Judging by the interpretation of the modern dream book, a declaration of love promises betrayal and grief. True, this is not the only explanation for such a plot. To learn more about upcoming events, you need to pay attention to the details of the dream.

Interpretation in dream books

Psychologist Gustav Miller believes that a declaration of love in a dream is a sign of antipathy to partners. In reality, no romantic relationship is worth waiting for. If strangers say nice words, it means that the dreamer is in a difficult position. It is recommended not to take serious steps. See yourself in the arms of a sworn enemy - to calm and happiness.

According to Tsvetkov, such a dream bodes a courageous act and speaks of a lack of emotionality. According to Wanga’s dream interpretation, words about feelings mean the desire of the second half to reveal a big secret. The interpreter hints at the omissions between the partners.

According to Sigmund Freud, such a plot promises a sexual relationship that is based on physical attraction. They do not have love and emotional closeness.

Declaration of love from ex-boyfriend

The night vision about the ex-boyfriend has several explanations:

  • the previous man thinks of you;
  • global change awaits him;
  • the former misses your relationship;
  • he recalls joyful days with you.

It is not surprising that the ex-boyfriend, talking about love, dreams of a girl who constantly thinks about him in reality. The time has come to let go of former times, to forgive for all the long-time boyfriend. In a dream, the former confessed his love - in the near future he will marry another girl.

Get SMS from husband

If in a dream you received an SMS about love from your husband, this indicates his insecurity. The spouse lacks courage and romanticism.Such a dream suggests that a loved one can hide important information and is afraid of what they learn about it.

Any message in a dream indicates a telepathic connection with the person from whom it was received.

Such a dream has several interpretations:

  • major changes;
  • unfair treatment of oneself;
  • unprecedented prospects.

In a dream, to declare love by SMS - soon there will be the only right way out of the situation. The plot related to the telephone explanation promises an invitation to a celebration. The letter, where the dreamer is sworn in love, signals the beginning of a new life. The time has come to forgive your enemies and leave painful memories.

What does celebrity mean

Get a declaration of love from a popular person - to success in business. You can win over any person. The dream book has other options in this regard.

In the future, the following events are expected:

  • romantic date;
  • the onset of a happy period;
  • improvement of financial position;
  • barren hassle;
  • family disorder.

Don't be upset about a negative prediction. It is important to believe in a favorable outcome.

Favorite person admits feelings

If you dreamed of a pleasant recognition from the second half, it means that bad changes are coming. The more positive the dream, the worse the situation will be. If the words of a loved one caused irritation or aggression - this is a good sign. Expect goodness, prosperity and success.

Some collections of interpretations foretell the dreamer treason of the second half. Most likely, the lover had an affair on the side, and the gap cannot be avoided. It will take a long time to worry about the breakup, but soon everything will work out.

Much of the interpretation of sleep depends on the details:

  • a long monologue on high feelings prophesies career advancement;
  • a three-word explanation promises harmony in the family;
  • poetic recognition is a sign of a fascinating journey;
  • dreams of a declaration of love from a friend - to expect experiences and betrayal on the personal front.

If the dreamer witnessed someone else's declaration of love, this indicates a discord in his own relationship.

Depending on the dreamer's gender

If a woman dreamed of a man who spoke about his love, she should expect such an action in reality. Nightly dreams hint at an unknown admirer or a guy who wants to tell about his attraction.

If a declaration of love was dreamed of by a married person, this suggests that family ties will become stronger. Spouses need each other.

In the dream book Hasse said that high words are often dreamed of by very jealous girls. It is also a sign of lack of attention from the opposite sex.

A lady who dreamed of a stranger in love needs to be less gullible. This dream warns her against cheating.

If a sleeping man has a dream about how he is recognized in love, you can not worry about anything. In relations with the second half, everything is stable with him. Despite the fact that the representatives of the stronger sex do not believe in the predictions of dream books, they should pay attention to the signs of fate and remember the details of night visions.