Interpreters suggest that crayfish from sleep symbolize the slowness of the sleeper, his self-doubt, the habit of retreating immediately, faced with any problems. Therefore, not all dreams with such “guests” have a positive meaning. More details on what crayfish dream of are described below.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Easy and simple to understand the interpretation of the plot of night dreams will help popular dream books:

Dream InterpretationThe meaning of the dream
OrientalThe cancers that surrounded the sleeping man on all sides predict his health problems. Most likely, the latter will be associated with limbs, joints, muscles and / or neck.
Russian folkThe business begun by the dreamer will not succeed quickly. It also will not bring the desired high income and satisfaction.
Dream Interpreter GrishinaA dreamer cannot be honest even with himself. He constantly plays some chosen role.
FamilyIn this dream book, the plot with the crayfish that appeared in it has a positive meaning. A wake up awaits a meeting with an old friend who will tell him about the good news.
Miller's Dream BookIn life, the sleeping person will have problems that close friends will help him cope with.
Freud's Dream BookThe dreamer cannot perceive his person adequately. In this, complexes interfere with him.
Dream Interpretation HasseIn the immediate environment of the sleeper there are too many duplicitous and false personalities. It is very important to try to figure out each such character and move away from him.

The clairvoyant Vanga also notes in his work that dreamed crayfish advises a person to look at his friends closely - there are traitors among them.

Why crayfish dream

The meaning of the dream also depends on the sex of the sleeper.

Interpretation can radically change depending on who saw the dream - man or woman.


If an unmarried young woman catches cancer in a dream, she will soon have a wedding. True, it is difficult to predict in advance how happy life will be for her in a legal marriage.

If a married lady dreams of live crayfish, swarming in large numbers near her, she will soon see two treasured stripes on the test.

A woman does not plan children? Then the same plot informs her that she is very tired. You should not try to catch everything, doing many things not at will, but through force. It would be better to put things aside “for later” and have a good rest.

The man

For the stronger sex, the appearance of crayfish in a dream usually becomes a good sign. Such “guests” of night vision promise to a family man full harmony in relations with his spouse. A lonely promise a meeting with an interesting lady who could become his soulmate.

See many living crayfish in the water

If a man or woman dreamed of many cancers, you need to remember in what form they appeared:

  • A large number of living cancers surrounding the person portend him a long trip. The larger the “guests of sleep” turned out to be, the more successful the result will be.
  • Are there many boiled crayfish around? Soon, a man or woman will suffer serious financial losses.
  • There is a huge portion of prepared crayfish - with health problems. It is advisable to go to the doctor as soon as possible and undergo a routine check of the general condition of the body.

The number of cancers from sleep enhances the plot.

What does it mean to cook them

Miller is confident that the preparation of crayfish and already boiled arthropods are a characteristic of the dreamer's personality. These signs allow a person to know himself.

  • So, if the sleeping man dreams of boiled crayfish, most likely, he is in reality a misanthrope and stubborn. Because of these qualities, it is difficult to communicate with others.
  • If the dreamer himself had to cook the crayfish, then in reality he risks making a serious mistake due to his own stupidity or simply to get into an awkward position that will bring a lot of experiences.
  • If there are already red boiled crayfish on the plate, the atmosphere in the business sphere will be heated.
  • Does the dreamer cook crayfish, and they come to life and move claws in the process? A meeting with a very unpleasant and annoying lady awaits him. To protect yourself from communicating with her, you will have to sacrifice the reputation of a polite well-mannered person.
  • Live and already boiled crayfish in a common bowl dream of news from distant relatives or old friends. Most likely, the news will not be the most pleasant.

It happens that unnatural color cooked arthropods appear in a dream before a long trip. Such a sign informs that a person is in wait for trouble.

Catch crayfish

If you had to catch crayfish in a dream, you need to remember exactly what circumstances it happened.

  • Agile living creature famously escapes from the dreamer and hides under stones and snags? This means that in real life a person tries to escape from problems by closing himself in his own apartment or consciousness.
  • Did you catch crayfish in a deep, opaque pond? You should not be afraid of such a dream. He is a good sign. In reality, a person will be able to get the help and support he needs from close friends.
  • If the hunt in the water was very quick and successful, the sleeper expects a voluntary abandonment of something or a quick departure.
  • Couldn't catch cancer in a dream? Wake up will have to experience annoyance. A similar plot also suggests that the dream will not come true soon.
  • If you managed to catch a lot of crayfish with your bare hands, then in reality a person will independently cope with all the problems that have fallen on him.

Crayfish bit the sleeping in the process of catching them with his bare hands? Dream Interpretations after such a plot strongly recommend paying attention to the state of your health.

If you do not do this as soon as possible, you will have to face a serious ailment, which a person has long been afraid of.

The value of sleep by day of the week

The meaning of the dream depends on the day of the week in which he dreamed:

  • on Monday - to surrender at first glance strong positions;
  • on Tuesday - eating spoiled crayfish that night dreams of cancer;
  • on Wednesday - to shame for someone close;
  • on Thursday - a dream promises support from a friend or sponsor;
  • on Friday - you can’t retreat and give up, because in the begun work of the dreamer success is expected;
  • on Saturday - to buy expensive things at hand at a very competitive price;
  • on Sunday - to travel in a pleasant company.

The dream in which the crayfish appeared can have both positive and negative meaning. It all depends on the details. In order for the interpretation to turn out to be correct, in the process it is necessary to take into account the day of the week on which the plot was seen, and its various details.