In most dream books, fire symbolizes a strong emotional outburst in the life of a sleeping person. Seeing a bright flame in a dream, a person can expect in reality cardinal changes in any field. To correctly understand the meaning of sleep, you need to try to remember the plot to the smallest detail.
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Dream interpretation: fire, fire, flame
Information about the dreamed fire, flame, fire is in every dream book. But trust is only information from books from experienced interpreters who are well versed in the matter.
Miller's interpretation of the interpretation
According to Miller's dream book, the flames that engulfed the sleeping man’s own house or apartment do not bode well for him if the tragedy cost no casualties. In this case, the fire in the room can symbolize the renewal of life, its completely new stage. Sometimes such a dream becomes a clue for a man or woman, a sign that you need to change something in your own life - a job, place of residence or even a partner. Often in a dream you can even find clues on which particular area you should pay special attention to.
A very large-scale fire, which also cost no victims in a dream, portends huge successes for the dreamer in the very near future.
If the fire wounded someone, the interpretation of the plot changes dramatically. It entails health problems in a person close to sleeping.
Did you put out the fire yourself? At work, a man or woman will have a real rush. A lot of problems will come upon the dreamer, which will require an instant solution.
Freud Value
In Freud's dream book, fire and fire in any form are related to the sex life of the sleeper. If the dreamer in the story simply observes a blazing flame, it means that in all his last acts he was guided by an acute need for intimacy. Dissatisfaction greatly prevents the dreamer from achieving his life goals.
If a person in a dream saw only the consequences of the fire, most likely, in reality, his relationship with the second half has already reached an impasse. Sleeping drags a "suitcase without a handle." You can safely end such a relationship without fear of offending a partner. In a night vision, does a man or woman end up in a house flaming on all sides? A person has problems in his intimate life, which he is very shy of.
Dream Wanga
In the work of Wanga, a large-scale fire that captured everything around portends only a dry and very hot summer. If the dreamer not only sees the flame, but also feels a suffocating smell, then soon one of his friends will begin to fuss about him behind his back. Gossip and evil intrigues will greatly damage a person’s reputation.
According to Loff's dream book
Loff is convinced that a strong, raging fire from sleep always symbolizes negative emotions. Probably, in reality, the sleeper daily takes an active part in various conflicts, thereby spoiling his mood and violating internal harmony. The dream suggests that you need to analyze your behavior and try to establish contact with loved ones.
If in a dream a person sees someone outsider putting out a fire in his house, then the sleeping person will be to blame for the problems of those around him. Had to flee the raging fire? This means that in real life, a man or woman is trying to get away from problems and resentment. In this situation, troubles will only accumulate and put even more pressure on the sleeping man's shoulders. It is necessary to gather strength and solve them.
In the esoteric dream book
If a sleeping person in night dreams stands very close to the fire, he is probably obsessed with someone. A man plunged into passion with his head and cannot think of anything else but his chosen one. Because of the new novel, the dreamer forgot about his family, work.
- It happens that in a dream a man or woman watches how his own room completely burns down. Such a plot is a harbinger of betrayal of the second half.
- Had to save a stranger from a blazing building? In the Esoteric dream book, such a plot is considered a harbinger of the end of an important complex matter. True, his results will disappoint the sleeper.
- Does the dreamer organize the arson himself? In his heart, he suffers from injustice. On the eve of a situation in which the sleeping man was unjustly offended, insulted. He cannot let her go. If discomfort in the soul will bother a person for a long time, it is worth contacting a psychologist for help.
The most favorable option for sleeping with fire in the Esoteric dream book is the one in which a fire occurred after a lightning strike. Such a plot promises the sleeping man a fateful acquaintance and happy love for life.
See open fire in a stove, bonfire, fireplace
In order to correctly determine why a fire is dreaming in a house or in nature, one must also remember under what conditions it flares up:
- In the oven. This is an auspicious sign. It promises a person a period of harmony, warm relations and mutual understanding with others. If earlier in the family there were strong quarrels, now they will finally end. The sleeper will begin to rush home after work and enjoy every minute spent next to loved ones.
- In the fire. Fire under such conditions is a harbinger of vivid emotional experiences. It is difficult to understand in advance whether they will be pleasant or sad.
- In the fireplace. Most often, such stories dream of people who are tired of loneliness. To see fire in a dream in a fireplace - to the desire to build your own family, to find happiness and peace of mind.
Put out a fire in a dream
If a man or woman had to extinguish a fire in a dream, then this is a clear sign that the waking sleeping person needs to start fighting his passions and emotional outbursts. Frequent aggressive attacks and the inability to control his behavior with others prevent him from being successful. This is especially true for work.
Extinguishing a fire with water is a loss of valuable things in reality. What happened will greatly worsen the financial situation of the dreamer.
Big flame
High large-scale flame, which does not scare a person in a dream, portends him a stable financial situation for the next few years. If the sleeper will be offered a new job, we can safely agree. This also applies to other large-scale life changes.
A very bright large flame of a candle from a dream should be taken as a sign that the dreamer's long-cherished desire will soon come true. To do this, he does not even have to do anything.
Fire of your own or another's house
Did the sleeping man and his soulmate find themselves in the center of the fire of their own house? So, the dreamer's lover began to doubt his feelings. Soon, a difficult period of conflicts and quarrels will begin in the relationship of the couple.
If a person cries when he sees his house in fire, he will have a long separation from the other half. But in the end, this will not lead to parting or other problems.
Had to watch how a friend’s house completely burned down? It is likely that the dreamer is very envious of this person.
What portends a forest fire dream
If you had a fire in the forest, then you should not worry. Most commentators are convinced that such a plot portends to a person the embodiment of his own ideas in reality. If no one was injured in the fire, then the sleeping person will have the opportunity to receive a large sum of money without much effort.
It happens that a forest fire is dreamed by a person after he was asked to radically change his sphere of activity. Such a plot should be taken as a hint that you can safely agree to change. They will only improve the life of the sleeping person and make her more comfortable.
Is a tree burning and falling in a forest? Inside the dreamer accumulated a lot of unpleasant emotions. It is necessary to give them an exit as soon as possible, before the “explosion” occurs.
Black smoke without fire
Black thick smoke without the slightest twinkle from sleep suggests that you should take care of the safety of your own property in reality. You can not trust strangers, no matter how eloquent they are.
If the sleeper unsuccessfully tries to cope with the smoke on his own, this is a clue that he is used to exaggerating the extent of his own problems. We need to learn how to relate to life easier, and then it will become easier and happier.
Was the matrimonial bed in thick black smoke? Serious disagreements will arise between husband and wife. If the couple does not compromise and try to hear each other, then everything can end in a divorce.