Ancestors are considered a spiritual bond, a thread that connects us to the race. Therefore, they periodically appear in dreams to convey important information. Read the article about how the dream book explains the deceased grandmother seen in a dream.

Interpretation in different dream books

In different sources, the interpretation is at least slightly, but may vary. For a proper interpretation, see how some dream books describe the vision of the deceased grandmother:

  • The wanderer explains that the grandmother appears to warn or give her blessing in a difficult period of life. He advises paying attention to what a woman is wearing. If the clothes are old, dilapidated, dirty - this suggests that physical ailments or troubles are possible, if black - initiation into secrets or the danger of death.
  • Dream Interpretation Grishina warns - if you had a dream about a dead grandmother, this is a sign that very important events will happen to you soon.
  • Dream interpreter Miller recommends remembering the words of a departed relative if she speaks with you in a dream, as they can provide advice that will help to cope with the current difficulties in real life.
  • Dream interpretation of Wangi warns that one does not need to brush aside such visions. Another grandmother who has gone into the world may be a harbinger of loss and trouble. For a young granddaughter, such a dream often means a blessing for a quick marriage. The deceased who came to sleep in the form of a lively and healthy woman, as well as hugs and kisses with her, can remind of promises that were given to her, but were not fulfilled.
  • Hasse's dream interpretation has its own interpretation. If you kiss a departed grandmother as if she were alive, then the one who is not indifferent to you and whom you love deeply does not feel the same feelings for you.A relative who dreamed in a coffin to whom you give your kiss speaks of being released from debts and obligations.

Why dream of a dead grandmother alive

If a dead grandmother dreams alive, then the dream portends the following events:

  • Often in a dream, the grandmother prompts the right decisions. Just need to clearly recall the other signs seen in the same vision. For example, you notice frozen money in her refrigerator. This may be a warning that you need to wait a bit with spending. Perhaps ahead of a difficult financial period, difficulties in the economy, crisis.
  • Visions happen in which, in addition to grandmother, there are other people living nearby - relatives, friends, friends. In this case, it is important to pay attention to how the deceased person relates to these characters. A negative attitude can warn that there are some problems in communication, misunderstanding, someone is plotting. And, on the contrary, sincere, warm conversation suggests that in life these people are favorably disposed to you, you can expect help and support from them.
  • A deceased relative who looks exhausted and sick is a bad sign. Your health may be worse.

Hug, kiss or talk

Did you happen to hug the deceased grandmother in a dream, kiss and talk with her? This vision means the following:

  • Your deceased grandmother is talking to you in a dream - listen to her advice. Remember in detail what she warns you of, what tips she gives. Analyze the vision and take note.
  • Hugs with your grandmother may indicate a mistake you made, her regret about this, and at the same time support. Perhaps your relationship was not completed harmoniously. The deceased expects reconciliation, love, conflict resolution from you. Come to church, lay a candle for peace, I'm sorry, ask for forgiveness and let go. Or perform a ceremony according to your religion. If you do not consider yourself to be one of the religions, just put in front of her a photo and talk “heart to heart”.
  • Kisses from the deceased warn against unhappy love.
  • A kiss on the deceased's forehead can mean atonement, discharging.

Dreamed of a long-time relative

Now, more about what the dream foreshadows in which the long-dead grandmother had a dream:

  • If the deceased grandmother calls herself, then such a dream does not promise anything good, even worse - if you agree to go. This is a clear warning of a serious illness or even death.
  • At the same time, two long-dead grandmothers can symbolize a strong spiritual defense in times of life difficulties.
  • If you constantly dream of a different grandmother who has long gone into the world and you feel bad about it, then it's time to leave the past and move on. Perhaps you are “hindered” by the insults you once inflicted on a relative. Forgive yourself, ask for forgiveness from the deceased, from God, go to church for confession and communion, or do everything as your religion teaches.
  • The deceased may dream just to change the weather. Esoterics explain this by the fact that during bursts of atmospheric pressure, during night visions, people observe phantoms of the dead, which they often think of.

Grandmother cries in a dream

When you see a grandmother crying in a dream, this may mean the following:

  • If the grandmother in real life protected her grandchildren, then after death she continues to take care and warn about the "pitfalls" encountered along the way. Her tears are an alarm for you. Do not ignore such a vision, be more intelligent and do not make mistakes. Go to her graveyard and thank her for the care.
  • It is possible that these are tears of near loss, a disease that will bring the bitterness of loss.
  • If, next to grandmother, the dreamer feels like a small child, then her tears express regret that the grandson or granddaughter behave like small children in some situations. It's time to grow up.
  • Tears as an expression of sadness can guard against family quarrels and mutual insults.
  • If a dream is dreamed up to 40 days from the date of death, perhaps your grandmother is worried that it is very difficult for you to cope with the pain of loss. She is trying to alleviate your mental and emotional state. Sometimes during this period the deceased may dream if, being a Christian, she was not buried according to all the rules. A vision can mean asking for help to enter the non-physical world.

See the house of a loved one


The dream house in which grandmother once lived foreshadows the following events:

  • In some cases, the grandmother’s tidy, clean house, in which she appears neat, calm, peaceful, says that now you are ready to find a quiet haven, harmony in reality. Or you lack warmth and care.
  • If the late grandmother dreams of a granddaughter, then a dream can portend a serious relationship leading to marriage. A new, beautiful, bright house promises her a bright future.
  • A rickety, dilapidated house may be a sign that one of the relatives is ready to leave this world. Most likely, this will happen after a serious illness. Perhaps this dream is a warning to the dreamer that there is a need to take care of his health, to abandon addictions.

Woman's funeral or wake

The funeral and commemoration in dreams have the following meaning:

  • The corpse of the grandmother in the morgue indicates the imminent death of someone close to him, to deep sadness and trouble.
  • A freshly dug grave warns of trouble at work, intrigues from other people. In reality, you need to be alert.
  • Grandmother's funeral may be the harbingers of the completion of a difficult period in life.
  • A deceased living in a dream is a bad sign. It seems that the troubles that you buried long ago come back to life. Be extremely careful, reasonable and careful. If you managed to return her to the coffin and calm her down, then you will be able to fix everything in real life.
  • Very rarely, a grandmother, as a guide to the afterlife, can warn her grandchildren about their imminent demise in dreams.
  • A grandmother, calmly lying in a coffin, may indicate that it is time to let go of the old, outdated, including fears, disappointments, resentments, in order to make room for the new.

The deceased grandmother serves food

The interpretation of such a dream has the following meaning:

  • The oldest woman in the family is the personification of wisdom, female energies. While serving food, she symbolically shares her knowledge and experience.
  • In some cases, a meal at the large table predicts a fast wake.
  • The Christian religion advises after such a dream to give alms, feed the needy, go to church, pray, put a candle for the peace of mind of a departed relative. You can perform the ceremony according to your religion.
  • If the deceased grandmother gives money, things or products in a dream, and you refuse them, this is a good sign - nothing threatens your financial well-being and you are not afraid of difficulties. When a departed relative asks for a loan or alms, in reality life will be secured. Offers bills, things, products, and you accept them - loss in income and other losses.
  • If a lot of dead people are present at the table next to the grandmother at the table, then this dream is a harbinger of a huge catastrophe with many victims.

To fully understand this dream, remember and analyze the details. Perhaps a relative was cheerful, happy, and after such a vision in her soul calmly and blissfully? So, the message carries positive and good, joyful events. But if the conversation with my grandmother was sad, sorrowful and left behind a depressed mood, then you need to tune in to the trials and prepare to meet them courageously.

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