. Most likely, initially a person will simply catch a cold, but in the future serious complications of a commonplace illness will arise.

In Tsvetkov’s dream book, the interpretation of sleep depends on its details:

  • watch a mountain river - to a long-distance emergency trip;
  • sail along a very wide river alone - to increase salaries or large profits in business;
  • to cross the pond - to problems on the way to achieving goals.

In order to correctly understand the meaning of any dream seen, you need to use only trusted sources as an assistant. These are dream books from famous interpreters.

Swim in the river in a dream

If you had to swim in the river in a dream, then in real life it was time for a change. It's time to start striving for changes in those areas that do not allow a person to become completely happy.

If swimming turned out to be very calm, slow, most likely, in reality, a man or woman experiences severe boredom. An established, monotonous life is already beginning to bother.

Dreamed of a muddy, muddy pond

Very dirty muddy water usually dreams of a difficult life test. She can also warn the sleeper that many obstacles will appear on the way to achieving the goal.

In a dream, sailing a boat in muddy water - to receive unexpected help from a new friend.

He suddenly offers a man or woman to solve all problems in just one call.

See frozen water

Frozen water usually dreams of cooling in heart affairs. The relationship between the sleeper and his soulmate will deteriorate sharply. Perhaps this will be preceded by a major quarrel or even treason on the part of one of the partners.

If a dreamer in a dream is directly in the middle of the river, surrounded by blocks of ice, in reality he will have to fight alone with enemies for a long time and overcome numerous life obstacles. A long hopeless struggle can lead a person to apathy or even real depression, which will be difficult to get out of.

It happens that a wide river in a dream is completely covered with thick ice. This is a clear sign that the sleeper himself experiences about the same thing inside. He has not felt warm feelings towards anyone for a long time. From this, the person himself is uncomfortable. He dreams of truly falling in love and saying goodbye to inner ice.

What does a dream with a stormy river mean

It happens that a man or woman dreams of a river with a fast flow. Such a reservoir suggests that a difficult life stage for a person will soon begin. It will be stormy, exciting. Life will literally “hit the key”, and tense nerves will not allow the dreamer to relax for even a minute.

If a turbulent river in night dreams suddenly suddenly blocks the sleeping party’s planned path, he will probably have to come across unpleasant scandalous personalities in reality. These people will try to hinder the dreamer's success and prevent him from building his life the way he wants.

Cross the river over the bridge

If in a dream you had to cross a bridge over a river, you first need to remember what this structure looked like. The dilapidated broken and crooked bridge suggests that the sleeper is not satisfied with his life, but at the same time he is not trying to change anything. If he continues to wait “by the sea of ​​weather”, everything will remain the same. You need to start acting on your own.

Is the bridge covered in fog in a dream and poorly visible? A man or woman is in a depressed state, but none of those around him notice this. It's time to go to a psychologist for help.

Why dream of a river spill

There was a spring flood of the river in a dream? This means that the sleeping person will have a new object of desire. If a person already has a family, you need to think several times before agreeing to a temporary affair. Otherwise, you can lose everything acquired earlier with the second half.

The river spilled, but it remains calm? The dreamer will have a long trip with a specific purpose, which will be very successful. The main thing is in the process not to tell new friends about your plans and not to reveal your soul to them. In general, the speeches and promises of random people met during the trip should be treated with extreme caution.

Dreams about the river are interesting and ambiguous. They can be both positive and negative precursors. To correctly draw a conclusion about the seen plot of night dreams, you need to try to recall as many of its small details as possible.