Coming in a dream of a loved one most often gives a hint for further actions in real life or warns of future changes. According to the modern dream book, the father comes to warn or protect against impending disaster. To accurately decipher the meaning of such a dream, you need to pay special attention to your mood and the smallest details of the plot seen at night.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
Various sources interpret the appearance of the father in different ways. But all authors are unanimous in the opinion that such a dream should not be ignored.
The only exceptions are those cases in which in recent life, recent communication with the parent left an indelible mark, and thoughts about the conversation did not leave the sleeping person at night.
The exact meaning of the plot you see directly depends on the emotional state of a person in a dream.
Various authors interpret this as follows:
- According to Tsvetkov’s collection, this is a warning about the impending danger and an attempt to subconsciously avoid trouble.
- Miller’s works say: if the child dreamed of dad, it means that he is in a difficult situation and cannot independently find a way out of it.
- Dream Interview Wang claims that in the role of a father comes a guardian angel. And if he is aggressive, drunk or sick - this is a warning about upcoming problems.
- Freud's interpretation boils down to the fact that the father is the embodiment of masculine energy. If next to him you feel peace and tranquility - in the near future, establish personal relationships and restore order in business. If communication is unpleasant for you, there are health problems or contention in a relationship with a loved one.
- Loff's collection states that the arrival of the father is a harbinger of an improvement in financial standing or an unexpected inheritance.
If the picture you see in a dream does not go out of your head for a long time, analyze all the details of the dialogue, the appearance and mood of the parent. So, you can understand what exactly he was trying to say or what he wanted to save from.
What does the dead father dream of alive
The appearance of a deceased relative in a dream always portends a cardinal change.
In what sphere they will happen and will be positive, depends on in what image the dead father dreams:
- Elderly and sick - expect health problems, financial loss or betrayal of a loved one.
- Sad - predicts difficulties in the professional sphere or deterioration of relations with a loved one.
- Elderly, but healthy and well-groomed - portends a wise decision and a reassessment of views.
- Joyful and young - speedy improvement of financial position, big gain, new acquaintances.
If the deceased father communicates with you and gives advice, you should definitely listen to him. But it can sound not literally, but be veiled. Analyze in detail what exactly is meant and what dad is trying to tell about.
Swearing with a parent in a dream
If in real life you have a trusting relationship with your father, then a quarrel in a dream is an attempt to warn against trouble and make a rash decision. This is a subconscious appeal to the fact that it is high time to do something to put things in order.
And a conversation in raised tones indicates that the wrong life direction has been chosen or a serious mistake has been made. For a girl, this is a harbinger of betrayal of a beloved man or of impending loneliness.
If your relationship with your parent was always strained, then a quarrel with your father is a sign that it is high time to grow up and learn how to take responsibility for your life.
If in a dream your father appears as a wise mentor, he really is trying to guide you on the true path and help solve the accumulated problems.
See drunk dad
Man intoxicated is a symbol of delusion and hypocrisy. Most likely, a drunk father in a dream personifies your attempts to look at your life from the side and get out of the vicious circle of monotony. If you can hardly figure out what he is trying to say, you are not yet ready for dramatic changes. Changes in many areas of life are inevitable, it is just a matter of time.
If a man in a dream is slightly under the hop and is in a good mood, he will soon expect a heady success that will turn his head. Also, there is a high probability of falling in love or meeting an important person in your life who will bring great changes in all areas.
Aggressive father who is frightening or annoying means that a loved one is deceiving you. And also the appearance of a drunk can be a harbinger of an unexpected blow of fate or a fateful combination of circumstances. High probability of suffering serious material losses.
I dreamed a living relative
A dream involving your father, with whom you communicate in real life, is often just a game of imagination and does not carry a large semantic load. But if he behaves uncharacteristically, looks different or causes vivid emotions, then pay attention to small details.
The interpretation of sleep, in which you feel anxiety or fear, boils down to the fact that big changes are coming. It is unlikely that they will be for the better. Most likely, there will be a series of minor troubles, ignoring which will turn into a serious problem. And also this plot is often a harbinger of your dad's health problems in real life.
If your father treats you well, showing love and care, such a dream symbolizes the imminent appearance of an influential patron. It will help to solve a lot of problems and improve the financial situation.
If in a dream with a living relative an illness or unhappiness occurs, this means that he is destined for good health and is allocated many more years of life.
Value for women, men
The specifics of the interpretation of the dream, where the father comes, depends on who exactly he dreamed about:
- For a man, the appearance of a pope with whom he does not communicate at present means a serious competitor or envious person. This is an occasion to exercise caution in making important decisions and to refrain from concluding a deal.
- For a woman, unpleasant emotions during such a dream are a harbinger of the fact that a loved one will deceive her. Perhaps he will be completely different from what he claims to be. And if the appearance of a relative caused positive emotions, it means that the girl will have a personal life or replenishment is expected in the family.
It is believed that dreams from Thursday to Friday have great chances to come true. But if on this or that day the appearance of a loved one did not cause you strong emotions, it means that it is unlikely that a dream carries important information and requires detailed decoding.