In dreams, we can get wealth or, conversely, become impoverished, count the pennies for bread. In any case, you need to look at the meaning of the coins in the dream book, this will help to understand what to expect in reality from such a night vision. Consider the interpretation of a variety of dreams in which there was metal money.
Material Content:
Interpretation in popular dream books
First, we will reveal a short description of dreams, which is offered by the most popular interpreters. The values may be different, but then you can clarify the prophecy, recalling the specifics of the dream.
East Dream Book:
- To scatter coins - to despair, to tears.
- A woman sees how a loved one gives her money from precious metals - expect a betrayal of a lover.
- Clearly see a bag of money - to unexpected wealth.
According to Taflisi's dream book:
- If you dream of small money received from the hands of superiors, the president or any dignitary, to get rid of problems, in the future everything will be fine.
- Dark-colored coins (copper, rusty, old darkened) portend conflicts, a meeting with enemies face to face.
- Money from light metal, shine - to the good news, good friends.
- Seeing coins bent, ugly, with curved edges - someone dissolves unpleasant gossip about the dreamer.
- Counting coins with a spouse is a family disagreement.
The modern dream interpretation gives the following interpretation:
- Copper - to hard work, poverty.
- Gold - problems in the family, with children, everyday troubles.
- Silver coins are for wealth.
Esoteric dream book:
- Just seeing metal money around you is fun.
- Give coins, lose - to unforeseen expenses.
- To receive money is to profit.
The psychological dream book of Roberti claims that small money in a dream is a manifest inner concern for well-being, wealth. Perhaps a person can barely make ends meet, or he needs to pay off monetary debt. In such dreams, the sleeper often finds a lot of money, enjoys the problems that have been solved, but he is overtaken by disappointment upon waking up.
According to Hasse:
- Just seeing money is opposing some kind of event.
- To produce, mint coins - you work too much, but do not get the proper profit and satisfaction. It seems to the dreamer that he is wasting his time and energy on some business in vain.
- Money from precious metals - to troubles, problems.
- Ordinary coppers - to great joy, happiness.
Now we propose to find out more precisely what the dream portends, having examined it in detail.
Toss or collect coins
If in a dream you throw money at people, then in reality expect a strong family scandal. In the case when you simply give away the coins without throwing them in your face, then this is a good dream, and it promises the completion of a long-begun business.
Please note that if you don’t throw small money to people, you just throw them on the floor, on the ground, in life you spend a lot of time on unimportant and empty deeds that deprive you of prosperity and well-being.
If you collect a trifle in a dream, there will be several values, and everything needs to be considered in detail:
- Found the money you collect - improving the financial situation. If you don’t put it in your wallet, but in a hat, then the dream tells you about a successfully completed business, for which you will soon receive a good reward. Gathered in a big pile - wait for wealth. During this period, you can buy a lottery ticket, go in search of treasures!
- They scattered their coins, then began to collect them - you spend a lot of energy where there is enough small participation.
- Found a few coins or a small amount (for example, 2 or 5 rubles) - beware of enemies, they can cause harm.
- Lost coins, began to search, count, but not all were found - high costs. The larger the amount is not calculated, the higher the loss!
About recounting it is necessary to consider dreams separately, since interpretations vary.
Had a little thing
Money loves an account! And this statement applies not only to real life, but also to dreams.
Usually in dream books they write that counting coins is to increase wealth, but this is not always the case.
- Count old coins - you hold on to the past, and it bothers you in the future. It is necessary to let go of all past, and happiness will definitely come.
- Collecting and counting old coins? Expect from your beloved original gift.
- Counting coins in denominations of 10 and 5 rubles is inept financial management, so there is not enough money stably.
- Count very small coins, pennies - expect minor changes in life. Good changes await if money is light, bad - dark.
If you dreamed a lot of coins, and not a handful, this is a good sign! Losing one's account due to a large amount of money - stop waking up counting coins, that is, get rich.
Gold, silver money
If possible, then remember what metal the money seen in the dream consisted of.
The material of money is interpreted in its own way, and vision can promise completely different things to the dreamer:
- Gold coins in a dream promise prosperity, wealth, success. But this interpretation is only for men. Gold promises a woman a lot of trouble, and young girls - cheating on the part of a loved one.
- Find coins of gold - the dream insists that you pay too much attention to material wealth. You need to learn to see the wealth around you.
- Silver money in a dream, regardless of gender, promises quarrels (at home, with loved ones, with friends).
If in a dream you lose precious coins, but do not get them, then this is good. So the dream says that all the bad weather has left you, in the family or with friends. If there was a discord, things will get better soon.
See old coins
Quite often, people dream of an old coin, not modern ones.
What do such dreams promise?
- Get a large coin - enrich yourself in real life.If at the same time you decide to swallow the money, then in reality you will hide your source of income and real income from others.
- If a coin fell into your hands an old one, but not of Russian origin, then you will soon acquire new friends who will help you succeed in finances. Perhaps you can get a more profitable job.
- Found a collectible coin? In reality, you will be given a chance to get rich. If a whole collection of coins fell into your hands, then for a long period the doors to the world of material well-being will be opened before you.
- Are dreaming of old coins, worn from time, somewhere rusty? You will soon find out family secrets. If you are paying with this money for goods, then expect betrayal from loved ones.
If in a dream you see jubilee, collection coins, but you cannot touch them (they are in water, on a display case, in the wrong hands), then in reality do not count on the profit that you expect in the near future. There will be less money than expected.
Depending on the dreamer's gender
Who dreamed of metallic money is also an important nuance in interpretation.
- A man sees a lot of coins - he will soon get rich, get a big profit. If these coins are made of precious metals, then beware of collapse, do not trust even all those close to you. Remember that not all gold glitters beautifully!
- If a woman sees in a dream a coin, most likely she is worried about the real financial situation. Often dream of money during the costs of vacation, repair, with a lack of finances. To receive money from a metal in a dream - to establish a financial condition.
- For unmarried girls, a dream promises a noble groom. Relations will develop well if you see simple coins. If in a dream a guy gives silver or gold coins, then in reality he acted dishonestly in relation to his beloved.
- Regardless of the dreamer's gender, ringing coins in a dream will portend good news, guests from afar and fun.
Do not despair if the interpretation is not what you would like! A dream only portends something, and you can change the situation for the better. We wish you only beautiful, colorful dreams that will bring happiness and health to reality!