Dreams involving vehicles cause both positive and negative emotions in people. The sleeper can drive in a chic sports car or get into a terrible car accident. Consider what they say about dreams about dream machines.
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Interpretation of a dream in dream books
Those who want to know the secret meaning of night dreams often turn to Miller's dream book. According to this source, the car is a symbol of progress and vital energy. Dreams with his participation promise a person profit and success in all matters.
- Driving in a dream - to achieve the intended goal.
- Drive the motorway for a long journey.
- Get out of the car at the destination - to the implementation of the plan.
- Women dream of a new car before meeting a new fan.
- A friendly meeting is foreshadowed by washing a car in a dream.
- If the sleeper sees a spacious garage - he will succeed.
- If a person just sits in a car, night vision symbolizes his pipe dreams.
- But a gorgeous car that can not afford the dreamer in reality, promises financial costs and loss.
Freud considered the car a symbol of masculinity.
According to his interpretation, the meaning of sleep will be as follows:
- If there were several cars in a woman’s dream, she will choose one fan out of several applicants.
- The high ride speed symbolizes the dreamer's satisfaction in intimate life.
- The low speed indicates that the sleeper is not sure of his partner and the correctness of his own choice.
- A ride in a passing car promises the sleeping man a new acquaintance. It can also be a symbol of random sexual intercourse.
- Car repair in a dream speaks of the dreamer's desire for intimacy with a person he likes.
- If the car looks new and well-groomed - everything will be in order with the health of the sleeper.
- A broken car signals the cunning and treachery of the second half.
- If the car is crashed in a dream - the sleeping person will be injured or will face problems in the intimate sphere.
- Sleeping with a car theft may hint to a man about the threat of impotence.
If the sleeper turns to Tsvetkov’s dream book, he learns that such dreams are not always positive.
- Jump out of the car on the go - to the loss or break of relations.
- If the sleeper is driving a fire engine, he will be forced to perform unpleasant duties.
- Sometimes a car dreams of a journey or a change of scenery.
- To paint a car in red is for profit.
- A car with burning headlights symbolizes a meeting with old friends.
- Flashing lights mean instability in the life of a sleeping person.
- The steering wheel is a symbol of new acquaintances and vivid impressions.
- If a car was stolen in a dream, a person should wait for obstacles to happiness.
Take a taxi in a dream
Very often a taxi personifies help, for which the dreamer will have to pay for a long time. But such a dream has other meanings. It is worth remembering the dream in great detail - they play a key role in the interpretation.
For example, the sleeper needs to pay attention to how many people were in the car. If the dreamer was the only passenger, luck and career growth await him. A stranger in the next seat symbolizes the secret that the sleeping person will hide from loved ones.
It is also worth remembering in which seat the dreamer happened to ride. A place near the driver speaks of self-confidence. The back seat gives a sign to the sleeping man - someone is trying to manipulate his feelings.
- Being a taxi driver is a heavy burden and new responsibilities. In addition, such a dream can warn that someone uses the achievements of the sleeping person for their own purposes.
- If the dreamer himself acts as a passenger - he seeks to use the results of someone else's work.
- Paying a taxi driver is a shortage of money.
- If a young girl calls a taxi, she is waiting for a meeting with the man of her dreams.
- If the sleeping person calls a taxi, but it doesn’t arrive, in a difficult situation one of his relatives will let him down.
See a motor depot in a dream world
The male carpool is dreaming of profit. Owning a dream, car owners promise a new car.
A woman in a car depot dreams of a change, perhaps even a wedding.
Men often see such a dream before meeting a young lady.
If cats or dogs walk in the car park, the sleeper will soon meet old friends.
Buying a car may dream of favorable events at work. Another such dream suggests that the efforts of the sleeper will be rewarded.
Selling a car portends a quick change.
Truck dream
The truck represents the working atmosphere, hard work. In addition, large cars often dream of delays in salaries, material losses, and rash acts.
If the sleeping person himself is driving a truck, he will achieve his goal. If the dreamer will sit in the passenger seat - in the near future he will be in the role of a slave and will depend on other people's decisions.
Sometimes a truck dreams of trials and litigation. But getting a wagon is a good sign. It symbolizes the beginning of a new business.
Drive a car at high speed
Often, a high speed in a dream indicates that a dreamer has come to the dreamer's life, which he seeks to quickly slip through.
Still such dreams come to confident, purposeful people. In this case, they symbolize the efforts of a person that he exerts to achieve the goal.
Going at high speed on the road - to troubles. Rush along a flat, straight road - to travel, separation from loved ones.
Get into a car accident
A broken or wrecked car often portends failures:
- A car accident without casualties suggests that the sleeper will not be able to fully enjoy the planned entertainment.
- But a big accident in a car dreams of breaking up relations, drastic changes in personal life.
- If the sleeping man dreamed of a broken machine of another person, the other half will deceive him.
- Avoiding a car accident is a good sign. In the dreamer's life, a favorable stage begins.
A car is considered to be an indispensable means of transportation in reality. And in a dream, he will help to find the right path in life and will suggest ways to achieve the goal.