Even a lady who already has a spouse, or one who does not even think about it, can receive a proposal for marriage in a dream! Interpretation can be any: from receiving in reality offers to diseases of close relatives. Today we consider in detail the dream in which the woman received an offer to marry, the dream book will tell you what you can expect in reality from such a night vision.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
Well-known psychologists and soothsayers interpreted this dream in different ways. Let’s look at popular dream books and find out what each of them promises if in a dream there was an offer to become a wife.
Miller's Dream Book:
- In the case when the proposal came from a real loved one, then in reality expect colossal changes in life. Perhaps you really will soon have to walk at your own wedding.
- If a completely unfamiliar young man presented the ring, then soon fate will push you with your chosen one.
- A proposal was made to a married woman - you need to wake yourself up more modestly. You attract too much attention from the opposite sex, and your spouse does not like it.
- Take the ring - the dreamer has an overestimated conceit.
Modern dream book:
- Is there a proposal to get married with the ring? Soon get to know the person you are getting married to. Perhaps at first you will not perceive him as your chosen one, but then the relationship will change.
- If you have a boyfriend or husband, then pay attention to your feelings, emotions in a dream. Rejoice at the offer - expect a pleasant surprise, a change in life for the better.Resent, feel annoyed - you will not be together for a long time with your current chosen one: this is not your fate.
Wanderer Dream Interpretation:
- If a girl accepted the offer, then in reality she has respect from others for her personal qualities: determination, sociability, and compulsoryness.
- Doubted, didn’t know what to answer? You need to be more confident in real life. Perhaps you are considered windy and a little frivolous. You sometimes do not keep these promises.
- If a man had a dream, he saw his friend being offered an offer (or just a stranger), then in reality he himself would have to remain single for a long time!
- Does a woman make an offer to her man? The dreamer will face a series of obstacles, but they are not able to stop her, but will only make her stronger.
Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov:
- If an offer came from a friend of a man, in real life the relationship will move to a new stage. If the girl’s heart is still free, she will meet the chosen one.
- I dreamed of a marriage proposal from a stranger (you are sure in a dream that you don’t know this person) - in reality you will meet an influential person who will become your patron.
Next, you need to remember the smallest details of a dream. This may be the mood with which the young man makes an offer, the color of his clothes, his emotions. The interpretation of sleep depends on such trifles. What exactly does night vision promise? Let's consider further.
Value for a married woman
The Modern Dream Book states that such a vision means a woman's dissatisfaction with her marital status. That is, she is ready to develop, grow, but her husband slows down. Try to go somewhere together, do one thing that brings you closer.
However, the value may be different, so you need to start from the following details of sleep:
- The proposal came from a husband who was dressed at home - the transition of family relations to a new stage. You are as close as possible, become more dear.
- If the spouse was smart, he didn’t make an offer at home (by the sea, in a restaurant, in another country) - in reality you feel insecure about yourself and your relationship. Do not trust your husband, you are jealous of him, but all this is in vain. Stop wrapping yourself up, his heart belongs entirely to you.
The psychological dream book claims that a dream in which a woman received an offer (regardless of whom she knew or was unfamiliar) reflects the dreamer's inner feelings. Even if it seems to you that everything is good in the family, you feel a certain dissatisfaction and lack of romance in your soul. You want to get new feelings, emotions. You might even have thought of starting an outside relationship!
More dream books: kiss
What is the dream proposal to get married with the ring
The interpretation of this dream in almost all dream books is similar. It is said that significant changes for the better are brewing in life.
But still you need to focus on the little things:
- You just received an offer, you saw the ring, but did not take it in your hands - wait for life changes for the better, perhaps change the job to a more profitable one. Expansion of the business is expected, the husband will receive a more significant position.
- To put on a ring is to make big commitments. Before accepting a wake-up offer of something, consider whether you can handle the assigned responsibilities.
- Refusing to take the ring - miss a chance (at work, in personal life).
In any case, if the mood in the dream was good, emotions were joyful - everything was only good. For example, miss a chance, but you will only gain from it, make commitments - manage, get moral and material satisfaction from the accomplishment.
From a loved one
Interpretations also vary. Again, it all depends on the nuances of sleep.
- If an unmarried girl had a dream about how her beloved makes an offer (but in reality this person is not, or you don’t like him in reality) - to meet your half.
- To receive an offer from a loved one, existing in reality - perhaps in the near future it will be so. The psychological dream book says that the girl is ready to become a wife, the desire is displayed in the subconscious.
In what variation you can still see the dream - see below.
A dream with a former young man
The interpretation of the modern dream book about a dream with an ex-boyfriend / man is as follows: in reality you yourself think about him, or he misses you! But the interpretation for ordinary sleep. But what does the woman promise a vision in which she received an offer from her ex?
- For a married woman to global change. Soon you can change your job, apartment, city or country of residence, even your husband!
- The girl is not married, and sees in a dream her former love with an offer of a hand and heart - in reality she will soon become a bride. Perhaps you just have not forgotten the former, and the dream pushes him to return it.
If, in fact, you have not seen your ex-young man for a long time, you have stopped thinking about him, then most likely you will soon receive news about him. Most dream books tend to claim that the news will be about his illness or death.
From a stranger or a friend of a man
If in a dream a stranger asks you to become his wife, then changes are sure to come that can completely change your life.
We look at the little things:
- The color of the clothes is more black - a change for the bad.
- Light clothes - for good.
- Bright - to achieve your goals.
In a dream, an offer came from a friend of a man (a family friend, colleague, taxi driver, who constantly use it, and so on) - a warning. It is necessary to use transport more carefully, monitor health, take work and business more seriously. Dream Interpretations say that something unpleasant is planned.
If in reality you do not know the man, but in a dream it seems that he is familiar (or even that you love him in a dream), then expect pleasant news, a surprise.
Get a marriage proposal and refuse
Here, too, you need to build on the details.
Remember the dream in more detail:
- You refused, we are glad about it - in reality you were in danger. The enemies were intriguing against you, but nothing happened. Now you can not worry about anything.
- If during the refusal they felt sadness, sadness, then in reality you remain unsatisfied with the current state of affairs. Perhaps you are not comfortable with your current job, relationship. Review your life position, you do not need to doom yourself to a life that does not suit you.
- If a married woman dreamed that her husband makes an offer, but she refuses, then it is worth taking a closer look at those people who surround you - close friends, relatives. One of them interferes with your family life, slander your spouse.
- The married lady dreamed that a friend or stranger made an offer, and she refused to accept it - in reality you had a rival. But now everything is behind us, my husband is not to blame for anything, I could resist the temptation.
Very interesting, and sometimes weird, our subconscious gives pictures in a dream! You can’t be skeptical about the plot of the vision, because it is a certain language in which our intuition, internal sensations can convey something to us. Dream Interpretation is a translator of signals of the subconscious, so memorable dreams must be studied, interpreted! Do not worry if the prediction is not the most joyful. After all, a dream is only a warning, a signal about something. And you can always make a difference. Have a nice dream!