Water is one of the most multifaceted and complex esoteric symbols, according to which you can not only clarify the current state of affairs, but also make a long-playing forecast. Immersion in water in a dream indicates to the sleeper that the coming changes will seriously change his life or attitude to something. What does it mean to swim in a dream book?
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Interpretation in different dream books
The temperature and purity of water, the emotions that a swimmer experiences in a dream, the depth and size of a reservoir will tell about the quality of future changes.
- According to Miller's dream book, transparency of water conveys the current state of affairs. Swimming in clear waters, under the thickness of which the bottom shines through, is to be completely satisfied with your life, be content with what you have. Swim in the sea promises to receive a large amount of money, possibly inheritance. If the process does not give much pleasure or the swimmer is exhausted even before the shore - in reality the dreamer will experience disappointment, worry or he is afraid to disappoint someone.
- Vanga considers swimming in the pool as a symbol of good health, lack of shocks. At the same time, cramps that arose during diving under water, a sudden blow to the sides or the bottom of a pond indicate a period of failure. Swim and drown - to be at a disadvantage.
- According to Freud, men dream portends a quick intimate relationship with a beloved woman; girls - pregnancy.
- In the interpretation of Medea, swimming in calm waters speaks of the desire for self-education and self-improvement of the sleeper. Go with the flow - to trust your own feelings, intuition; against - to overcome obstacles to achieving the goal.
- Hasse interprets a vision in which the sleeper sees himself as a swimmer in the muddy and dirty water, as sudden serious interference in his work, the activation of ill-wishers. To drown is to be in trouble.To see how others are drowning is to get out of a difficult situation with honor. To be in the midst of a storm - to face unforeseen difficult circumstances in life.
- The modern interpreter of 21st century dreams interprets some visions differently. So, swimming in dirty water is a dream on the eve of unpleasant news, and to perform this action with a loved one is to part with it.
Important! You can swim in a dream book on land. In this case, the Universe tells the sleeper that his path to success will be very difficult, but in the end it will lead to the realization of the most daring ideas.
Swim, dive in the pool in a dream
The pool is an artificial reservoir with visible banks and the bottom, special devices for immersion and exit from it. Seeing him in a dream is considered a very good sign. The sleeper fully controls the situation, correctly assesses the risks, has the ground under his feet and knows how to competently overcome sudden difficult situations.
Swim in the pool in a dream - to a useful or pleasant meeting, a solid position in society, profitable offers. Drowning, but pushing yourself from the bottom and getting to the surface of the water - show the necessary care and flexibility when solving work issues or choosing a business partner.
Jump from the tower to the pool - stand on the threshold of global changes in life. A similar omen awaits the sleeper, if in a dream he watches familiar people bathing in this artificial pond.
Diving into cold water - to a short separation from a dear person or friend. Such a vision does not bear a negative color, time spent separately will fly by quickly.
If swimming in the pool is a great pleasure, in reality a person who sees such a dream experiences a strong moral overwork. He needs to escape from current worries and take time for a well-deserved rest.
See sailing on a ship
Interesting omens promise night dreams, in which the sleeping man dreams of sailing on a ship.
- Go on a beautiful boat in good weather - to tempting prospects in your personal life. Probably a quick marriage proposal with a person occupying a good position in society.
- The ship that survived the storm symbolizes the favor of fortune. If the ship crashed, and the sleeping man was "overboard", in real life he will be in trouble.
- Sailing at night warns of unnecessary risk. A person who sees such a dream will want to bet a lot of money on him, but he will lose.
- Standing at the very bow of the ship - rethink the relationship with a partner. Perhaps it’s time to put an end to the relationship, or, conversely, to fix them officially. If instead of a large ship, the sleeper sees himself on a boat or boat leaving for the sea, in reality he will part with his lover.
- To be late for the steamer - to treason. Seeing an approaching ship is a hot affair with a new fan.
- Sailing on a ship against the current - in real life, show a rebellious spirit; with the flow - to be non-initiative, passive.
A pregnant woman sailing on a ship dreams about the birth of a boy.
Why dream of falling, drowning in water
Vision portends negative changes in life or indicates dissatisfaction with oneself, one’s actions and decisions. To be in the water against one’s will or to go to the bottom means waking up rash expenses, losing property, losing the trust of loved ones. Drowning in cold water is a sign of absurd desires and ostentatious success.
At the same time, drowning and being saved is a good sign. The sleeper can recognize the error in time and eliminate it, protecting itself from problems.
On a note! A woman who saw in a dream a drowning spouse learns about his romance on the side.
The meaning of sleep for a young girl
Given the details of the vision for girls, it indicates imminent changes in their personal lives. This may be a marriage proposal, news of replenishment of the family or a difficult separation from a loved one because of his inconstancy. Boiling waves are the harbingers of a strong quarrel in the family.
Swim in the sea, river
Sailing along the river in a dream in a boat is a sign of quiet family life. A vision tells men about an early and very successful marriage. A young man sailing in a boat in a quiet smooth surface will soon fall in love.
If in a dream a river or sea suddenly freezes and becomes covered with a thick crust of ice, in real life the usual course of affairs of a sleeping person will be disrupted. Some changes will be global in nature, up to a change in religion or country of residence.
If the ice layer is thin and breaks when touched, it is recommended that the sleeper be restrained and not try to drastically change his habits or situation.
Swim the river - to realize desires in spite of all the upcoming difficulties. To swim, hitting the bottom with your hands, means to be exhausted and to overcome difficulties with difficulty.
By night visions, in which the sleeping man floats in water, the Universe warns him about changes in the business, personal and intimate sphere. The cleaner, calmer and warmer it is, the more pleasant the changes will be.